Chapter 18

Here I am, spyin...traveling around the territory of Tepes Faction to Valerie Tepes from being used as a weapon.

The area where vampires live is very gloomy. I think I would not come here alone if I was a normal human just by seeing the environment here.

It's been some days since the meeting took place. Rias-senpai and her peerage members are passing their days quite happily.

Azazel joined Kuoh Academy like in the canon. I thought this time it would not happen as there was not any apparent big reason from my point of view.

I stopped meeting him if not so necessary. It's like even if he does not want to, he instinctively tries to manipulate the other person at a point.

Still, he is helping Rias-senpai's peerage in training. As I am not experienced enough, I kinda asked him to help train Xenovia and Asia. He happily obliged.

Now I help Xenovia and Asia occasionally when they ask me. As I have more time to wast...use, I decided to do something useful. And that brought me to the present situation.

Back to the present, I found Marius. It seems he is thinking about something while looking at the sky from the corridor.

Nor being racist. But they really feel like creepy dolls which you would not want to see at midnight while going to the bathroom. Especially, men. From my perspective, dhamphirs feel more well endowed than pure-blooded vampires.

Anyways, I went towards him.

"Hello there. Your experiment going well?" I said from behind.

"Yea. I was able to know more abo...WTF!! Who are you?" Marius went on guard seeing me.

"I am....a passerby, maybe?"


"Anyways, where is Valerie Tepes?"

"You inferior creature...."

"Alright, I know now. No need to tell." I read his mind when he thought about the location by instinct.

"Wh-What! You read my mind?" He became dumbfounded.


"I can't leave an intruder alive." He shouted and prepared to attack me.


I used telekinesis to shove him to the wall.

"Argh. You will regret it!"



This time he flew and got bumped on the roof.

"Stop!" He tried to use darkness to attack me while trying to stand.


"Sigh. I don't know why I am beating you. But as you are not a good person by my standard, I think It's not a big problem."

I left him unconscious on the ground. From what I read on his mind, he contacted Rizevim just some days ago. Valerie is being imprisoned for research purposes already. But Rizevim didn't take her sacred gear.

When I reached to the place where she is held, I wasn't that surprised seeing it was gloomier than usual. Marius has been trying to brainwash her for some time to make her his puppet (Not in that way). When she heard my footsteps, she looked at me with blank eyes.

Sigh. She needs some time to be normal again. Unlike canon, goof that she has been held here for much less time. Nor I would need the help of others. Asia can help her being healed while she will become normal naturally after some time passes.

Talking to her won't take me anywhere. I just teleported with her to my house in the living room.

"Whoa! So fast?" Xenovia asked seeing me. I already told hee and Asia about Valarie. I didn't need to tell them much. When they heard a girl is being tortured and used as a weapon, their response was, "Let's save her!"

They wanted to come with me but I said that it's unnecessary.

"As no one tried to spy on them for last some years, it made them pretty much unconcerned and needlessly confident about the security of their territory. So it became easier for me."

"Isn't it just you are too overpowered to be caught by them?"

"Umm. hehe...maybe?"

"Sigh. Anyways, this girl needs some serious washing and I don't think she will be able to clean herself."

"Yea. She is like a robot on low battery now."

"Miyuki-san, I-I can help her," Asia said hearing us while coming inside.

"You saved us, Asia." I smiled at her.


*POV 3rd*

Rizevim Lucifer is now very annoyed. The plan he made with so much hard work is close to being spoiled. He lost a strong card just after getting it. It like letting a dog lick the bone for some time and taking it back before it could bite.

He did wrong letting Marius keep Valerie, the wielder of Sephiroth Graal. A weak subordinate is of no use even if he is loyal.

"I should have arranged some of my men to guard this place." Rizehim sighed. He can only look for the lost card while continuing to work for his grand plan.

In front of him laid Marius Tepes on a puddle of blood. The unfortunate guy didn't even wait to be recovered after waking up and contacted Rizevim about the event.

Rizevim teleported to hear in detail. He heard, then became annoyed by the incompetence of his loyal subordinate and, killed him before he could say about the retrieval plan.

"It's interesting that there is someone who is playing from outside my range in this playground. Looks like I will have some fun on the way. But, it's regretful that I lost the Longinus I have coveted for a long time just after coming so close to it." He chuckled regretfully ignoring the scene in front of him and teleported away.

*3rd POV End*


Some days later in the morning,


"Ouch. I didn't do it. Maybe the bra opened itself and got lost by itself at night while traveling by coincidence." Xenovia said rubbing her forehead.

"What kind of logic is that? And why you were pressing my boobs when I was sleeping then?"

"It was beautiful. And your nipple was pin.."




"Miyuki-san, c-can I also touch there a bit like Xenovia-san?"

Man! She is looking at me with those innocent puppy eyes. But, Asia, your request is not that innocent. Do you understand?

"Sigh. A little, OK? A little."

"Yes." She said and, gently touched there, after caressing a bit around, she went for the nipple.


"Pfft." Xenovia laughed hearing my moan. I became embarrassed. It was so sudden, I wasn't prepared for that.

"A-Asia, stop now. We need to get up."

"Y-Yes." Asia looked a bit sad.

"Oh my! It seems you three having fun. Can I join too?" Valerie-san chuckled standing by the door.

"Sure, Valerie-san, hear what happened. Asia was caressing... "


"Ouch! Aren't you too mean, Miyuki?"


"You are not even denying!"

"Ufufu." Valerie-san laughed seeing our antics. I think we got another Akeno-senpai.

Sigh. I kinda noticed, It seems most of the DxD Characters have a thing for 'group activities.'

Whether that is war, rating game, planning, or s*X.