Chapter 20

Summer vacation has already started. But we decided to have some fun a bit before going to Kailash.

Asia and Valerie-nee made plans while I and Xenovia just followed. As a former orphan, I never had enough money or time to waste shopping on expensive branded shops while visiting.

While shopping, Valerie-nee, and Asia made me try many dresses. Xenovia found it interesting as she joined too and choose some dresses to see me wear. Not that I did not make them do that later.

When I came back wearing the last dress which Valerie-nee chose, Asia became lost in her own thoughts seeing me and started blushing while Valerie-nee was smiling and Xenovia smirked.

I stopped reading their minds long ago. If they were my enemy, I would do it anywhere and anytime for sure. But as they became my family, I felt it would be cheating if I just take shortcuts instead of trying to understand them. If I am not even prepared to spend my time on my relationship, I don't think I can become mature enough to understand the things like family, love, and friendship and enjoy the sweetness of those bonds. That's why I decided to try understanding them without just reading their mind straight. Maybe I will use my abilities in different circumstances when necessary, but in these types of matters, I will try to put my work on it.

Anyways, we are now at the ice cream parlor. Asia and Xenovia took Vanilla while Xenovia took Chocolate and I have chosen twist. We are talking about random stuff while eating. I already put a silence spell so that no one hears our conversation.

"This is getting annoying. The spies from five principal clans are sniffing around our home too much recently. Wish I could just cut them into small pieces." Xenovia said with a slight annoyance.

"Calm down. Tolerate for some more days. And it's not like they can harm us. I could talk with them, but that would not bring any benefit. They are nothing but arrogant dogs of Shinto Gods, people in power at present at least. It will be better If I can talk with those Gods straight about it. I won't have to waste my time and energy then. As we will be going to Kailash tomorrow and Underworld later. I can't talk with them till we come back after summer vacation."

"Can't we just visit here and there instead of going to the Underworld? I mean, Rias and others are nice and all but, I don't think I will feel comfortable. I also heard there are those oldies who talk about those pure-blood shit like vampires too." Valerie-nee looked worried.

"Don't worry. As the four Maou's already know about me, they will try to keep you guys safe and far from those bastards. And, did you forget that I will be with you guys too?"



"Did you notice? You are cursing more and more nowadays. It's like the bright golden light which kept radiating around you suddenly disappears when you open your mouth to talk."

"HAHAHA! Nice detailing." Xenovia complimented.

"Whatever, deal with it."

"I will keep liking Miyuki-san even if you curse every second!" Asia said looking at me with determination.

"I understand you. But it hurts when you say it in that way, Asia. Don't worry, I will not fall that low." I said while sobbing inside. This girl will make me cry with his sweet and bitter lines one day.

"Ehh. I-I was just trying to say that..." Asia tried to say after a brief silence with a sad expression.

"Hais. I was just joking. Don't take everything I say so seriously." I said while petting her head for which she revealed a happy expression while enjoying my petting.

She lacks confidence too much. I at least hoped she would be more confident than Valerie-nee as she has bigger trauma. While Valerie-nee quickly came out from her trauma, Asia could not forget the teaching and brainwashing the church did to her. Even if she now knows that God is dead, her body and mind can't stop reacting and thinking in that way as it's hard to change a habit that has been built for more than a decade.

"Alright, Enough with chit-chat. Let's return. We need to prepare for tomorrow as well." Valerie-nee said and stood up. We followed suit and left the shop after paying up.


Next day,

Shiva has come to fetch us. I just finished introducing him to girls. After that, they went back to finish what they were doing leaving me and Shiva in the living room.

"Was it necessary to change your form? They already know that you like to pretend to be a shot...young boy. There was no problem even if you didn't come in your adult form."

"I don't like to pretend to be a shot....young boy, OK? There is some reason behind it."

"Roleplay in bed?"

"That's one of the...What are you saying!"

"Hehe. I didn't know Parvati-nee likes that kind of play."

"Anyways, Ganesha and Kartikeya are interested in meeting you too. Parvati has planned to take you some places around India as it would be boring to just being imprisoned in Kailash."

"I don't have any problem. By the way, do you have any connection with Shinto Gods?"

"Not that much, they are kinda weak. And although many of them have authority on the same concepts as some of the Gods in the Hindu Pantheon, they are weak. And We, the Trimurti don't involve ourselves with these matters except there is an emergency."

"From what I got to know, aren't you guys are the ones who used to give their blessing to whoever worshipped you for it even if they had evil thoughts and caused problems?"

[A/N: In Hindu mythology, there are many stories of Gods granting immortality and other powers to their worshippers who later turned against the Gods and other Gods needed to solve those problems as the God who grants wish can't take back the granted power or harm his worshipper.]

"COUGH COUGH. As you know, Karma is a bitch. And that bitch will get you whenever she is in heat which is caused by you either by will or coincidence."

"Honesty, I am amazed that Parvati still stays with you even after you messed up so many times."

"Well, men will be men. And not that I cheated on her like loose Zeus."

"What about Mohini then?"

[A/N: I don't know about this thing deeply. Mohini is said to be an avatar of God Vishnu. He took that form to stop demons from getting the Amrita which can grant immortality. There are stories about how Shiva was enchanted by her beauty too.

Link - {See 'The relationship with Shiva' section on this page. I decided to deny this to not make the story more complex. Just think the cheating event did not happen in this timeline.} ]

"That's just a prank Vishnu pulled up. Parvati told him to do it after she saw me looking at his female form a bit when he was deceiving demons with his female form. Those fucking monks just exaggerated and wrote bullshit stuff. I would hit them and kill them before they could publicize it if I was not on meditation then."

"But I smell some good Gender-bender materials here. *Sniff Sniff."

"Hey! Don't just talk nonsense. Nothing happened between us!"

"Who knows..."

"Tsk. Anyways,..." before he could continue, Valerie-nee, Asia and Xenovia came inside.

"We are ready to go. Everything has been taken care of already." Xenovia said.

"Alright then," Shiva said and invoked the teleportation magic.

We disappeared from our home silently.


*POV 3rd*


"*PANT PANT! I think * Azazel...sensei was better." Issei said while running.

"Insolent brat! How can a crow be better than a dragon? Take my fire." Tannin, the purple-colored dragon shouted and breathed fire targeting at running Issei.


*POV 3rd POV*

[Author Note: I told you guys not to donate power stones. It feels like emotional blackmail. I am publishing at most 2 chaps a week. Even if you guys donate Power stones, they will just vanish. Donate those to some good and punctual authors.]