Yun Tianlong

The class went on for one more hour.

Children were much more serious this time. But this seriousness would only stay for a few days after which they would go back to their old ways. It was difficult to change a person after all.

Coming out of the class, they saw that the sky was still covered in black clouds. The heavy downpour was accompanied by a wind that sent cold shivers up their frail bodies.

The stark contrast between the warmth of the class and the cold of the outside, made many of them wrap their arms around themselves. Some of the children had servants waiting for them outside. They bought warm clothing and umbrellas for their little young masters and mistresses.

Most wanted to go back to the comfort of their home. Eat some spicy food, drink, hot soup and take a nap. This weather was perfect for it.

However, there would always be people who liked the embrace of rain. Especially, the children. Many of them just left their bags in the class and danced in the rain.

Yun Tianlong looked at them with envy. As much as he wanted to join them, he couldn't shake the feeling that his mother would scold him for his actions., nagging him about catching cold and whatnot.

"Brother Tianlong please wait!"

At this moment, the tender voice of a young girl sounded from behind.

Even without looking back, he recognised her. She was his neighbour and childhood friend Long Qingxue.

She was wearing a white dress with long sleeves. Her long hair was tied up in a bun. With her snow-white skin and black limpid eyes, she looked like a beautiful doll carved out of porcelain.

She ran towards him with a smile on her face.

"Uhm, big brother Tianlong would you like to come to my place today? Some of us are planning a group study session for the upcoming tests and knowing your expertise, it'll be a big help for us."

Tianlong sighed inwardly, knowing full well how these study sessions went. Although there would be studying in the beginning, they would soon lose their concentration when someone remembered something interesting. From that point onwards, it'll devolve into gossip. But since she was the one asking him, he couldn't refuse.

"Ok, I'll come to your place in the evening. But this time, let's try to keep the focus on actually studying rather than the new necklace of elder Yin."

Understanding his meaning, she blushed. Elder Yin was known for her love for jewellery and cosmetics. So oftentimes, she became the topic of conversations of the young girls.

"Hmph! That only happened once …ok maybe twice! Anyway, it doesn't matter! Nothing like that'll happen this time, I promise!"

He chuckled at her words and didn't refute her.

Tianlong held the umbrella as the two walked under the rain. Being a chatterbox, she couldn't stay silent for a moment.

Tianlong stayed silent for the most part and occasionally commented here and there. For a person like him who stayed cooped up in his room all day long, her gossips were extremely informative and helped him stay up to date with the clan.

Soon they could see their residences.

Despite having an umbrella herself, she stepped into the rain and ran towards her house.

"Remember to come at four!"

The Long clan had thousands of mortal martial artists and hundreds of cultivators.

Every year, they would open their doors for outsiders who could join their clan if they possessed sufficient talent. Oftentimes, the peerlessly talented among them were tied permanently through marriage alliances. Their child would then receive the "Long" surname.

Yun Tianlong was born to Long Qianmei and Yun Dingxing.

His mother Long Qianmei was the main star of her generation. Be it beauty, talent or intelligence, no one could match her. It seemed as if the entire clan's fortune was concentrated on her body.

Her pursuers were many, both from the clan and from the outside. However, the maiden's heart was dead set on the martial path. So no matter who came, they were rejected.

She would delve deep into the Dark edge mountains and hone her skills. During one of her adventures, she found a spiritual herb that was immensely beneficial to her cultivation.

Unfortunately, that herb had also attracted the interest of a certain demon nearby. This resulted in the two clashing and her defeat. Having tasted victory for the first time in her life, she left with a sour taste. That was her first meeting with Yun Dingxing.

As fate would dictate, the two would again meet under different circumstances. Being a martial maniac she would challenge him every time. At first, she couldn't stand more than twenty moves from him. But with practice, the number would slowly increase until she became an equal match for him. This turned the two into rivals which eventually budded into friendship.

After many years of acquaintance and sharing a near-death experience that severely damaged her foundation, the two confessed their feelings and became a couple. Two years later, she conceived Tianlong.

She moved back to her clan after that and was staying there ever since.

Back in the residence, Tianlong washed up himself.

Going to the kitchen, he grabbed a few apples and drank a cup of warm milk.

Seeing that his mother was not around, he assumed that she must be cultivating. He didn't disturb her.

Since there was nothing better to do, he took out his notes and started revising them. The exams were coming and he felt there was nothing wrong with going through the material thrice.

He finished one apple after the other while being immersed in his study.

Hours passed by and it was already evening. The rain had finally stopped, bringing the silence of the night.

He opened his windows and let fresh air inside his room.

"The north wind blows, scattering the clouds and silencing the rain's cry. Now, the noble moon sunders the darkness, wearing the star-studded velvet sky." Looking at the silver moon and the stars, he silently appreciated their beauty.

"Hm, it's time."

Packing up his study materials, he went towards his mother's room. He might stay late in their place, so it was necessary to inform her.

Fortunately, the door was open. She must have finished her cultivation session.

Without knocking on her door, he went inside her room.

"Mum, I'm going to Qingxue's place…"

He couldn't finish his sentence as he saw his father in the room. He stayed out of the clan most of the time and rarely stayed here. He was delighted and surprised to see he was back.

But what made him cringe the next moment, was noticing that his mother was sitting on his father's lap and kissing him. Her arms roaming over his chest.

Usually, their high cultivation base would've detected his existence long before he would come near the vicinity of the room. However, being amid passion, the two lost sense of their surroundings. The isolation array inside the room didn't help either.

They quickly separated and fixed their clothes. Long Qianmei shot a displeased look at her husband because he didn't lock the door. On the other hand, Yun Dingxing glared at him because he was forced to stop his actions.

Tianlong quickly hid his expressions and acted as if nothing happened.

"So… when are you going to leave again?"

"What kind of question is that? I come home after so many days and the first thing you ask is when am I going to leave! Wow." Yun Dingxing spoke in an angry tone.


Long Qianmei smiled looking at them. Their interaction seemed more like that between friends than a father and his son.

She smiled and said, "Son, this time he'll stay with us for at least a few years. From now on both of us will direct you in your training."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that the little rascal doesn't slack off!"

He lightly chuckled at his father's words and said, "As I was saying, Qingxue invited me to her place for a group study. I'll come back late for dinner."

Long Qianmei nodded and gave her approval, "Ok, but don't be too late."

"Just remember to not come back for at least two- no, three hours! Your mom and I have unfinished business and a lot of catching up to do." Yun Dingxing said to him in a slightly serious tone.

Tianlong gave him a doubtful look but said nothing. He was used to his father's nonsensical talk and weird jokes.

With an excited expression, he strode off towards Qingxue's house. He would finish up quickly and come home to listen to his father's adventures.

Meanwhile, Yun Dingxing wrapped his arms around his wife's waist and pulled her into his chest. Just as he was going to continue, he remembered something and stopped.

"Speaking of that little girl Qingxue, isn't she the daughter of Long Zheng?" Yun Dingxing snickered while mentioning that name.

Long Qianmei nodded and said, "Yes, but I don't think that he'll dare to create any problem for our son. Tianlong has been friends with the little lass for many years and he never meddled between them."

"Of course, I know that. Who among your generation will dare to go against you except me?" Yun Dingxing gave a proud smile.

Long Qianmei smiled but then remembering her condition, she shook her head.

"You don't need to console me. We both know that my meridians are infected with an unknown disease. My cultivation speed is not what it used to be and I'm already no longer a match for you. Sooner or later, others of my generation will catch up too. I'm already satisfied to be alive and live beside you and Tianlong."

Yun Dingxing's heart ached after seeing his wife's expression. He looked at her with an affectionate gaze and tightly clasped her hands.

"Shh! with me by your side, you don't have to worry about anything else. Once our son completes his first stage of cultivation, I'll take you to Holy Suzaku."

"Why would you want to go there?" She asked in a surprised tone.

The azure spring city was located in Brightmoon country. And like all other countries, it was under the jurisdiction of the Holy Suzaku empire.

Although her clan was practically unchallenged in Brightmoon country, they wouldn't even amount to a third rate power in Suzaku.

"I successfully passed the disciple entrance examination of the Ninelotus sect. After seeing my talent, some of the elders decided to guide me in cultivation. With their healing arts, treating your illness should be a breeze!"

Hearing her husband's words, she was elated and the two started cultivating.

Meanwhile, Yun Tianlong arrived at Long Qingxue's residence, which was now filled with some new faces that he didn't recognize.