The path to Immortality

Chapter 4

Being alone with her, Tianlong could smell Ji Cangyue's beautiful fragrance. Although he felt excited at first, he quickly calmed himself down.

"The fragrance of herbs, discoloured hands. How typical of an alchemist!" He inwardly thought.

Ji Cangyue caught his gaze upon her hands. Flashing a smile, she raised it high up in the air. "Guess how they became like this?"

"Contact with some kind of medicine?"

"Correct! You see, I had just finished a concoction this afternoon and didn't get a chance to heal this skin."

Tianlong went silent for a moment as he pondered her words.

"Come to think of it, for the sake of purity and proper fusion, alchemists use their spiritual sense to handle the reagents …so why the discolouration of hands?"

"Good question!" She clapped her hands in praise. "And the answer is that there are many varieties of spirit herbs which can't be handled with spirit sense. Some of them may get damaged due to spiritual sense, while some of them might absorb it. There are many other reasons where you can't use instruments and need to use your hands."

The two continue to chat among themselves. He would ask her various aspects of alchemy which he found confusing. Although basic, the questions were intelligent and clearly showed his interest in the subject. She was more than happy in answering those questions.

As time passed by, she became more and more surprised about his knowledge. Someone of his age shouldn't be knowing so much.

"Say, why do you know so much about alchemy? Are you perhaps trying to join our rank?" Her eyes glittered as she asked that.

"No. My parents are both from the martial path and I'll also follow in their footsteps. As for alchemy …it's is just a passing interest of mine." Tianlong shrugged.

"It's a pity then. Seeing your interest in the subject, I'm pretty sure you would make an excellent alchemist." She slightly shook her head in pity.

As he heard her statement, his lips curved up into a smile. "Senior, suppose I do want to become an alchemist. In that case, would you mind taking me as a disciple?"

His sudden question caught her off-guard. Instead of replying, she asked in return, "Why do you want to study under me? I might seem impressive to you but I'm just a second circle alchemist which isn't anything special. There are third-circle alchemists in the clan too. Logically speaking, they should be a better choice for you."

"All of us know that it's much more difficult to progress in alchemy than in the martial path. The third circle alchemists in the clan are all Jade Core elders, while you are still in Yin Yang cleansing. Clearly, you are more talented than them. Furthermore, they are all over hundreds of years old while you look barely thirty. If I didn't know any better, I would've addressed you as elder sister." He lightly laughed.

"Hmph, sweet talker! Do you think your buttering will work on me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." He feigned innocence.

Ji Cangyue lightly flicked his forehead and laughed. "What looks? Once you achieve a high enough cultivation, you'll barely age. As for accepting disciples, I don't think I'm ready yet…

"But you don't need to be disappointed. Whenever I'm free, you can visit me and clear your doubts. In return, you'll have to take care of Qingxue whenever you can. After all, I'm in seclusion most of the time." She looked at him meaningfully with a smile on her face.

Although Tianlong didn't catch the meaning behind her last statement, he still nodded. All he knew, was that he had just earned the favour of a talented alchemist who wouldn't mind guiding him.

Everyone's path was unique and their own to walk. Passing their knowledge was an extremely serious matter. If Ji Cangyue didn't have a very good impression of Tianlong, she wouldn't have bothered to give him pointers for free.

The two chatted for a few more minutes before they were just a little distance from his home.

"See you later elder sister Cangyue!" Saying this he quickly ran off.

"This little brat!" She said while laughing over his antics.

Tianlong was incomparably excited because his father was back home. He quickly freshened up and ran towards the dining room.

The table was already set. His parents were already seated there while chatting among themselves. He noticed that the sickly look of his mother had faded a bit and her cold countenance had a red glow to it.

Without saying a word, he quickly took his seat. The family of three started to have their dinner.

The large table was carved with polished jade and looked exquisite. There were five different dishes kept on top of it. The vessels were all covered with a unique material that retained the temperature while still letting out the fragrance.

Roasted meat of Demonic venison, baked Spirit salmon, sautéed liver, and a soup made from Spirit geese. As for the vegetable dish, it had some kind of golden cabbages coupled with spirit herbs and a bright red sauce.

The presence of spiritual energy in this world caused children to grow up faster. They were considered adults by the time they reached fifteen. As such, their appetite was naturally large.

As for Tianlong, he possessed an appetite that was abnormal even among beasts and seemed to only increase as days went by.

"Mhm, so good." Tianlong savoured the delicacy of the meat. Being the flesh of demonic beasts, it contained a tremendous amount of energy which was very beneficial for his physique.

The vegetable dish with cabbages was also extraordinary. Tianlong felt as if his body has become lighter after eating them. He quickly ate all the food and finished his meal with the soup.

"I'm done eating." He rubbed his belly in satisfaction. "Mom, dad! I've something to say."

"What is it? Don't tell me you are still hungry." Yun Dingxing said while putting a piece of liver in his mouth. "Well even if you are, you aren't getting anything from me."

"Dad, I'm serious! I've decided to start cultivation training."

Seeing the serious look on his son's face, Yun Dingxing stopped his usual playful behaviour. "Don't worry, all of your physical and meditation training were preparation for cultivation. You've already been training for years now. Anyway, since you are raising this topic, let's discuss it. Tell me how much do you know about cultivation?"

"All of my information about cultivation comes from books and what little I've heard from others. I would like you to instruct me." He said respectfully.

"Well for starters, let me ask you some questions …what is cultivation? And why do you want to do it?"

Tianlong was caught off-guard by his father's question. His brows eventually furrowed as he thought about it. Seeing their son's reaction, the parents smiled and said nothing.

After a long moment of silence, Tianlong finally formed his opinions. "Cultivation is a process which increases lifespan and strength. So, in my opinion, all cultivators are chasing after an endless lifespan. As for why I'd like to cultivate, I think it is something that I should naturally do. I don't need a specific reason for that."

His parents were both impressed by his answers. Long Qianmei looked at her son and said, "Yes, what most cultivators pursue is eternal life. However, increased lifespan is nothing but side rewards for cultivation. All cultivators cultivate because they pursue something. It may be strength, wealth, knowledge, fame, or simply power to protect oneself. When you start your journey, you'll also discover a reason that'll push you further."

"But mom, if everyone is pursuing immortality for such noble reasons then why is there so much killing among the cultivators?" he was perplexed.

"Resources! Compared to the number of cultivators, there are simply too few resources. The path itself revolves around increasing one's lifespan, so whenever you are using a resource, know that someone else is dying of old age because they couldn't have it! Everyone is a potential competitor who's blocking your path. Without absolute strength, one doesn't have the right to stay peacefully!" Long Qianmei's gentle voice became cold as she spoke.

"Alright, alright! Let's talk about cultivation for now. You can pass your devil path doctrines to him some other time." Yun Diangxing interrupted her.

Long Qianmei slightly glared at him but said nothing in return.

Seeing this Yun Dingxing lightly coughed. "Well, let's talk about cultivation in general. The body of a mortal is made up of five earthly elements. As long as it is confined within them, it is destined to return to the great earth. Only after breaking free from their shackles, would one ascend as an immortal

"Initially, there were many methods of cultivation among the different races. As time passed, they were compiled and classified into three major categories – Body, Soul and Qi cultivation.

"Cultivating any of them has its own benefits. Body refiners will possess indestructible physiques, Qi refiners will be able to use a lot of magical treasures and spells, while Soul refiners would possess an extensive arsenal of soul spells and curses." Having said up to this point, he stopped. Looking at his son, he asked "Tell me which one interests you the most?"

Tianlong was already aware of the different types of cultivation. He had his own preference but still wanted to know his parents' opinion. "The perfect path would be to follow all three of them. Yet the resources and time required in that case would be something no one can manage. I would like to hear your opinion regarding this matter."

Long Qianmei smiled and said, "Son, as you already know, I am a qi refiner while your father is a body refiner. So, you have more or less inherited the talent for both of these aspects. The best case for you would be to temper your body while simultaneously practising qi sensing meditation. Whichever talent of yours is greater will take you to the entrance of cultivation faster. The only downside of it will be that you'll almost have no free time and all your time will be spent in either cultivating or studying."

Tianlong nodded after listening to her suggestion. "I also think that this is the best way. Cultivation requires focus and dedication. Not having time for other things, that simply doesn't matter!"

"Good!" Both of them nodded in satisfaction. Not only was their son intelligent, but he was also very diligent. He was their source of pride.

"Once you enter the first stage of cultivation, we'll immediately know which path suits you the best. You can discard the other method and completely focus on that path. This will give you time to rest. Remember, relaxation is just as important.

"One must never burden yourself while cultivating. Your mind must be free of all worries and you must have a clear heart. Otherwise, it's easy to lose oneself and form heart devils."