Sacrificial slaughter formation

In the blink of an eye, a week passed by.

He didn't go to his duty, but no one came to disturb him either.

His room was littered with corpses of tens of demonic beasts and other small animals. All of these corpses had one thing in similar – their brain seemed to have exploded from within.

In one of his many desperate attempts, he started to possess the little demonic beasts and the creatures in his room. All for the sake of a little more spiritual sense.

The small mouse, the lizard which was crawling on his wall, the fly which was struggling in the web, the spider which was slowly creeping upon it. All of them.

Being just mortal creatures who didn't have any spirituality, none of them could resist the spiritual backlash. All of them died with their soul extinguished and the sea of consciousness being destroyed.

This caused Tianlong's consciousness which was inside their body to also experience death alongside them.

His soul suffered serious damage and even his spirit sense was tainted with the aura of death.

However, instead of making him feel pain, it lifted his spirits.

"A seven-element lotus…" There was a smile on his face as he murmured.

The moment the creature died and its sea of consciousness shattered, it vastly magnified his spirit sense.

That brief moment of strengthening allowed him to touch upon the true nature of the flower.

At first glance, it looked just like the millennium spirit herb "Seven element lotus". Five petals corresponding to the five earthly elements and the two leaves corresponding to the two heavenly elements. The lotus was an incomparably precious herb and filled with life force.

However, the lotus in this case was filled with the aura of death…

He possessed a few more creatures and repeated the process. Not only was incomparably painful, but also suicidal.

However, the more his soul experienced death through the bodies of others, the more his will seemed to resonate with it.

Tianlong thought long and hard regarding this matter. After an entire day of contemplation, he finally hatched a plan.

"Since you want death, then I will give you death…"

"Zhan Damian! Disregarding the rules, you and Han Mu engaged in combat with the will to kill each other. As a punishment, you'll receive three of my attacks and will be imprisoned for one week!" A cold manly voice sounded outside old Zhan's room.

Standing outside the room was Hei Diao with a stern expression on his face.

His weird looks couldn't decrease his imposing mannerism.

Following the orders of Qin Houzi, he had come to put up a fake show. Quite a few people had already gathered here. Each of them was shocked to see that a Yin Yang cleansing expert had personally come to handle the affairs.

"Hiss~" Sucking a cold breath of air, the man continued. "Isn't that elder Hei Diao, our vice leader?"

"Hm." Another one grimly nodded. "I didn't think that the scuffle between the two of them would draw his attention."

"Heh, this time old Zhan is finished!" one of them snickered.

The crowd buzzed in conversation and most of them were starting to gloat at old Zhan's misfortune.

Seeing their Hei Diao smiled craftily. "However, the responsibility cannot be shared by him alone. According to information, many people were present there that day, but none of them tried to stop them!

He continued, "If this kind of behaviour is allowed, then it will sprout disharmony among all of us brothers! For this reason alone, everyone's weekly allowance will be halved!"

Those who were gloating in old Zhan and Han Mu's misfortune almost choked on their words.

All the buzzing in the crowd stopped and most of them almost spat blood in rage.

What harmony?

Since when was there a brotherhood between them?

Not only the bandits, but even Hei Diao didn't believe himself.

Nevertheless, none of them dared to raise their voice. While the person standing against them might not be their strongest Yin Yang cleansing elder, but he was certainly the one whom their boss trusted the most. Going against him was the same as going against Qin Houzi.

While most of them were silently cursing him in their hearts, Hei Diao was silently standing in front of old Zhan's room pleased with himself.

"Heh, not only would this save thousands of spirit stones, but this would also teach those bastards a lesson!

"Hm, maybe that'll cause them to hate Han Mu and Zhan Damian …but why should I care about that?" He secretly laughed in his heart.

"Now I just need to go inside his room and release a bit of my aura and others would think that I've attacked him."

Feeling proud of himself, he stood in front of old Zhan's door. Yet as he stood there for minutes without any response, his eyebrows wrinkled in a frown.

"Why isn't there any response? Is he that frightened to face me?"

It was not only him but everyone else who thought the same. The more they entertained the idea, the more they lost their respect towards old Zhan.


Finally, Hei Diao couldn't stand it anymore and directly smashed the door open.

There was no sign of Han Mu or old Zhan.

The only thing present in the room were mutilated beasts which gave the room the sinister feeling of a slaughterhouse.

The image of old Zhan became much crueller in their eyes.

"Where is he?" Hei Diao asked. Even he felt discomfort looking at the sight.

The surrounding crowd became silent.

Everyone knew that old Zhan would only come out of his room when he needed to work or hunt and since no one saw him going out, he should've been here.

Hei Diao suddenly felt that he had made a fool of himself. He had just screamed before an empty room in front of so many people.

"Ar first I wasn't going to attack him, but now it seems I'll have to really teach him a lesson!" He gritted his frustration.

While all of this was going on, Tianlong was immersing himself inside a spirit pond that had been enclosed by a formation.

Looking at the symbols and style of the diagram, one could identify it as demonic in nature.

The demon race embodied the spirit of heaven and earth. Their ancestral script could invoke the power of the natural world. It helped them in creating a vast arsenal of different formations with mystical powers.

Of the many formation diagrams he had studied along with Yun Dingxing, there was one diagram called the "Sacrificial Slaughter Refinement formation."

It had 3000 formation eyes which spirit stones as the energy source, the demonic blood as layout, then it used living beasts as its foundation and extracted the demonic qi present in heaven and earth to form the formation. Once activated, it would melt the flesh, blood and soul of the beasts and use their dying will to murder and refine everything inside of it!

It was a rank 4 formation that was generally used to refine spirit artefacts that possessed a will of their own.

For Tianlong it was impossible to employ a rank 4 formation with his minuscule practice.

So instead of trying to create the original thing, he deployed a lesser version of the array which employed the spirit pond as its power source. Moreover, unlike the original one, it didn't need to suppress the will of multiple beasts …as all the beasts were soul searched and possessed by Tianlong!

In other words, it was burning one's soul to refine oneself!

To increase his chances, he went as far as to dive inside the pond and use his bloodline suppression to personally capture 108 aquatic demons!

As they laid all across the formation in a set fashion, their eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and respect.

For the first time in his life, Tianlong was using his bloodline to suppress other beasts.

As the 3 drops of sacred blood within his body released their pressure, everything except his white beard reverted to his original appearance.

His scales and the horns in his head started to glow with a dim sacred light. His clothes flapped without wind and combined with his beard, it gave him an archaic air.

While others races like humans, spirits or devils would barely perceive anything, it was an entirely different question for demons!

To them, his presence suddenly became incomparably holy and deified. It was as if they were looking at their god.

Even when he was wiping out their soul, they only looked at him with respectful gazes and didn't dare to resist in the slightest!

Looking at the scene, a complicated feeling arose in his heart.

"This hierarchy of bloodline among demons is controversial. It's entirely dependent on someone's luck and people don't have any control over it.

"Even if someone achieves a high cultivation base with hard work, they can be easily suppressed by a toddler who has purer blood. It isn't merely an inheritance of power but also of authority!"

In front of authority, everything became pointless.

He was well aware that just like how he was suppressing the aquatic beasts, someone who has better blood than could suppress him too!

This was how things were and he could do nothing about it.