The nine extreme physiques

"So now you've grown a pair huh?"

Tianlong felt extremely wronged as his father berated him.

After all the stuff he had done in the past few days, he knew it was high time he informed his parents.

With their cultivation base, they would immediately notice if something was wrong with him. When that happens, he didn't dare to imagine how much of a scene it would make.

It was better to confess and inform them while he was still far away. At least their anger would reduce a bit by the time he got home.

Never in his dream would he have imagined that the moment he recited the entire story, he would incite such extreme reaction.

His mother who was always cool and collected suddenly grabbed the arms of her husband and started to weep.

As for Yun Dingxing, his face was expressionless. It was completely different from his face which was always playful.

Even though Tianlong was just looking at their projection, he could feel huge pressure from him.

This was the worst-case scenario.

For the past one hour, he was listening to his father's scolding and maintained this awkward silence.

"It was all for our future…" Tianlong spoke softly.

In his entire life, he had always been an obedient child. Ever since he was born, he had always complied with his parent's wishes and hadn't done anything remotely that could draw their dissatisfaction.

This was the first time he had done something that would make them angry. Even so, he didn't regret it.

"Oh, and what would have happened if you failed? At best you'd be crippled and at worst …you'd be dead!"

"Dear! How could you say such things!" Long Qianmei interrupted her husband.


Yun Dingxing took a deep breath. Although he was angry, it was all but a cover to his worry. The things that Tianlong had just disclosed had given him much fright.

He thought about how much price he and his wife had to paid to keep her alive. If she wasn't affected by the lotus and its undying roots, she'd already been a Nascent soul cultivator by now.

But then looking at the resolute expression in his son's face, he heaved a sigh.

"Forget it, what's happened has already happened. If he is alright and can somehow cure Qianmei, then that's all I can ask for." He inwardly thought.

"Lightning consciousness and Smokewind Transformation huh. Although it's not possible to see the former through a projection, can show me the latter?"

Tianlong finally felt relieved that they were letting go of the topic.

Closing his eyes, he tried to recall that familiar tingling sensation. Soon it covered his whole body and turned him into an almost invisible cloud of smoke.

He repeated this process a few times and showed them the different things he was able to do.

Yun Dingxing looked at the scene with a serious expression. Even Long Qianmei's eyes glittered.

"The wind spirit physique … no it's the Cloud Lightning Physique!" The initial gloom on his face faded and was replaced by excitement.

The physique he stated didn't refer to the body structure or the race. It was rather the spiritual nature a body was born with.

A good example would be the elemental physiques.

Those who possess the elemental physiques would find it much easier to cultivate their element. At major completion of their physique, they could even turn themselves into their respective element, becoming invulnerable to both physical and magical attacks. People who possessed these physiques would spend their entire time cultivating elemental arts.

There were many bizarre and powerful physiques. Some of them helped in alchemy, some helped in refining natural essence, some gave people unnatural strength and speed.

However, the number of people who possessed special physiques were incredibly rare. Even in tens of thousands of cultivators, one might not find a single person with a physique.

Although Tianlong had guessed it, he still felt amazed that he had managed to awaken a physique. But as he remembered the name of the physique his father had just said, his expression turned weird.

"Isn't the Cloud lightning Physique one of the five extreme Yang physiques?"

Among the physiques, there was a class of physiques known as the Yin Yang physique. It consisted of five physiques of extreme Yang and four physiques of extreme Yin.

They neither possessed the extreme power of elemental physiques or the mystical abilities of other physiques. But even so, they were extremely infamous!

It was especially the case for all those who practised dual cultivation. They had a love-hate relationship with these physiques.

While the physique owners could immensely benefit their partners and give big rise to cultivation base, they could also completely pluck away all the cultivation base of anyone who sleeps with them!

Moreover, those who possessed these physiques were usually extremely lustful devil cultivators.

Among the Nine extreme physiques, the Cloud lightning physique was ranked third. Cloud and lightning were symbols of heaven, thus they represented yang.

The person who possessed the physique could utilise the windsmoke transformation and become one with the wind. Although the lightning they produced wasn't as powerful as Imperial Lightning physique or Extreme thunder physique, it contained a tint of extreme yang and was thus the nemesis of all Yin creatures.

"If I don't use my lightning powers while in the windsmoke form, can I fool others in thinking it is a wind spirit body?" Tianlong suggested.

Although he didn't particularly care about his reputation, it wasn't a good idea to be known as a flower thief.

Yun Dingxing thought for a moment, then nodded. "Unless someone is three levels above yours and deliberately checks it, they won't be able to notice the physique unless you deliberately expose it. Hm, once you come home, I'll put a sealing mark on you which will further hide the fact."

The achievements of Yun Dingxing in the formation dao was immense. His ability as an inscriber was at the fourth rank.

It was an entire rank higher than the most renowned inscriptionist in Brightmoon country.

"Although that physique gave me a surprise, it's nothing compared to the lightning consciousness. To be honest, even I'm feeling envious due to it." For someone of his age to show such things, it only proved how big of a fortune the lightning consciousness was.

Tianlong said nothing but inwardly he decided to find ways to increase his consciousness power.

"Son, you wanted to experience how infiltration missions work and now you've got it. Come home quickly, we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Hm. Don't worry I'll be done shortly. Qin Houzi should've already gotten my gift."

After a few more words were spoken, they terminated the connection.

"With his personality and his habit of studying physiology, I should've already guessed that something like this was going to happen."

He looked at Qianmei who's eyes were still moist. Someone who knew her history would never believe that she was capable of making such expressions.

"I want to see him. Now!"

Yun Dingxing sighed. "You know how it's supposed to be his training. We have already scouted the place and found nothing that can remotely harm him. If we still meddle in his affair-"

He stopped himself halfway when he saw her resolute face.


While coming out of the room, two fifty metres wide silver roc wings sprouted behind Yun Dingxing.

He held Long Qianmei in his arms and gently flapped his wings.

In the next moment, they appeared 100,000 metres away from the clan.

"Your sky treading art has made a breakthrough." Seeing the incredible distance covered, she felt a slight shock in her heart.

"Except a few places like bed, I'm fast everywhere else."

"Argh! Who did this? Who did this?"

Meanwhile, in his chamber, Qin Houzi was going mad from anger.

A few hours ago, someone had delivered a jade slip along with a severed finger in the reception. When they saw who the finger belonged to, they immediately sent it to Qin Houzi.

In just a single glance, he was able to see that it belonged to his Hei Diao.

Out of anger, Qin Houzi had directly soul searched and killed the person who had delivered. Poor guy had no idea what he was delivering.

After listening to the entire story of how Hei Diao had gone to handle old Zhan and unleashed a lot of attacks inside the cave, he had formed a theory.

Before he could and question Han Mu and old Zhan, his connection with them was also shattered.

Seeing the dried up finger in his hands, he was trembling in rage.

The finger was sent alongside the jade slip. There's only a map in it and had 200,000 spirit stones written on its backside.

"Bastard! Does he think that the amount of spirit stones I have is all mine? I may possess all that money but all of it is needed to cultivate my forces… No matter who you are, once I find you, I'll kill you!"

With a dark expression, he called all of the nine Yin Yang Cleansing elders of the bandit group and set off.