Night Hunt

When the voice echoed in his mind, Tianlong wasn't surprised a bit.

"Their leader is a demon in the Yin Yang Cleansing stage; he possessed secrets to the spirit water. There was no reason to not target him." Without opening his eyes, he answered in a calm tone.

He straightened his robe and strode out of the room in his original appearance.

Sitting under the light of the full moon, was a couple.

The man had a head full of grey hair that danced along with the wind. His strong features and robust physique gave him a strong masculine aura. However, there was a slight smile on his face that looked rather mischievous.

In stark contrast, the female had a cold and aloof expression. Despite her gentle beauty, there was a murderous aura around her that seemed to have seeped deep inside her bones.

The two of them were naturally Yun Dingxing and Long Qianmei.

To him, his parents were an enigma. He had never understood what was their true cultivation realm.

Even now, he wasn't able to understand. Their aura was completely collected and not a hint of their cultivation could be sensed by him. The only thing he was able to discern was that his father's bloodline far surpassed his…

While he was observing them, they were also observing him.

Upon seeing his new look, Yun Dingxing furrowed his brows while Long Qianmei clenched her fists. They weren't as bothered by his growth of scales and claws as he was by his white brows and the heavy loss of life force. But in the end, they chose to say nothing.

"Indeed, we don't need to give reasons while killing people. But once you have decided, you need to finish the task."

Tianlong became silent. He knew they were talking about Qin Houzi.

It wasn't that Tianlong didn't want to kill him. Rather, his power at that time was insufficient.

Even if he could suppress the latter with his bloodline, the other non-demon bandits would make things difficult. In the end, he would need to use the power from the black crystal which he didn't want to use.

Moreover, he wasn't in a hurry.

Even if Qin Houzi found that Tianlong was the cause behind everything that transpired, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

The Long Clan patriarch was a half-step Nascent Soul realm cultivator while Qin Houzi was just in the later stages of the Diamond Carapace realm. The difference in their strength was like heaven and earth.

He had enough confidence that once he reached Yin Yang Cleansing or Diamond Carapace realm, he could annihilate the entire bandit group by himself.

However, now that he had reached the middle stage of the Blood Surging realm and the 7th layer of Qi condensation, he was over 50% sure that he could take them on.

"No one knows the future. Even though the little ape is just in the Diamond Carapace realm, he might become a Bone Sigil or even Soul Convergence realm cultivator in the future. Even if he doesn't become one himself, he can get acquainted with someone who has such power!

"Kill your enemy as soon as you get the chance! Though it's a different matter if keeping them alive yields more benefits!"

Before Tianlong could express his opinions on the matter, his father touched his shoulder. In the next instant, he found himself on top of a mountain rock.

His speed was so fast that Tianlong felt a nauseating feeling. The feeling soon vanished when he felt a thick murderous aura surrounding the area.

Judging by the demonic Qi in the air and the vegetation, he concluded that they were in the northern part of the mountains.

"A gentleman doesn't keep his lady waiting. You have until daybreak to kill all of them and return to your little lover. Once it's over, I'll take both of you back to the clan!" Smiling, Yun Dingxing sat on top of a mountain rock. Long Qianmei seated herself beside him and closed her eyes.

Tianlong's expression turned helpless as he analysed the situation.

The place wasn't far from where he had buried Hei Diao and judging by the killing intent permeating in the air, they had most likely unearthed the corpse.

Closing his eyes, he sensed the vibrations coming from the earth and the sounds of the bandits moving in the dark. When he saw that all of them were coming this way, his expression turned slightly ugly.

Surely, they must have caught on to the disturbance caused by Yun Dingxing's sudden appearance. He must've deliberately shown his presence.

Tianlong's body became taut and he sprang on top of a tree. Taking out his Silver Spruce Greatbow, he nocked an arrow and drew the string until it resembled a full moon.

With his increased physical strength, he could now use the Greatbow with ease. Sadly, he still couldn't form a spiritual connection with the bow or else his arrows would contain earth-shattering power.

Being surrounded by enemies, he couldn't use his spirit sense to check them. Otherwise, they would immediately detect his presence.

The moment he sensed someone 3,000 metres away from him, he released the arrow. It shot forward like a bolt of lightning and reached the man in an instant.

Due to his attainments in the wind, the arrow that he shot experienced no wind resistance. Before the man had a chance to scream, the arrow cleanly pierced through his head.

However, the death of a bandit didn't go unnoticed by Qin Houzi who had a slave rune on all of them.


He released a howl at the sky indicating that they were all under attack.

The sharp howl travelled a long distance due to the silence permeating the area.

"Enemy attack!"

Tianlong immediately jumped from the tree and ran towards another one further away from it.

Within a few breaths, dozens of spirit senses reached his previous location and scanned the area; too bad they were a step too late.

Pu! Pu! Pu!

Tianlong continued to quickly shift positions and shoot down his enemies. The smokewind transformation gave him a burst of incredible speed and concealment which let him move undetected in the shadows.

Due to the suddenness of the attack, the bandits were caught unprepared and lost the initiative. However, the death of the six cultivators had allowed them to grasp his location.

The cultivators who died till now were all in the middle to later stages of Qi Condensation, there wasn't a single one who was at the peak or in the Yin Yang Cleansing realm.

Killing them would require much more energy which would make others aware of his location.

But now that they were so close to him, it was much more difficult to sneak attack them with arrows.

Retrieving the Greatbow, he released his sharp claws and leapt towards the group closest to himself.

The man felt a sharp pain through in his chest before his body tumbled. Tianlong's claws had penetrated his heart.

When the other man noticed him, Tianlongs claws were already on his neck. Before he could let out a scream, his head was cleanly severed from his neck.

The man whose heart had been destroyed wasn't dead yet. With a look of unwillingness and hatred, he turned his internal qi berserk. It caused his meridians to swell up unleash all his power in the form of self-detonation.

Even if he was going to die, he would drag his assailant along with him!

His body exploded with a deafening boom and created a small crater filled with blood mist.

Even though Tianlong had used the smokewind transformation to negate most of the impact, he still felt shaken. The turmoil of his blood and Qi reminded him of the viciousness and cruelty of the bandits.

If before they had a vague idea of his position, the boom had completely exposed him.

The 1000 metres area around him was barricaded.

His eyes turned a shade of silver as he scanned the entire area with his spirit sense. He was locking on to them while he was also locking onto them.

With a flash of purple, he unsheathed the Thunder Spirit Blade and darted towards the group of three closest to him.

His body turned into a gust of wind and crossed 100 metres in a single step. When he reappeared, there was a severed head in his hands!


His blade clashed with a flying dagger that came suddenly behind his back. It came suddenly and wanted to pierce his heart in a single motion.

A single glance allowed him to understand that someone was controlling the dagger from the shadows with his spirit sense.

While he was engaged with the dagger, one of the men behind him manifested a bone blade from his arm and jumped at him. His face was full of bloodthirst as he could see Tianlong's head flying off his neck.

The other person didn't stay put. Making some seals with his hands, he bit his tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood. It turned into a barrage of arrows and shot towards Tianlong.

Just as the Blade-wielding man was three steps away from him, Tianlong erupted with the full strength of his physical body and parried the flying dagger in such a way that it pierced the man's brows.

Next, he waved his palms, causing hundreds of formless wind blades to materialise out of thin air and clash with the blood arrows. The blood arrows detonated and filled the area with a bloody mist that concealed their figure.

A man was hiding in a bush 100 metres away from the place. His eyes were tightly closed while his hands were continuously forming seals that controlled the flying dagger.

Suddenly his body jolted as he felt the dagger being grasped by someone. In the next instant, he saw a pair of silver eyes directly in his sea of consciousness. His terrorised scream was drowned by the sound of his exploding skull.

As the blood mist caused by the wind blades and blood arrows scattered, two additional decapitated bodies could be found.

A gust of wind left that place carrying along with the thick stench of blood.