
Living in a society, people have to follow a hierarchy.

Those with positions of power rule and dictate over the common mass.

Sometimes this power was given to them by the masses but most of the time it was inherited.

Those in a higher position could treat their other's life as grass. It wasn't their merit but their status that enabled them to do so.

While the inheritance of authority through birthright was merely an illusory figurine among humans, the demons had it much more substantially.

To them, their bloodline was their authority.

Not only did it represent the talent of the individual, but also gave them power over others.

However, obtaining a high-grade bloodline wasn't necessarily a good thing. If the bloodline was too high grade, it would incite greed in others and made them a target.

It was a cruel inheritance left behind for the successors.

However, if one could make use of it correctly, they could turn demons into their slaves and strip away all their powers!


The dead silence of the night was disturbed by the loud rumblings of battle. As Qin Houzi clashed with Tianlong, the land was cracked and the rivers destroyed. The entire area was filled with spiritual fluctuations that could cause someone's Qi to go in reverse.

Tianlong's body flung 300m before it collided with the formation barrier. His clothes were torn and dragon scales shattered. Even though he was covered in blood from head to toe, his fighting spirit was burning as ever.

Qin Houzi was in a much worse shape. Most of his ribs were broken and his left arm was mangled.

If he still retained his original cultivation base, his body would've healed instantaneously. Sadly, his cultivation base was sealed by just one single roar!

Not only was his cultivation base suppressed, but also his lightning power; how could the lightning of a serpent dare to compete with that of a dragon?

Speaking of serpents, the python that attacked him was in even worse condition. The pressure he had to face was two times greater than Qin Houzi. After all, not only were serpents inferior to dragons, the Rocs were also their natural predators.

It could only watch as Tianlong crushed its head and took away the poison sac.

When he let out the roar, not only were his enemies shaken, but his parents were also surprised.

"His dragon blood has awakened." Long Qianmei calmly stated. However, there was unconcealable happiness in her eyes.

"Un. However, this will also make his future advancements much harder. Looks like I'll have to visit some old friends…" Yun Dingxing chuckled a bit and looked at his son with a proud gaze.

BANG! The stones underneath Tianlong's feet detonated as he rushed towards his opponent. The two of them had long since let go of their weapons and were competing solely based on their physique.

There were no spells, treasured weapons or schemes involved; only a pure contest of physical strength and martial arts.

In front of the 30m tall Qin Houzi, Tianlong's figure looked akin to an ant. One could only imagine the bandit leader's frustration when he felt the urge to kneel in front of that ant.

"You ... You… who are you? Why did you target us?"

Tianlong's face remained cold and aloof like before and he didn't answer. They were already going at each other's throats, why was there a need to talk further?

To Qin Houzi, it was the greatest insult and provocation. His mind was a mess and the only way he could vent his frustration was by tearing his opponent limb to limb.


His fist didn't shine with a golden glow like before but looked dull iron. Nevertheless, its size was almost as big as Tianlong. Making the latter look meaningless in comparison.

And in reality, Tianlong was slightly weaker than Qin Houzi. However, he made up for it using his wind arts which gave him an incredible boost of speed.

A giant ape with monstrous strength and youth who's faster than the wind. In the span of few minutes, the two clashed hundreds of times. Due to the swirling wind, their figures became difficult to observe.

At first, Tianlong was in a passive position, defending himself and occasionally attacking. But as time passed by, Qin Houzi's actions become slower and slower as he gasped for breath. Taking this chance, Tianlong's dodging decreased and he started his counterattack.

As minutes passed by, Qin Houzi felt more and more out of breath. If not for the spiritual energy coursing through his blood, he would've already fallen unconscious.

"Wha- What did you do with the air?!!" Taking deep breaths, he jumped away and distanced himself from Tianlong.

As a body refiner, he wouldn't get tired so easily. Only with the influence of wind cultivators was something like this possible.

According to rumours, those with high attainments in wind could turn a place void of air. Unless one reached a stage where one could sustain without breathing, fighting against them was impossible.

While Tianlong still couldn't achieve such feats, he could tamper with the wind up to a certain degree.

While possessing hundreds of aquatic beasts, Tianlong felt their respiration. He had sensed that what they breathed wasn't the entirety of wind but just a gas that was present in the air.

He had sensed this gas before and found that it was the same thing that supported fire and life. By reducing that specific gas in the air, he could easily tire out his opponents.

Of course, he wasn't going to explain all of this to Qin Houzi.

Seeing that Tianlong was rushing towards him again, he gritted his teeth and shook his ring, summoning six females. Their eyes were hollow making them look like empty puppets.


Under his control, all of them rushed at Tianlong while preparing to unleash their divine abilities.

Letting out a cold sneer, Tianlong summoned a huge blood-red wind blade and shot it towards them. There might be some who don't attack women, but he wasn't one of them.

However the next moment, his expression changed and he rapidly backed up.

Not because they were powerful, but because all of them died in one single hit!

Unless there was some plot involved, Qin Houzi wouldn't have bothered to send them against him.

As their heads flew up in the air, their headless bodies started to rapidly wither.

"Ring of Evil Lust!"

Qin Houzi mumbled under his breath and started weaving hand signs. A pink fog rushed out of their neck that condensed into a red coloured ring and shot towards Tianlong.

Without waiting to see the outcome of his attack, he escaped into the forest.

"Hu… Hu… I can't fight with that person. I must escape and get help from a Jade Core senior. Damn it!"

Taking out a black jade slip, he spat out a mouthful of blood on it and put it on his forehead.

"With the blood of mine as tribute, I request sir Frigid blood to descend!" Even as he communicated with the slip, he didn't stop running. As a body refiner, he didn't possess many divine abilities, his fleshly body was all that he needed. Now that it became useless, he could only rely on a Jade Core cultivator to save himself.

As minutes passed by, he could hear the sound of rustling leaves and howling wind closing in on him. Just as he was about to fall in despair, a cold feeling surrounded him.

"Are you the one who summoned me?"

The voice of a man sounded from above. It was a handsome middle-aged man with blood-red skin. With the evil glint in his eyes and the freezing air surrounding him, he possessed a unique disposition.

Qin Houzi felt both fear and excitement upon seeing him. Just as he was about to greet Frigid Blood, the man took a step forward and pressed his right hand on Qin Houzi's glabella.

The massive body of Qin Houzi started to contract at a rapid rate.

A drop of blood carrying a large amount of his cultivation base flew out and floated in front of them. The red-skinned absorbed it and calmly looked at Qin Houzi.

"This will be the cost of summoning me. What do you offer in exchange for my power?"

The bandit leader's face became even paler. If he let the red-skinned man absorb one more such drop of blood, his cultivation base would fall to the Blood Surging realm. And with the number of enemies he has, he won't survive very long.

Gritting his teeth, Qin Houzi took out a blue Jade from his interspatial ring and handed it over.

"The core of a Jade core old monster! Where did you get this?" For the first time since he came here, the red-skinned man had a change in expression.

While the value of such a core wasn't much for a Body refiner, it was extremely precious for a Qi refiner.

If one consumed the core using appropriate techniques, they could permanently increase their spiritual qi and experience a breakthrough.

"I want him to die!" Instead of answering the question, Qin Houzi pointed towards the path of Tianlong.

The man didn't even lift his eyes from the core. He had scanned the place before couldn't find any other Jade Core cultivator. To him, those present here were mere ants!

Condensing his core qi in his right hand, he pointed forward.

With that one pointing, he materialised a 300 metres ice pike. It shot towards Tianlong while freezing everything around itself.

The trees, the water and even the wind seemed to freeze over as that pike went forward. It was the might of a Jade Core cultivator!

Tianlong hadn't even reached the place and thus had no idea about any of this. All he could see was a huge ice pike shooting towards him.

Even before it reached him, he could his blood freezing over. He knew that if that thing hit him, he would die without a whole corpse.

Without any hesitation, he took out the black crystal given by his parents. Only with its strength, could he save himself.

Just as he was about to release its power, a sigh sounded from above.

When it reached the ears of the red-skinned man, all of his Qi dissolved in an instant. The cold Qi and the ice pike vanished and everything returned to normal.


Before he could finish, his body bloated up and exploded into chunks of flesh and blood.