Storm Call

Yun Dingxing's previous clashes with them taught him the nature of this attack.

It was an attack that looked akin to a curse and could directly poison someone's soul!

It would cause the person who was being mirrored to get directly poisoned!

Under the effects of the hundred poisons, the flesh, bones and even the soul would melt into nothingness.

Even with his strength, he wouldn't dare take the attack head-on.

Rising high up in the clouds, he waved both of his wings.

"Fourth style, Storm Call!"

The vacuum created by Parting Wind, the scorching wind of Tempest Rage, and the cold wind of the from Freezing Gale.

Three different spells, three different effects.

Under the effect of the first spell, the wind was clear of all poisonous miasma from the swamp.

Under the effect of the second spell, the ground continued to boil and crack while releasing searing heat waves.

Under the effect of the third spell, the sky became bone-chillingly cold. Tianlong's breath was coming out as fog and he felt dryness all over his body.

The thundering noise woke him up from his trance. Although he felt a little groggy at first, he quickly composed himself and observed the new spell.

Tianlong noticed that despite the opposing nature of the spells, none of them cancelled each other.

A huge cloud with a vortex in the middle covered the night sky. It seemed to grow without any ends.

Lightning crackled and the sound of rumbling thunder filled the place.

The howling winds blew with speeds over 500 kilometres per hour and were filled with lacerating wind blades.

Under huge pressure, the land started to quake and split apart. The distance trees were all uprooted along with huge clumps of earth and lifted high up in the sky.

The various beasts that lived in the jungle all roared and screeched, but they were soon silenced by the millions of wind blades. Their shredded bodies leaving a bloody smell in the air.

Even if something managed to resist the assault of the wind blades, they would be struck by the crackling bolts of lightning that occasionally rained down to make sure everything was annihilated.

"Convection currents, that's the essence of this spell!" Tianlong inwardly exclaimed.

The entire time his eyes were stuck to the execution of the spell, he had managed to see its smallest details.

He looked at the ground and excitedly thought, "The hot wind that the boiling earth is releasing is filled with water vapour. It is light and rises upwards. This forms the updraft!

His eyes shifted to the cold fog that was gathering in the sky. "Once it comes in contact with the cold air in the sky, the moisture in it turns into water droplets. Now the air is too heavy so it goes down. This forms the downdraft!

"Moisture, unstable winds and an uplifting force. These three factors are what constitute the storm!

His eyes shone with wisdom as he looked at the raging storm. With just a few glances, he had understood the basic principles behind the creation of a thunderstorm.

"A spell that imitates the forming of natural thunderstorms and disrupts the flow of spiritual energy, whoever created the spell must have been a genius!"

Tianlong clicked his tongue in appreciation. The spell not only imitated thunderstorms, but it could also disrupt heaven and earth's spiritual energy.

Being in the eye of the storm, he wasn't much affected by the wind.

However, the eye was rapidly shrinking which caused the pressure to dramatically increase.

The illusionary figure of Yun Dingxing which was forming due to a curse like divine ability couldn't handle the pressure and was violently ripped apart.

Even cultivators would be wiped out under the pressure, not to mention it was just a strong divine ability.

"That's enough!"

The middle-aged woman finally couldn't take it. If she let the storm close on anymore, her entire valley would be destroyed.

Except for her, no one in this country knew the true horror of Storm Call.

When the cloud shrunk to a radius of 64,000 metres, all Qi condensation realm cultivators will be wiped out!

When the cloud shrunk to a radius of 27,000 metres, all Yin yang Cleansers will die!

When the radius reached 8,000 metres, all Jade Core old monsters will be annihilated!

At 1,000 metres, even Nascent Soul realm cultivators will have their bodies crushed under the pressure!

Even under the howling winds, her small voice was clearly audible. It contained a certain quality that let it seep in the wind.

Her purple hair danced in an enchanting pattern while emitting a strange glow.

The blood veins in her body swelled up and twisted under her skin. It was as if hundreds of centipedes were crawling inside her.

"Earthen decay, Disaster of rot!"

The illusion of a 1000 metres long centipede formed around the swamp.

Letting out a screech, it circled the swamp and started to rotate in the opposite direction of the storm.


With its gargantuan body, it released a multi-coloured brilliance that reached high up in the skies.

The light covering the sky seemed to contain all kinds of colours. When they reached the clouds, they started to disappear. Even the clouds were decaying!

However, Tianlong could see that the shell of the creature was splitting apart. It would be destroyed within seconds if that was all there was to it.

Just when it seemed that the image would vanish, the broken vines and the frozen insects were absorbed inside of it and formed its flesh.

The poisonous gas from warts turned into a liquid and became its blood.

The hundred poison pills expanded and turned into its legs.

It became an impenetrable fortress that blocked the destruction bought by the storm.

"This is the last time this mistress is letting you take advantage of our sect! Take this and get lost!"

With a stroke of her palm, she split apart the ground and revealed a vault filled with thousands of spirit stones, pills, herbs, poisonous insects and lots of magical treasures.

With a wave of her hands, half the spirit stones, medicinal herbs and the Hundred-Poison pills entered a spatial pouch and flew out towards Yun Dingxing.

"Good! Good! Every time I come here, you seem to get richer. Keep this up and I'll need to visit you more frequently. Hahahaha…"

With a burst of laughter, he took the pouch and left the valley.

The storm vanished as if it wasn't there in the first place.

The middle-aged woman gnashed her teeth in anger and looked at their figure for a long time.

Years ago, she was an alchemist with a little bit of reputation. Her poison skills were good but she didn't tread the path of poison cultivators due to it being frowned upon by all other alchemists.

Once, Yun Dingxing had asked her to treat Long Qianmei. At that time she was just a late-stage Nascent Soul realm cultivator.

Although she couldn't heal Long Qiamei, she was able to reduce her pain.

As payment for her treatment, Yun Dingxing robbed all of her medicinal herbs and spirit stones while teleporting her in a forest filled with vicious insects!

Having lost all of her resources, she had no choice but to start cultivating using the insects to get out of the place. During that time she hated Yun Dingxing with every fibre in her being.

Who knew that the same fate awaited her after she got out. This time, even the insects that she cultivated so painstakingly weren't spared!

That time, Yun Dingxing teleported her inside of a rotten swamp. Every day she struggled to get out of it, her hate for him only grew more and more.

It was only after being robbed the third time that she realised that her cultivation had taken a huge step.

She had started to form a Soul Transformation cultivator's domain!

A poison domain!

With her intelligence, how could she not understand that it was all due to Yun Dingxing?

Although he robbed her and left her in a difficult situation every time, he was in fact helping her step into the Soul Transformation realm, all as repayment for treating his wife.

Looking at the current condition of the three men, she sighed. "You ask me to not devour them, but did you ever consider my talent? Not everyone can be like you…"

Giving a last look at her almost damaged centipede, she walked towards her mud house.

"Old demon Dingxing, after this exchange, this mistress will either become a Soul Transformation cultivator and gain the worship of masses …or face the tribulation of heavens and turn to ashes!"

By now, the other sects of the country had also noticed their clash. There was no way they would miss a battle of this scale.

Many Nascent Soul old monsters flew towards the valley at top speed.

Some wanted to help her, some wanted to kill her, but most wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Unfortunately for them, the moment Jiang Ye Zi entered her mud house, the centipede dissipated and restored the valley in its original condition.

The poisonous aura around the swamp became even thicker. Warning all those with evil intentions.

"Whether I live or die, I have a hunch that we'll not meet for a long time. Maybe we'll never meet again at all…

"That's why I gave my compendium of poisons along with the treasures. Let it be my parting gift to that talented junior…

The valley once more regained its calm.

Yun Dingxing didn't rob any more sects along the way.

They were supposed to return by sunrise and it would soon be dawn.

The entire way, the two didn't speak much. Tianlong's mind kept replaying the scenes of the attack and how all the air currents moved.

He had already practised the Parting wind slash for almost half a year since he came here. Hence, he could somewhat grasp the laws behind them.

"All those who say that wind cultivators are weak are just ignorant fools!"

"Granted that learning wind arts require a high talent, but the arts that we cast consume very little spiritual energy and have high destructive power!"

Considering how Tianlong himself was doubting the power of wind, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

"There are no weak abilities, just incompetent users!" In the end, this was all he could say.

"Un." Yun Dingxing agreed to his words. He added, "The Wind Genesis Art was created by one of our earliest ancestors after observing the flow of wind currents and spiritual energy. Not only it is extremely powerful, but it is also versatile!"

"However, there are also other techniques in the art which I haven't displayed.

"If I cast those spells after reaching the Ancient Restoration realm, at least a tenth of that country would've been wiped out!"

Wiping out a tenth of a rank 4 country, what kind of concept was that?

Tianlong couldn't even begin to imagine the destructive power behind that spell.

His desire to visit the cloud sea's Yun Clan became even greater than before!