A different view of Alchemy

A doctor would stick to studying alchemy and physiology. Why would they study advanced mathematics?

Come to think of it, he was also a martial cultivator. Why was he practising medicine then?

Then there was also the fact that Senior Long wanted him to learn Formation Dao. This guy, how many things was he learning at the same time?

However it was just like he said, why couldn't he?

Xia Jingyi suddenly didn't know what to say.

As if sensing her sister's predicament, her elder sister intervened.

"Prince Yun, my sister is immature, please don't mind her silly questions." Her voice was gentle and nice to listen to.

Among the two of them, the Xia Mengyi had a gentle disposition. Combined with her soft-spoken nature, people really couldn't get angry with her.

"Your highness doesn't need to worry. It is nearly impossible to get him angry." It was Qingxue who quickly responded to Xia Mengyi's words.

The latter might have a sourness with Xia Jingyi, but towards this woman who smelled like jasmines and was as gentle as flowers, she felt like a little sister.

Xia Mengyi gave a soft smile. Towards this girl who seemed to be a less bratty version of her younger sister, she had quite a favourable impression. "You don't need to address me as such. Just call me by my name Mengyi."

Qingxue was shocked by her proposal. She shook her head. "No, this won't do. Even if we disregard your status, you are clearly my senior!"

"Oh, then just call me Elder Sister Mengyi."

Listening to the conversation between the girls, Tianlong remembered how they had started their journey.

Long Ding, Long Zheng, Ji Cangyue, Long Qingxue and Yun Tianlong. These were all the people that were participating in the examination this time.

Usually, only a few elders would've accompanied them on this trip, but unexpectedly, the patriarch also chose to accompany them.

Long Qianfeng was against the patriarch's leaving. After all, the latter was the strongest person in the clan, the clan would be severely weakened in his absence.

However, to Qianfeng's objection, he just gave a carefree laugh. The latter didn't dare to say anything again.

Except for the clansmen, there were two additional members in this journey with whom they were all too familiar.

It was the two sisters who had defeated all the top contenders in their annual competition.

However, no one questioned them when they boarded the carriage. It was as if there was a tactic understanding between all the parties involved.

Unlike ordinary horse carriages, this one possessed multiple rooms. Since the girls didn't know anyone else other than Tianlong, they had followed him to a separate room.

Long Ding and Long Zheng were sitting with the patriarch and listening to his pointers. This was a very precious experience for them.

Ji Cangyue chose to isolate herself and practise alchemy in a separate room. Her demeanour had changed ever since she had that night conversation with Tianlong. Now, she was much more focused on her profession.

Long Qingxue would've followed her if not for the fact that two additional women were present in Tianlong's room. Unlike others, she wasn't briefed about them.

However, her intuition told her that these girls weren't simple at all. She couldn't let them be alone with Tianlong.

Later on, when she saw their real appearance and understood the real identity of the two sisters, she nearly had a heart attack.

"Since you are associated with me, there's no reason for you to be afraid of them."

If Tianlong hadn't said those words aloud, she wouldn't have dared to stay here a moment longer.

While at first, she was a little shy and afraid, due to her personality, she was quickly able to let go of those feelings and could strike a normal conversation with them.

Gradually as their conversation progressed and time went on, she developed a dislike towards Xia Jingyi and cordiality towards Xia Mengyi.

The feelings were mutual.

With just a short talk, Xia Jingyi had similarly developed a dislike towards her. It was as if she had met her rival.

It was especially when she noticed how carelessly she sat beside Tianlong. It was as if the two of them were partners.

"Is this the girl for whom he rejected elder sister?"

This question repeated in her mind again and again. It was especially so when she noticed how beautiful the latter was.

"The spirit fluctuations from her tell that she's a peak first revolution alchemist. She doesn't seem to be very old either."

So, the top prodigy from Long Clan was this girl!

"Hmph, no matter how beautiful she is, how could she compare to my elder sister?" Following this chain of thoughts, she felt even more disliking towards her.

Tianlong could almost see sparks flying when their eyes met. He was quite amused by their interaction.

One is a fire cultivator while the other one is a master of water. Is that the reason, they can't stand each other's presence? Tianlong couldn't help but think about it.

After half a day of travelling, he suddenly felt hungry. "Qingxue, do you have some snacks with you?"

Due to the presence of spiritual energy in the air, cultivators didn't need to eat as much. In fact, many people would stop eating altogether from the Yin Yang Cleansing realm.

However, Tianlong still maintained his eating habits. Having good food was a must to him.

Qingxue who was arguing with Xia Jingyi, couldn't help but stop. "I don't have much. Just some fruit pastries, chocolate cookies and a bunch of different spirit fruits."

"Well then, go ahead..." Tianlong's eyes shone with anticipation.

Being an alchemist, Ji Cangyue knew her way with ingredients. All of her dishes were extremely delicious and aromatic. When they were small children, the cookies she baked were famous among everyone.

As soon as Qingxue took out the pastries and cans of biscuits, Tianlong couldn't wait for another moment.

The pastry had sweetness, sourness and bitterness blended in perfect proportions. As the pastry melted in his mouth like soft cream, he couldn't help but praise inwardly.

He was all too familiar with Ji Cangyue's cooking style. These pastries were definitely not done by her but by Qingxue.

"Qingxue, senior Cangyue is an excellent chef. No matter how many times I taste her cooking, I can never get enough." Saying this, he took another bite.

"It's good that you like it." She felt very excited that he had mistaken it with her mother's cooking.

"Your highnesses, why don't you try them too? I promise that you won't be disappointed." He extended the tray towards them.

After a bit of hesitation, the two held a pastry each. Since he had offered it to them, it would be rude to deny him.

"Excuse us."

Once they took a small bite of the pastry, they closed their eyes and tasted them without making any sound. While eating they seemed to barely move their jaws, their posture was filled with elegance.

"Umm, these are quite good actually." Surprisingly, it was Xia Jingyi who praised the pastries. "The blending of the taste is almost perfect but the texture is a bit coarse. The distribution of spiritual energy inside of it needs a bit more work. If elder brother was here he could've given a lot of pointers."

After giving her opinion, she helped herself with another one.

"Ahem* Actually, it's me who made them... " Qingxue lightly coughed. However, in the next moment, she cupped her hands towards Xia Jingyi. "I thank her highness for her praise. I would definitely remember the points that you said…"

Xia Mengyi broke out in a smile when she saw that. She understood that her sister had been tricked by Tianlong.

Xia Jingyi had just reached for another pastry. It had been a long time since she had eaten something. So, everything that she ate tasted extra delicious to her.

But after understanding that she had been tricked into praising the girl in front, she no longer had the mood to analyse and give pointers.

"What? Does princess Jingyi not want that? I don't mind if you give that piece to me." Most of the pastries were finished by him. However, it looked like he still hadn't enough.

Xia Jingyi harrumphed and didn't respond to him.

Tianlong chuckled at her actions while asking, "When you talked about giving pointers, were you mentioning prince Jianwei?"

"Right, there's no chef better than him in the whole country." While speaking of him, she was filled up with pride. It was the same pride that she felt while mentioning her elder sister.

Looks like she's someone who values her family relations too much. Her relationship with both her siblings seemed to be very good.

Understanding this, Tianlong had a higher opinion of her.

"Is he also an Alchemist?" Qingxue asked.

"No, he's purely a chef." Xia Jingyi answered.

A royal prince who cultivated as a chef? This was quite unusual.

Qingxue's curiosity was peaked. Knowing that Tianlong knew something about almost every topic, she asked him, "Do you know how chefs cultivate?"

Tianlong put down his book and pondered for a moment to collect his thoughts. After some time he said, "In essence, chefs are also Alchemists. Using myriad things in existence as their reagents to create something brilliant. Refine, Transfigure and Nurture, the essence of the food path lies in these three processes."

He paused for a moment and looked at the two princesses. "However, this is only my view regarding it which may not conform to others. I would like the princesses to share their own views."

Xia Mengyi's eyes shone with brightness as she heard his words. In truth, she wasn't as martial oriented as her sister. However, she had a deep admiration for people who had a profound understanding of dao.

Hearing his remark, she didn't choose to immediately answer him. "Prince Yun, your view of the food path is very unique. Unlike others who frown at it and consider it a weak sub-branch of alchemy, you have high regard for it."

Tianlong lightly chuckled and answered, "There was once a senior that asked me a similar question but in a different context. My answer to you would be the same as I gave to him. In this world, there is no superior or inferior dao. It is just a matter of variety. His method of cultivation is no inferior to any other alchemist's."

Xia Mengyi looked at him with an unblinking gaze.

Her opinion of him had increased further but she didn't seem to be convinced with his viewpoint. "Alchemy as a whole can be used to refine different materials in this world into pills and precious elixirs that cure ailments and raise one's cultivation. Some pills can refine starlight or even change the essence of the world. Wherefore, the food path only creates cuisine to satiate one's hunger. How are the two paths comparable, if at all?"