Reaching the examination area

The carriage's room was filled with zither music.

The sound was peaceful and serene. The player was none other than Xia Jingyi.

When one closed their eyes and listened to the music, they would picturise rain falling on the surface of a lake and producing beautiful a natural melody. If one listened to it for a long time, one would eventually fall asleep.

Tianlong's head was on Qingxue's lap as he continued to read about mathematics because he always felt that formation dao and numeracy was connected. He was soon going to become the disciple of Xia Youqing and learn about formations. This was him preparing from beforehand.

While one of his hands was holding a book, the other hand was playing with Qingxue's long hair that was fell on his face.

Even though Qingxue was usually an extrovert, she was too thin-skinned about these matters. All her adventurousness in romance was limited to her contact with just Tianlong.

So, when the latter suddenly tried to get in this position before the two sisters, she was quite flustered. However, when she understood that it would make her relationship with him clear to the two others, she accepted his gesture.

And now, similar to Tianlong, she was holding an alchemy text with her and while her fiddling with his white hair. Unfortunately, unlike her partner, her mind wasn't focused on her book at all.

She was more interested in tainting the other party before her.


Xia Jingyi might've been playing a calm melody of rain, but her eyes were spewing fire. As someone whose knowledge about love was limited to romantic novels and had never even touched a man in her life, the scene in front was too stimulating for her.

"As I suspected, these two are clearly in an indecent relationship! Also, do they know no shame? How could they do something like this before others? Are they trying to show off?"

She bitterly cursed the two of them in her mind. They were intentionally doing this on purpose to piss her off.

Unfortunately, her elder sister was meditating and not paying attention to them at all.

"Didn't you like him a moment ago? Then why are not responding to this stinky bird's actions? Hmph, if you won't do anything, then I'll take things in my own hand!"

It seemed that Xia Mengyi's debate with Tianlong had cleared some doubts for her. She could feel Xia Mengyi's cultivation base increasing at a much faster rate than before.

Hence, no matter how aggrieved she felt, she didn't stop playing the zither. A slight disturbance might cause Xia Mengyi to wake up from her meditation.

Fortunately, she didn't have to stay like this for long. After a few more hours of travelling, the carriage neared the border of Clear Water country.

By just seeing the number of carriages and other magical beasts on the border, one could already guess that the number of candidates participating in the examination.

"We should be arriving at the Spirit Stream Sect in 6 hours," Tianlong commented.

He was no longer reading any book but practising his breathing. Ther would soon be a tough competition ahead.

Although he knew that he was strong, he had never been able to gauge his true strength due to the lack of proper opponents. This place should give him a clear estimate.

"How do you know? Did you visit the Spirit Stream Sect before?" Qingxue asked.

"Something like that." Tianlong mysteriously smiled. He couldn't that he had come here with his father to rob the sect.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?" He asked.

Her face stiffened as she said, "A little nervous."

Before when she didn't have the ability to participate in this grand competition, she never dreamed of winning. Thus, she was fearless.

However, with her rapid increase in alchemy abilities, she could finally start dreaming of joining the academy. The clan's and her parents' expectations also fell on her. Thus, she was now afraid.

Tianlong held her fair hands and squeezed down hard.

"Don't worry about winning or losing. Just give your best. Hard work always pays off. Even if you end up not getting selected, what is to fear? As long as you have my support, you won't need anyone else."

With the reassuring tone that he spoke, it caused Qingxue to naturally calm down. Her heart was filled with sweetness.

"Thanks, but I want to achieve everything with my own abilities." She resolutely said.

"Hmph, well then you better have some serious skills because the number of alchemists we are taking is no more than 50!" Xia Jingyi lightly snorted from the side. She really couldn't stand how the two of getting all lovey-dovey in front of her.

The Imperial Academy produced most of the experts of Grand Xia. Not only was it a place for the royal family to train, but it also strengthened their connection with the other countries surrounding Xia.

Alchemy palace, Martial place, Inscription palace, Heavenly Harmony palace etc these were one of the many divisions of the academy. Each of them was as an individual sect on their own.

Even if singled out, they possessed enough strength to rule over most rank 4 countries!

If someone wanted to enter the royal academy, they could either go through trials that were tailored for a single division. If someone wanted to join the Alchemy Palace, they would go through a selection process specific to alchemists. Similarly, if one wanted to join the Inscription palace, they would have to prove their worth as a formation master.

However, this method was relatively tough and only those who had absolute confidence in their craft chose it.

The more common way to enter the academy was a trial by combat where one competed against other cultivators as well as beasts.

Martial strength reigned supreme! If one was strong, they could join any sect that they wanted to!

This was how Tianlong was going to join the Academy too.

"From which rank does one become an inner disciple?" He asked.

"This year, it's the top 20." Xia Jingyi answered. She paused and looked at Tianlong with a smile. "Surely with prince Yun's talent, he must be aiming for the top rank right? Maybe we'll get to see another Ming Yunzhi appearing…"

Tianlong laughed and said, "Not to mention whether it is even possible for me to reign supreme over everyone with my cultivation base, even if I could, I wouldn't."

"Oh, why is that?"

"I don't like to be in the limelight." He languidly spoke.

Living as a quasi demon in a clan full of humans, although no one discriminated against him, he would quickly become the centre of attention wherever he went due to his unusual looks. He was tired of it.

Xia Jingyi raised her eyebrows at the revelation. "Only those with ulterior motives try to hide from others."

"Only those who are idiots reveal everything about themselves." Tianlong shook his head."

"Do you think you can join the academy if you hold back your strength? Aren't you looking down on others?"

"This is just self-confidence."

Xia Jingyi had nothing more to say. Overconfidence and pride, the difference laid between whether one was a delusional fool or a talented genius.

"Sigh, even if prince Yun doesn't get the first position and barely makes it to the top 20, you'll still become famous. I'm sure that the Long Clan would be receiving tons of visitors after the competition."

Hearing Xia Jingyi's words, he said, "Who says I'm participating on the behalf of Long Clan?"

If he wasn't participating as a Long Clan's member, then from which clan was he representing?

"You can't be participating as a Yun Clan member right?" She shivered for a moment. That clan was hundreds of times more powerful than theirs. If words were known that someone from that clan was joining them, it would have huge implications.

"Of course not! I'll go there as a rogue cultivator with no clan behind me." Tianlong had a weird expression on his face. He had just said that he didn't like the limelight, so why was she thinking about something that would draw even more attention to others?

Xia Jingyi sighed in relief. But then hearing the last part, she said, "There needs to be some kind of identity proof. Otherwise, they wouldn't let you enter the examination."

"Surely the official won't stop someone recommended by the royalty right?" He asked with a smile.

Xia Jingyi was stunned for a moment before she understood the meaning behind his words.

How did he know the inner workings of the examination so well?

At that moment, the small border check was over and their carriage enters the rank 4 countries of Clear Water.

"What a dense spiritual energy!" Qingxue was elated. However, she didn't show her emotions for fear of being labelled as country bumpkin by the two sisters.

However, the gleam in her eyes was something that all of them noticed.

The rest of the journey was over in the blink of an eye.

When they were barely more than 100 kilometres away from the sect, the carriage slowed down. From this point onwards, the participants had to walk on foot to reach the sect.

This was both to avoid congestion, as well as to show respect towards the Xia country's officials who would be present there.

"Little sister, I wish you the best of luck for the examination." Her words were directed to Long Qingxue. Throughout the journey, she had gained a slight fondness for her.

"Prince Yun, it's time for us to depart. We'll meet again after you finish the examination."

Xia Mengyi bowed towards Tianlong.

"You better not fail." Xia Jingyi lightly snorted. Her words surprised Qingxue.

A white light surrounded her and her figure disappeared, leaving behind petals of jasmines and her lingering smell.

"Looks like you gained yourself a new friend." Tianlong teased Qingxue.

"Hmph, how can someone like me be worthy of being her friend!" She remarked sarcastically. She then paused for a moment and glared at Tianlong. "Sleeping on my lap before others… You are getting more and more daring!"

She was truly angry with him this time.

"This is nothing, I also dare to do much, much more than this!" He suddenly jolted her wrist and dragged her into his embrace. Before the latter could let out a shriek, her lips were already covered by his.

The two of them hadn't met each other for the past few months. So there was already a fire burning in his heart when he met her again.

"You… You bully!" After a hot smooch, she quickly ran out of the room with a flustered expression. Tianlong's hands hadn't been honest the entire time.

"A pity…" Seeing her retreating figure, Tianlong sighed.

While he could remain unmoved by other's beauty, this didn't mean that his heart was unfeeling. He just chose to not be muddled in it.

Towards someone whom he held dear, he could erupt with all passion.

However, this was not the time.

As he looked towards the tens of thousands of young men walking in the same direction, his eyes became serious.

"Beneath all this grandness, lies a country which is muddled in politics and surrounded by enemies. While most people might not be aware of the situation of Xia Country, the leaders of the other countries should know the details. However, they still chose to send their younger generation to join their sect…

"What does it mean? It means that they have immense belief over the Imperial power. No matter how weak a lion is, a dog cannot kill it. But what if the dog is actually a direwolf? Moreover, there's not only one, but dozens of them…"

A silver light surrounded him as his demonic features started to morph. His ice-blue scales that stuck out of his forehead shrunk and gradually went inside his skull.

The vertical draconic pupils gradually shrunk. However, they still looked as mesmerising as ever. When the azure scales started to retract, he suddenly felt itchy all over the place. Once the itch subsided, slightly tanned skin showed below.

He now looked like any other human.

"Hai, I'm going to a place full of vicious wolves and lions. If I go in as a dragon or a roc, these wolves would scatter and come after my family. This place is really not worth showing my potential. I'll just remain a distant observer and drift away like an ordinary cloud…"