Feng Daofei

As Tianlong, with the alias of Yun Fan, continued to chat with Bai Qingsong, the latter's sister soon lost interest in them.

The mother and daughter pair of Long Qingxue and Ji Cangyue had already gone where the alchemists were registering themselves.

Since Tianlong was assuming a different identity, there was no meaning in it if he stayed behind with the Long Ding and Long Zheng.

"Ah, looks like our turn has come." The Bai siblings had reached the registration booth. Bai Qingsong looked at Tianlong and smiled. "If it's fated, then we shall meet again as fellow sect brothers."

Tianlong clasped his hands and returned the greetings. "I wish for senior's success."

The girl gave one last look at Tianlong and entered the booth with her brother.

Inside, an old man was sitting in front of a desk while reading reports and smoking a pipe. Without lifting his head, he pointed towards one of the stones.

"Drop your blood into that fragment."

Bai Qingsong released a bit of his qi and made a sharp cut in his finger. As drops of blood dripped on the circular stone fragment, they were quickly absorbed and displayed a bunch of characters.

"Race – Human; Age – 30 years; Cultivation – Late Stage Yin Yang Cleansing realm."

The man's eyes glimmered as he looked at the information.

So young and already such high cultivation?

Definitely a genius!

"Race – Human; Age – 18 years; Cultivation – Great Circle of Qi Condensation realm."

In the next moment, as Bai Ling'er dripped her blood, the information regarding her floated on the plate.

"Identity proof." The man said.

Bai Qingsong took out an information jade from his robe and passed it to the man along with a seal.

Once the man scanned the jade with his spirit sense, he looked at the Bai siblings with a smile. "Haha, so it's junior Qingsong from the Bai clan. I've heard your name a lot in these years, but looking at you in person, heh, you are even more talented than the rumours!"

This Bai Qingsong was definitely going to be among the top students. It was good to form a good relationship with someone who would most likely become a prominent figure in the future.

With Bai Qingsong's intelligence, how could he not know what the person was thinking?

This kind of person he had seen far too many.

"Are we done?" He asked nonchalantly, completely disregarding him.

The man lightly coughed when he noticed that the other party had no intention of befriending him.

Geniuses had their own pride.

Even though he had a higher cultivation base, Bai Qingsong didn't bother giving any respect to him who was just working as a receptionist.

Returning the information jade, he pointed towards another door. "Submit 6000 spirit stones." There was no longer any smile on his face as he spoke.

After receiving the payment, he wordlessly passed two jade tablets to the siblings who took them and went out of the booth.


The man's mood was sour because of the incident so when the next person entered, he didn't even glance at the man.

"Drop your blood over there and give me your identity proof."

However, there was no light from the stone.

"Are you deaf? Didn't I tell you to drop your blood in the stone…" But the moment he raised his head and looked at what the man was holding, his words stuck in his throat.

"Yun Fan. Age 17. Great Circle of Qi Condensation." While saying this aloud, he held a golden seal in his hand. There were was a golden dragon carved on it.

"The Royal Seal! You… where did you get this?" His eyes shone with a serious glint as he released the full might of his early Jade Core cultivation base.

However, facing pressure that made breathing difficult, Tianlong smiled and sent his spiritual energy inside the seal. Immediately a dragon's roar echoed out from the seal.

"Would this be enough for my identity proof?" Tianlong calmly asked.

The man's eyes widened in surprise and he immediately retracted all of his pressure. The dragon and phoenix were the symbols of the emperor and empress of Grand Xia.

Only those of royal line or someone authorised by them could invoke the seal. Thinking how this young man could be royalty, he was filled with cold sweat.

"My Lord, forgive this lowly one for my earlier rudeness." He immediately stood up and deeply bowed towards him.

Tianlong was slightly surprised by the extreme action of the man.

A Jade Core cultivator bowing to a Qi Condensation cultivator? Only with a royal status was this possible!

Tianlong remained calm. A weaker person ingratiating himself to someone strong, he didn't feel anything wrong with the man's actions.

Withdrawing his energy from the crest, he stopped the dragon's roar. If not for the fact that he didn't have any identity proof for alias, he wouldn't have bothered to borrow their royal seal.

Moreover, he didn't want to hand over a drop of his blood to the royal clan.

"Rise," Tianlong said with a dignified voice. "Having to work here continuously for days, you are bound to have mood fluctuations. This one won't blame you."

Seeing how Tianlong talked, the man was even more sure that he was royalty. His words almost moved him to tears. "My lord is too benevolent. Everyone who passes by treats me like a servant. Only my lord didn't speak any harsh…"

"Ahem." Before the man could continue further, Tianlong stopped him with a cough. "I would have listened to your grievances but this one has some urgent matter on the other side. It would be appreciated if you can hurry up the procedure."

The man quickly collected himself and hurriedly finished the registration. It was immediately classified.

"It's done."

"The fee is 1000 spirit stones right?"

"My Lord must be joking. How dare I take money from you?" The man hurriedly replied and handed over a jade piece to him.

Tianlong gave an appreciative nod towards the man and walked out of the booth with the jade piece in hand.

"Ah, I forgot to tell him that since he already has that royal seal, he no longer needs the participant's token. Oh well..." The man muttered.

There were only the candidates on this side of the booth. As soon as he walked out, he was greeted with the smiling face of Bai Qingsong.

"What took you so long? Let me guess, that man must be ingratiating himself to you right? Hmph, despite being Jade Core expert, he has no shame!"

Tianlong only smiled at his words and didn't bother saying anything.

"Elder brother, some people are fighting there. Why don't we go and see?" Suddenly the girl came out of the crowd and dragged her elder brother.

With so many hot-blooded youths gathering in one place, it was impossible for them to remain calm.

Bai Qingsong's eyes glittered and he let out a laugh. "Oh, looks like some people can't hold themselves anymore." He looked towards Tianlong and laughed. "Fellow Daoist Yun, let's go and see the fun."

Tianlong nodded and followed after the Bai siblings. Soon, they came into a relatively crowded area of the plaza.

Unexpectedly, the commotion there was caused by a lot of people ganging up on a single male cultivator.

"Feng Daofei, did you really think that by participating in this competition you'd be able to escape? No matter where you go, I'll make you pay for my brother's life!" As the man spoke, he thrust forward his spear which bought with itself hundreds of other spear shadows.

From his aura, one could feel his Mid-stage Yin Yang Cleansing cultivation base.

"So when your Cang family wants to kill someone, they are not allowed to retaliate?!" The man called Feng Daofei sneered. Seeing the incoming spear thrust, he wasn't worried a bit.

As soon as his spiritual energy went inside the crimson sword in his hand, it released bright red flames. With a swing of his sword, a resonant bird's cry echoed out as a huge flame phoenix appeared and clashed with the spear.


As the bright red flames spread out, all the surrounding cultivators backed away from the scene. The searing flames destroyed the spear shadows and pushed back the other man hundreds of steps backwards.

"Why would my brother try to kill you? One year ago, you were nothing but the famous trash of Feng Clan! You are just slandering my late brother!"

"Feng Daofei, I had once pitied you for your crippled status. Who knew that the moment you regained your cultivation, you'd become so vicious?" A woman who was beside the man chided him. She looked completely disappointed at the man surnamed Feng.

Hearing the woman's words, Feng Daofei gave a burst of mocking laughter. "Leng Yu, I can't believe that I was once betrothed to a traitorous bitch like you! Haha, If my cultivation wasn't crippled, I would've always been in the dark about your venomous nature!" His voice was full of scorn.

"Feng Daofei, you…" The beautiful girl was enraged by his words. But in the end, she didn't say anything and just lowered her head.

It seemed that the two of them had quite a history.

Seeing the beautiful female lowering her head, the other man's expression became ugly. There was thick killing intent around him as he looked at Feng Daofei.

"Feng Daofei, trash like you have quite the audacity to talk to her like this! She might've been once your fiancée, but now she's my woman!"

His expression was twisted and he wanted nothing more than to tear Feng Daofei to pieces. Unfortunately, despite his superior cultivation base, he couldn't do anything against the latter.

He, Cang Xuan, as a mid-stage Yin Yang cleanser couldn't do anything against a Blood Surging cultivator, what a shame it was!

There was the difference of an entire great realm between them!

He could almost feel the mocking gaze from the audience. Feng Daofei was using him as a stepping stone for establishing his might!

"I finally found you!"

"Feng Daofei, you cannot escape!"

Other enraged roars came from the crowd. It was a burly man standing over eight feet tall along with a young man dressed in rich clothes. Both of them looked as if they wanted to eat Daofei alive.

Cang Xuan was surprised for a moment, but in the next instant, he became delighted. "Fellow cultivators Ta Kong and Wang Wei, do you also have a grudge with this Feng Daofei?"

The two coldly glanced at Cang Xuan and nodded.

Their answer elicited a chuckle from him. "Haha, Feng Daofei, you really don't know what's good for you. Today's the day you'll die!"

With his laughter, he ordered all the cultivators from his clan who had come with him to attack Feng Daofei.

"You can only blame yourself for offending too many people!" Although the men were no match for him, there were over a hundred of them. Now that Feng Daofei had fought for over an hour, he must surely be tired.

"What? Now that you can't handle me, you call your dogs? This won't change anything!" Although Feng Daofei was pressured by the new arrivals, he still mockingly laughed at them.

As soon as the men came forward, he stopped using his sword. His palms joined together as let out a sharp cry.

Immediately huge wings of flame sprouted from his back. Once he flapped them, everyone who went forward to kill him found that their clothes were set alight.