• Chapter #7: [LIVESTREAM HERO]

Aira had lost all hope ever since that day. A day where everything had changed within a moment.

Several months ago, she was driving back home, coming from her colleagues birthday party. She was a bit drunk at that time, but she didn't expect for something to happen.

Ignoring the red light, she sped up her car. However, she didn't expect for a truck to suddenly appear. The only thing she remembered that moment was a bright light and then passing out.

The next day, she woke up to a hospital, all bandaged up. A few minutes later, a nurse had went in her room, doing the daily check and seeing her woken up, immediately called the doctor.

The doctor then proceeded to tell her what happened the day before, and probably the worst news that she had ever received. She may not be able to use her hands. That hit her so hard that she stopped talking since that time, even her friends and family weren't able to get through her.

Added to that, she had missed her long awaited opportunity to study at a famous art school abroad, all because of her carelessness.

Now, she was staring blankly at the hospital ceiling in the middle of the night, tears sliding down her face, her mind a mess on contemplating what could've been.


"I wonder… If I was a little more careful… Would've this thing happened…? Would I be reaching my dreams…? *Sob* Kami-sama… If you hear me… Please… Don't take away what I yearn… I-I promise, t-that if you ever grant me my wish… I-I would dedicate all of what I'll create for this passion… so… please…"

Humanity clenched into miracles if they're in despair...

She continued to wallow in despair and self loathing. Her hands, that she once used to create beautiful paintings, was now futilely shaking, unable to do anything else. She cried harder, like all the nights before, and for the nights to come.

That is, until a serene and comforting breeze had washed over her, making even the curtains dance gracefully in the wind. Her crying had come to an abrupt halt, as she now had a curious expression on her face.

Wiping her face and getting off the bed, she went to the curtains, wondering on what was going on. Surprise came to her when the moon's light had hit her face, it wasn't the normal light of the moon…

However, what shocked her the most, is that the moon was completely round. She was sure that it was a new moon today! She had checked the calendar after all. Added to that, the moon now emitted an ethereal blue glow which greatly surpassed the light it normally emitted during a full moon.

Despite on what's happening, she stood still and continued to gaze at the moon. Despite the strange event, it still somehow gave her a peaceful and comforting presence, which was accompanied by the slight breeze which sent pleasurable shivers down her body.

As she continued to gaze at the moon, a mist suddenly appeared, flowing from outside the building and into her room and the others. Furrowing her eyes, she looked around and confusion, before it turned into shock and a bit of fear. Someone suddenly appeared in thin air!

Yes, in the air. He was floating, with the moon giving him and what appears to be a grand piano, a perfect pitch black silhouette. Also, the piano appeared to be the one emitting the fog, and added to the moon's light, gave the mysterious man and his instrument a ghastly but also divine presence.

Unable to make sense of what's happening, her body merely froze stiff, while her eyes and mouth widened in shock and fear. She began to wonder if she was actually asleep and just dreaming. However, she wasn't able to think of it for to long, as the man began to play.

A single press of the piano, it emitted a melody that went through her, bringing her stiff state to an end as she gasped in shock. Continuing his performance, the tune that the mysterious man played brought a great sense of relief, liveliness, comfort, love, and many more emotions that just swirled within her body and mind.

~♪ Have you given up? ♪~

~♪ Stopped chasing dreams… ♪~

~♪ Never looked up the sky… ♪~

~♪ Always wondering why… ♪


~♪ If you ever feel so low…! ♪~

~♪ Just look up to the starlit sky…! ♪~

~♪ If you ever feel so lost… ♪~

~♪ The moon will light your life… ♪~

With the man's performance reaching it's crescendo, the feelings that swirled within her also reached it's peak. She was now openly crying, clutching her heart as if it would burst out of her chest. Every tune, melody, and the song he sings, brought wonder and many emotions to not just her, but also to the patients within other rooms that heard his strange, but wonderful performance.

She and the others didn't notice, but an azure glow now surrounded them, making their head and vision hazy. Unknowingly, the azure light was actually healing any illness or damage within their body, completely restoring it.

As the play neared it's end, so were the emotions running through Aira and the others, making them feel a little disappointed. And at the end, her vision and thinking became clear once more, while her body felt full of energy she never felt before in anytime of her life.

Looking up once more, the man and the piano had vanished, though the mist and the blue moon stayed behind, appearing to be also vanishing and dimming. As she gazed, a piece of paper drifted slowly down her face. Not realizing it, she unconsciously used her hand to pick it up.

'My greatest thanks for listening to Beethoven's Ghost Opera. Have a well and good second chance in life…'

Only then, she realized that her hand stopped shaking and didn't hurt anymore. Moreover, she was actually holding the paper!

Her eyes watered, fresh tears flowing out of them. She clutched the paper to her heart tightly and muttered hundreds of words of gratitude to the man. She couldn't describe the joy that she felt right now, but she looked up to the sky, a beautiful smile adorning her face.

"My hero…", She muttered, love and adoration strongly tracing her voice.

"Wow! I've never felt anything like that before. That was truly a wonderful play!", I said, before chuckling at my performance. Using the Piano of Emotions and it's misty effect, I was able to make them feel the song within. And by manipulating the moon using Saint's Light, I was able to create an ethereal and divine presence, which was further enhanced by my Healing Aura and Calming Spirit.

Playing Beethoven's moonlight using Talent.

Hah, I went all out on that one. I hope that the people loved it. Heh, little did I know, people more than just loved it…

Not just in the Hospital, people below was also mesmerized and shocked by the strange event that they had seen. Many people took out their phones and started recording the man and his performance.

"… Did you record it?", A female reporter, who happened to be in the area with her crew, asked the cameraman.

"… Yeah… Not just that, it was livestreamed…", He replied, still in disbelief of what they had witnessed.

"I… I-I CAN SEE…!", Came the cry of someone in the crowd, making people gasp out in shock.

"L-LOOK! I CAN REALLY FINNALY SEE…!", The man, appearing to be in his middle thirties, cried out to the crowd surrounding him, with said crowd also trying to confirm if it was real or not.

Finally, after a bit of pushing through, the reporter and her cameraman was able to get through and see the man. And to their surprise, there really wasn't any hint of blindness before, except his cane and shades, which he now waved joyously in the air.

"A-A miracle… A hero… A hero within this livestream…"

"LiveStream Hero…"

[Quest Complete: Reward: One Soul Permission]

[Soul Exchange: Allows one to obtain a soul in the afterlife, in exchange for the soul that it's user had dragged from a person and holding. Essentially, it swaps the position of the two.]

"This is quite the gain…", I smiled lightly. This would become handy later on. However, as much as I like to dabble on more, a yawn had escaped my lips, making me look at my watch.

"Ahhh crap… It's already 10 P.M., and Is still have school tomorrow…", I muttered with a sigh. Plus I still have that latest episode that I need to watch. Also, come think of it, I remember CulturedOjiisan asking me some sauce…

Arriving at my house, I immediately plopped down my couch. Opening our group chat, I was immediately bombarded by praises from my chatmates.

[Plotter: I might want to check the news if I'm you...]

Huh? Check the news? Opening the news site on my browser, I immediately saw that all latest news were videos of my performance. Viewing down the comment section, many people were either shocked or wondering.

[What the hell…? That music really went through me.]

[Can someone explain on how the hell did he do that without CGI?]

[It's on livestream, so it wasn't faked or staged. Plus, people in the hospital or in the streets below were being healed of anything. Because of that, many are causing so much ruckus.]

[Seriously! Shivers went down my spine when I had read that!]

[So heroes and guys like this do exist after all!]

[It's a shame that only his silhouette was seen, but we could definitely tell that he's a male.]

[Kyaahh~ I'm in love!♥]

[Ohhhh! Me! I know him! Just add my number xxxxxx]

[Simp. You can go home bruh.]

Seeing the amount of comments and views, I stood in disbelief. How the hell did it even spread that quick?!

"From the look of things… It's going worldwide real fast…"

[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

And that, just confirmed what I said...


Revised and beta-read by BaNaeNae.