Chapter #9: [SECRETS]

Chapter #9: [SECRETS]

As soon as I stepped inside the temple was greeted by myriad of sights and sounds. The banquet hasn't formally started yet, but people were already enjoying themselves, like chattering to their friends or other things. Similar to the bright and extravagant look of the place, the people inside were also dressed in lavish and rich clothes which signified the Kazuto Clan's power and wealth. However, despite their dresses and how they act, I could tell that all of them possessed great strength and other special 'Abilities'.

They're good. To ordinary people, this would appear as a regular gathering of rich individuals and their guests. Too bad though, I'm not normal, these guys has other objectives. I inwardly sigh, troublesome.

'Ugh… This is going to be a real pain in the ass…', I thought, not noticing the girl who was approaching our group, till she spoke.

"Hiro-nii!", the girl called out, obviously to Hiro. She looked a few years younger than Hiro, about 2 – 3 years. She has beautiful hazel eyes, fair complexion, and silky, reddish brown hair that reached a quarter down her back. She's also wearing a bright red dress that hugged her petite body quite nicely. Overall, she appears to be a little sister who you would love to spoil and pamper.

"Onii-chan~ You came back~ Hami doesn't want onii-chan to leave again…" The girl, now named as Hami, said while hugging her brother tightly. Ah, a 100% bro-con. Though it looks like Hiro doesn't realize it, as he was also smiling and patting her head like a child. Tch, as expected, you could give this guy a thousand signs of love and he still wouldn't notice.

A few moments of being pampered by Hiro, the girl looked around and settled her gaze on me, which I instantly noticed. She was making a "Who the f*ck is this guy?" face, and eventually, she asked.

"Onii-chan? Who's that lowly being behind you?", Her eyes were squinted, though still held curiosity. Hah, why must girls treat me like this… Maybe that's just the aura of being a loner for too long.

"Please don't call him with such names, he's my friend Hori Kaede.", Hiro said, though his tone and action wasn't on it, as he's still patting his sister's hair.

"I'm Hori Kaede… A pleasure to meet you.", I stated with a straight face.

"Why can't I? He looks like a lonely loser anyways.", The girl said. Instead of replying to my courtesy, she ignored me in favor of her brother and even mocked me. Spoiled little brat! So you want to play that way huh?

"Lonely loser eh? Big words spouted by a bro-con. Did you love your brother because no other guys would come to you?", I sneered at her. I'm done with courtesies, if this guy doesn't discipline his bitches, I'm hittin' back.

"W-why you…!", Hami glared at me, red faced and unable to retort. I sent a mocking smirk at her, though I inwardly cried. I have confirmed another harem member, and this time, it was an imouto. Damn bastard…

"G-guys! Please calm down! We're here to enjoy the party and not fight!", Hiro pleaded and intervened, though his face was sweating a bit.

"Hmph, fine! If onii-chan says so.", Hami instantly replied, though she still glared at me.

"Alright… But control the little brat, Hiro.", I stated icily, accompanied by a cold gaze which I directed to the boy. He seems to be intimidated, as he just gulped and nodded.

"You said back then that you want me to meet your grandfather, right?", I asked, changing the topic and bringing my voice back to normal. Hiro's then eyes widened.

"H-huh? O-oh yeah, I did. Let's go meet him.", he said, silently thanking me for changing the topic. The awkward atmosphere receded, and we walked towards where his grand father was. After a few moments of silently walking, Hiro eventually pointed someone.

"Oh! There he is."

The old man looked to be in his sixties, with balding hair and long beard. He was wearing a traditional Chinese garb that you would normally see on martial arts masters or maybe Chinese godfathers, though the difference is that it possessed intricate decorations and a silky red shine.

Coming to a stop, Hiro walked up in front of our group.

"Grandfather…", Hiro greeted, bowing respectfully at the elderly man.

"Ho… Hiro, time flies indeed, you've really grown up. I'm glad that you have made it here, a shame since your parents cannot attend." The old man said to Hiro, before he gazed at our group, eyeing each of us carefully. He eventually settled his sights on me, and asked.

"And who might this young man be?"

"Ahh… His name is Hori Kaede. A classmate and good friend of mine.", Hiro replied, gesturing at me. I also walked up, and bowed to the man before saying.

"Greetings, Elder."

Keeping my calm expression, me and the elder looked at each other in the eye. There was a slight tension, but eventually the old man broke into a grin.

"Hmmm… Very interesting. Nice to meet you kiddo.", he said, still grinning and holding his hand to me. Despite appearances, the jeezer can be jovial and lively.

I held up my right and we shook hands. Interesting huh? As expected, I'm pretty sure that he sensed something odd within me.

[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

As the scene ended, the old man eventually walked away and Hiro directed us to where we're going to change our clothes and stay. Heading to that room, me and the other boys immediately started changing after we arrived.

As I was fixing my coat, a voice called out behind me.

"Kaede, I think we need to talk.", Hiro said, his face and tone very serious.

"Need? I don't think we have any issues but… What do you want?", I replied in a stoic and slightly bored tone, never facing him and still tending to my suit.

They're silent, odd. Finishing my tie up, I eventually turned to them. Only then, I noticed Hiro's face and the expressions of Carter and Kogi behind him.

Tsk, they actually know huh?

[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

What a useless skill.

"Who are you?", Hiro's gaze was scrutinizing, carefully looking for any odd reactions.

"I'm Hori Kaede.", I replied, not fazed in the slightest.

"It's no use. We already know you're not normal.", Kogi spoke up, standing besides Hiro.

"While it's true that I'm quite a loner, I didn't think that anyone would think of me as someone with an illness.", I stated to evade his statement.

"Extraordinary, I mean.", Kogi corrected.

"You have the Plotter's Discernment, right?", Carter specified.

Hmm… So they know this skill, it would be quite difficult to get away, but that wouldn't stop me from messing with them.

"It's useless to hide it from us. We already know anyway, so it's better if you just reveal yourself.", Kogi explained, crossing his arms.

I inwardly grinned, looks like there is a chance after all.

"Then this conversation is foolish. If you already know, there would be no purpose of revealing myself." I stated. Other than this, I can't afford to reveal anything.

Kogi and Carter seemed to be annoyed by what I said, and tried to say something. Though they were overtaken by Hiro, who now had a childishly happy expression.

"So you really are like us?! Which house do you belong?!", He spoke loudly, a stupid grin and sparkly eyes plastered on his face. This guy really couldn't read any atmosphere. Realizing that I had the chance of ending this, I replied.

"You've found out my ability, so why not try to find my sect as well? I'm sure that it's pretty easy for the Kazuto Clan.", I grinned at them.

They were stupefied, they didn't expect for me to know that much huh?

The silence lasted for a few moments, before it was broken down by Hiro again.

"So you're aware of our house huh? What about the others?", He asked.

"This is enough, it's time we head out.", I said in finality, walking towards the door to exit the room. As I reached the doorknob, I stopped and added.

"I'm pretty sure you know the answer, Kazuto Hiro, the once in a century genius and the one who pulled out the Blade of the Tyrant from it's scabbard."

And with that, I finally went out, not seeing their shocked faces. I said that to make them aware that I also knew of their connection to the Tyrant of Battles, which happens to be Fürher. Hah, so much for hiding myself.


Revised and beta-read by BaNaeNae.