Chapter #17: [BET]

• Chapter #17: [BET]

"Queen of Tundra…", Tatsumi darkly muttered, sneering at the woman who cancelled his spell. He probably thought that the job was easy and is now quite irritated at the appearance of another Supreme Ranker.

The woman however, was unfazed by his anger and continued to stare at him impassively.

"Damn you! Look at what you did to my clothes!", A voice full of irritation yelled out to Tatsumi, making him avert his gaze away from the ice lady.

The source of the voice was revealed to be Matsamune Shido, who had a face full of tick marks, all while scowling at the man.

Shido clean red hair was full of dirts and his hazel eyes glared at Tatsumi.

"HA! As I expected! But I didn't really think that you would be here, clean freak!", Tatsumi mocked Shido, whose irritation now changed to anger.

"Shut it! You stupid chunni!", Shido replied in anger, glaring daggers at Tatsumi.

"I am Dominant. My flames will incinerate you, Emperor.", Tatsumi growled out darkly.

Tatsumi, held up his hands, summoning his flames. Normally, this would intimidate lower ranked individuals, especially those on ranks much lower than Supreme Rank. However, despite being at Emperor Ranking, Shido merely sent a mocking smirk at Tatsumi and released his own power.

Shido was engulfed in a bright light. Releasing his sword, it's blade was revealed to also be pure white. Shido looked like the incarnation of light right now.

"And this Emperor will thoroughly cleanse you, chunni shit!", Shido spat out, before turning to the woman besides nearby him.

"I will take care of him, Miss Lisa.", Shido said with resolution. The woman, now revealed to be Lisa, looked at him for a few seconds before nodding.

With that, Shido immediately blasted off and swung his sword towards Tatsumi, who smirked in amusement. As the sword was about to make contact, Tatsumi immediately held up a flame barrier. The barrier stopped the sword, and before Shido could make any moves, the flames raged intensively and unleashed torrents of flames, threatening to burn Shido.

Fortunately, he was able to jump away. However, Tatsumi immediately followed the attack up with a volley of condensed fireballs.

Enchanting his sword and body with more light, Shido swung and sliced every fireball that came close to him. Combined with dodging, Shido danced around the fireballs that seem to endlessly barrage him.


Having enough, Shido transformed into a comet of pure light that shot towards Tatsumi. While it was very fast for others, it wasn't for someone of Tatsumi's rank.

Tatsumi just sidestepped the fast approaching Shido, turning to him once he had passed and sneering at him.

"Heh? Is that all?"

The rank difference was just immense. The other being a Dominator while the other was an Emperor. It was clear on who will come out as the winner if the fight drags on much longer. However, that didn't mean that Shido would just give up.

[Star Burst]

Shido raised his sword overhead and immediately, more light were expelled from Shido and the blade. The light eventually formed into a pillar that stretched into the skies.

"What the hell…?", Tatsumi whispered cautiously, gazing at the dark clouds that the pillar of light had disappeared to. He continued to look at the sky carefully, looking for any oddities. Soon, it was answered when a bright spark had pierced through the dark clouds, followed by another, then many more.

It was revealed that the sparks were spears of light, which scattered from the light pillar earlier and were now heading towards Tatsumi.

Widening his eyes, Tatsumi hastily prepared a shield of fire. It shielded him from the first few spears, however dozens more rained down and bombarded him, eventually making his fire shield give away.

Smoke covered the area, as spears of light bombarded the area like artillery. Soon, the attack stopped and the area cleared out, revealing a large crater and slightly tattered Tatsumi.

Tatsumi raised his right hand, making Shido narrow his eyes. Slowly, the crimson flames on his hand noticeably intensified, as it turned into a rosy gold color and the temperature rose up a few degrees.

"My r-right hand! Release thy power!!!" Tatsumi raised his hand and mumble.

"Tch…", Shido muttered, closing his eyes and bringing out his light attribute's innate power. He turned pure white, resembling the northern star.

While the two was going at it, Lisa was having a standoff against the companion of Tatsumi. The woman gazed at Lisa, her eyes narrowed.

"Heir of the Yumie Household. I didn't expect for someone like you to be far out here…", The woman muttered, frowning at the appearance of the Supreme Rank.

Lisa however, didn't respond and merely raised her palm, a magic circle on it.

[Winter Spear]

Particles of water gathered around Lisa, turning into ice and proceeding to mold themselves to numerous ice spears. Immediately after, the spears launched themselves to the woman.


The space around the woman twisted, as she disappeared from sight, making the spears completely miss her.

"I don't have plans to fight you.", The woman said, as she reappeared from another spot. She quickly set her gaze to Tatsumi, and scowled at him.

"Though, I wish that he would just stop playing around.", She said irritably to the man, who didn't seem to hear her.

"Whatever, they'll soon come anyways…", She whispered out, which Lisa didn't hear, but made her frown nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Hiro and his group were fighting out another separate group, which had about 100 of them, at the LightWays Media entrance. The enemy were also at least at Predator and Lord Ranking, with ten of them being at Conqueror Rank.

I frowned as I gazed on different angles, using the shadows as my personal space and camera. The disaster that I was waiting for still isn't here, I'm pretty sure of it. It seems though, that the Zodiac will finally use those hidden transportation magic soon.

While listening to Renai Circulation, which doesn't make sense regarding of the current situation, I couldn't help but grab my phone and snap some scenes to send them to our GC.

[Plotter: Kekekekeke… I'll bet one contingency soul escape rune that they'll get caught off guard again. Really those guys, haven't they learned sneak attacks from the previous invasion yet?]

[Enigma: I wonder though… Those magic circles, they intend to transport someone to somewhere, instead of being an exit of transportation… What are… No… Do they intend to transport anyone within the school into somewhere?]

[Plotter: Kekekeke… I'll let you figure that one out yourself.]

[WarIsLife: Bwahahahaha! Go ahead! Fight like Spartans!]

[CulturedOjiisan: Ey Enigma! Wanna bet? I'll give ya 30 pieces of limted edition 'collections' with high – grade tags!]

[Enigma: Hmmm… Fine, I'll give 4 high – class loli body pillows then, deal?]

[CulturedOjiisan: Yeah!]

[Enigma: Then, who's your bet?]

[CulturedOjiisan: plotter]

[Enigma: What?! I'm betting with Plotter too! There's no way I'm going against that living spoiler!]

[BeastlyBeauty: Well, if anyone bets my side, I'll give you some of my cute pictures and sounds of my purr.]

[BarrierBlock: I'm betting on humanity this time!]

[WarIsLife: Slaughter those bastards!]

[Plotter: Hmm… Even though my insight haven't been wrong, I hope it doesn't on this one…]

[CulturedOjiisan: Hmmm… A fine collection indeed. I'm sorry, but the humans need to be sacrificed for the sake of my right hand!]

[CheckYourInventory: I wish I could just give those humans some help…]

[Enigma: What's with the sudden change of teams?]

[ManaLiz: Tch…]

[UnderworldSucks: Well, evil must be exterminated, so I hope that the Zodiac trap doesn't work…]

[PeaceLife: HolyMaiden, is your book '100 Ways To Make Someone Regret What They Said' still there? You see, I really need it now.]

[HolyMaiden: Surely~]

[UnderworldSucks: G-Guh! I was just kidding! W-Wait! How did you arrive here so fa—]

UnderworldSucks, PeaceLife: Status – Offline

Every male member sent F's or pay your respect stickers to UnderworldSucks.

Well… It looks like we just turned the fiasco into some betting entertainment. Should I… Give them an edge?


A notification ringed from my phone.

Enigma was temporarily blocked from the group, all votes cancelled and can't perform any actions till notice.

My eyebrows twitched irritably. Why the fuck would they do that?!

Tsk… Stupid ass gods…


I put down my phone. Still this battle has been going on long enough, might as well as give them something. I'm out of the bet anyways.

[Saint's Light]

Bright light shone above the LightWays Media, it's ethereal presence soothing the Union members who were fighting and in shock of the light's appearance. I'm very sure that it was Shido who kept laughing maniacally all while yelling 'Purity!'.

"Woah! My wounds! They're fading!"

"I don't feel tired anymore!"

The Zodiac members, looked on in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. Even the highest ranking members weren't unable to wrap their heads on what's happening before them.

[Miracle Invoker]

Morale and strength granted to all Union members.

"Th… T-This is…! Is there a LightSeeker nearby?!"

"Who knows?! But let's not waste their help! We must fight immediately!"


With that, the Union charged once more, intending to fight and protect what they had sworn to protect. And even though this might be difficult, they still had smiles plastered on their faces.


Revised by BaNaeNae.