Chapter #30: [ESCAPING]

• Chapter #30: [ESCAPING]

[Miyanase's World]

Everyone watched in mix emotions, as the massive doors to the Monument slowly collapsed, making way to the portal that would lead everyone out. The Union wore looks of relief and joy, finally securing their hope of getting out. While the Black Zodiac wore expressions of annoyance, anger, and confusion as their plans went all haywire.

"He did it…", Lisa softly smiled in relief. They were already having a hard time, and if it was opened much later, they were not sure if they could still escape after spending all of their energy repelling the Zodiac.

She also knew that the other 4 Supreme Ranks went inside the monument, but she had faith in the LightSeeker. And it looks like that faith didn't go misplaced.

"Quick! There's no time to waste!", Tony Mayers yelled. His order was quickly followed, when their comrades abandoned who they were fighting and headed towards the portal, while picking up their fallen comrades.

The Black Zodiac tried to give chase, but Mayers' blood monsters immediately ganged on them and blocked their way. The enemy Supreme Ranks, just stared at their retreating forms, already knowing that their plan was foiled after the old man's message had been received.


[LightWays Media]

"The barrier won't last much longer!"

"Shit! Area B has been breached! Prepare to attack!"

The barrier was slowly breaking down, and despite the Trapping Wards that had been activated, the Black Zodiac is still very persistent. Their numbers were like ants.

"Kuh…! Dammit, our Leaders aren't here too!"

"Lady Emily also isn't here…"


It was at that moment, the doors suddenly opened, quite loudly. A male on his early twenties revealed to have done so, before he collapsed on his knees, gasping for dear air.

"We…! W-We're not the only one under attack…!", He gasped out.

Shock immediately went through the people within the LightWays main office.

"What do you mean?!", The acting manager of the LightWays Media, a man in his mid twenties, bearing blue hair and purple eyes, gritted out, as he stood up from his seat. He was on Dominator Rank.

Slowly, the man gathered his breath. Still full of sweat, he stood up and delivered his report.

"Europe's 'Round Table' Branch in France has been attacked by 'Malefactor'. The American's 'Destine' Main HQ on Washington has also been attacked by 'Genos Obstreperous'. The Russian 'Motherland' attackers is still unknown. The Union Main HQ in China and Japan, here in Yokohama and Shanghai, has been hit by the 'Black Zodiac'. Increasing hostile activities of the 'Morgen Corsair' has also been detected by the 'Frost Bite' in Antarctica and are currently asking assistance from Australia in case that 'Morgen Corsair' attacks." The man reported.

Hearing this, the manager could only grit his teeth and furrow his brows in anger and confusion.

"Dammit…! What's going on?! Why are they all attacking now?!", The manager muttered in frustration, clenching his hands. They did not detect any movements that those groups would target them soon, so why? Where they too light on the surveillance? What would they get from attacking them so suddenly?

"Sir? But what about the leaders? Shouldn't they send reinforcements?", The man asked.

"What reinforcements? They can't even receive our message because of this barrier!", The manager snapped, making the man flinch.

Luckily, he was saved from further bearing the manager's anger when one of the men together with the manager received a message.

"Sir, communications has been restored. Reinforcements will arrive in 40 Minutes. ", He said, rather gravely. Despite the good news of reinforcements arriving, they knew that the barrier would only last about 10 minutes, and 15 or 20 if they really pushed it.

"We need to stop the enemy from further breaking the barrier then! Let's go out there, the more of us the better!", He said, cracking his knuckles while walking out the office.

"Not to mention, I'm so pissed that a crushed skull or two would do good…", He darkly muttered, with no one else hearing him.

"Hurry!", He roared further.

Unlike the others who went to the portal, I had just used my [Shade Walker] to go back to LightWays Media. It was a mess to say the least, enemies continued to pour in as the 2 enemy Supreme Ranks continued to work on breaking the barrier.

I glance at Miyanase, who was still silently observing the place.

"First time?", I asked her. She nodded, and continued to observe the place. It seems that she's curios of the world and it's current developments.

"… There's less people?", She pointed out, tilting her head.

"Ahh. We're on a separate space right now, made by the [Spacial Concealment]. It's an magic that…", I explained to her what was happening right now. Curiously, she also started to say something about her old world and kingdom, comparing the [Spacial Concealment] to a 6TH Tier Magic on her world with similar effects.

"6TH Tier huh? Very curious. What was your place like?", I asked her.

Her eyes held sad reminisce for a moment, before she proceeded.

"… Magika… It's a Kingdom known for it's focus on Magic… Many great mages inhabited it and both military and everyday things were done with magic…" She slowly explained.

Hmm… A place expertising in Magic and research of it? Cool.

"Our Kingdom even had systems, and various magical knowledge that no one else had… The Kingdom was known for it's immense magical prowess, with mages and their magic being ranked from Tier 1 to Tier 9…", She finished up.

"I see...", I nodded to her. My curiosity had been woken up, I kinda want to search for the Kingdom sometime in the future. Not now though, as the mess is brewing really bad below.

"Keh! Those Union morons sure is persistent!"

"It won't be long! This place will be ruined soon!"

"Oh, Yes! There will be blood!"

"Kukukuku… Hehehehe… HAHAHAHAHA!"

"… Uhhh… Isn't your laugh a bit… Overreacting…?"

The morale of the straggler villains were quite up. The dude who laughed like a fool sure made me facepalm though. Still, I continued to watch as a group of men suddenly went out the main building.

"YOU DAMN BASTARDS!!", The man, a Dominator Rank I presume, yelled out. His voice echoed althroughout the area.

"M-Manager…", The man besides him looked in concern and a bit of fear.

"Haha! Finally, someone shows up!", One of the Supreme Ranks spoke.

"Alone though?", He continued.

"Are you degrading me?!! Do you think because you're a Supreme Rank I can't do anything?!!", The manager glared at the man.

"Temper, temper.", He waved off the man nonchalantly.

"Still, I've heard about you, Manager Makabe. A 24 year old man with extreme temper. Probably why you didn't have any girlfriend.", The man mocked the manager, grinning savagely at the end.

The Union members gulped, especially to the people besides him. Makabe was literally shaking, his hands clenched so hard that blood were now seeping out. His face was also red and contorted in rage.

Ahhh… Shit, the man looked ready to torture the hell out of him. But still, he kept a relatively calm grin on his face.

"Where is your deputy head?", The other Supreme Rank, questioned the manager. He was unconcerned of his rage and his comrade's idiotic provocations.

"Tch! You wanted Deputy Head Emily?! Then you came to the wrong place, morons!!", He sneered at them.

"M-Manager, please…", One of the men pleaded.

Upon hearing what he said, the face of the other Supreme Rank morphed into an emotionless one, as he turned towards his partner.

"Let's just get rid of this. It's getting rather annoying.", The man who traded words with Makabe said, his partner nodding in agreement.

"What to do after though? We still haven't got any signal.", The other Supreme Rank said, with his partner shrugging in response.

Ahh. I don't think you'll ever get any signal. There holed up on the planet and your other 4 Members is out of commission, courtesy of me.



Suddenly, an energy sizzled above, making way to several runes that formed a circle. A portal soon opened up. Everybody noticed immediately, as they all stopped fighting and doing anything.

See what I told you...


"Something's wrong.."

The two Supreme Ranks muttered with narrowed eyes. Ah, no plans survive when they face me.

I can say, One brick is enough...if needed.


Revised by BaNaeNae.