• Chapter #32: [KAIDE VS. BLACK ZODIAC]

As I entered my Shadow Realm, I felt someone's gaze on me. I'm quite surprised, I didn't think anyone would be able to trace me on this form.

Looking about, my eyebrows raised as the one who was looking at me– or rather the place where I had entered my Shadow Realm, was the mole I was investigating earlier.

I continued to observe him for a few moments. It seems that he didn't actually see me, but saw the disturbance I caused as I entered my Shadow Realm.

I eventually ignored him and focused on the ongoing battle back at Miyanase's World.

"Blood Creations…", Ace mumbled, as he rapidly shot down a Blood Beast with hid guns, reducing it to an unrecognizable hole-filled flesh.

"Dammit! There's still too many!", Tatsumi cried out. Taking on a stance and a deep breath, he yelled.

[Hell's Pillar]

Flames coalesced on Tatsumi's body, before it transformed into a large flaming pillar which surrounded his form, burning the nearby Blood Beasts on the ground and air.

"Saddle them up! I'll take them away!", The old man ordered. He had been healed from most of his injuries and is now able to join the fight.

As the others continued to repel the monsters of Mayers' creation, the man with glasses, the same one back at LightWays Media, appeared. He seem to be unnoticed by others and just quietly surveyed his comrades as they fought.

Seeing as they seem to be in trouble, he pulled out a book. It was a large book, appearing to be old and full of grime, which is why it isn't recognizable. Though from what it looks, it seems to be a Grimoire of some sort.

He held out the book, then opened it at an specific page. Adjusting his glasses, he began reading it out aloud.

"He is trying to summon one of the strongest creatures here… However, it's dead and to do that, he's trying to access my power.", Miyanase explained to me.

"Access your power?", I asked, raising my eyebrows. That was possible? And what monster would they want to summon?

"I have domain over Time and Decay… Though I have access to most of my powers over Decay, it's still not complete and I haven't regained my access over Time… Most likely, he's trying to access my rule over time to revive the monster…", She paused.

"However… What he's doing will also cause him a major drawback… Although he'll be successful in using it as he's a Supreme Rank, the [Time Field] he'll cast will be extremely unstable and may end up eating the time of everything on it, including him and his comrades, instead of rewinding the time of his intended target.", She finished, closing her eyes as if focusing.

I looked back at the guy and frowned, if he pulls this off, either they'll die, which is good for me as I won't need to do anything, or they successfully summon a Spirit Ranked Beast that would lay waste to LightWays Media, force me and Miyanase to fight alongside the Union.


I sighed, I guess this is the time I intervene.

"I'll try to resist them… But I don't know for how long…", Miyanase said to me.

"Keep going on, I'll buy some time too.", I said to her. She opened her eyes, then looked at me in confusion.

I just grinned at her.

"Don't worry about it, just focus.", She nodded and I walked out of my Shadow Realm.

The shadows on a small rock behind the man with glasses shifted, as it grew much larger. A few moments later, Kaide had exited the Shadow Realm. He grinned as the man still didn't detect his presence, even though he already deactivated his [Spectre].

[Aptitude – Assassin: Active]

Stealthily, he walked besides the man. Kaide then grinned and looked at the Black Zodiac's other members.

"It's a bit livelier here, don't you think?", I calmly said to the man besides me, as if just reporting today's weather. I inwardly smirked as he noticeable flinched and stopped chanting.

"Wh… W-Who— L-LightSeeker…?!", The man gritted out in shock, taking a step back. It lasted for a few moments before he eventually recomposed himself and glared at me angrily for interrupting what he was doing.

"Hmph.", I looked at him impassively.


He released a sigh then took off his glasses. Smirking, he faced the skies. My eyes narrowed.

"Good thing I was prepared…", He muttered.

My eyes widened, before I raised my index finger and made a barrier of light.

Red bullets collided to it, with the last one ultimately destroying it. Luckily, I was able to reinforce my right hand with light and bat it away.

I looked at him in the corner of my eye. He was wearing an expression of shock and a bit of fear, probably due to my casual dismissal of his comrades' attack.

Eventually though, I returned my focus to the approaching Supreme Ranks, and from what it looks like, it was another 4.

"4 Supreme Ranks?", I raised my eyebrows. Hadn't they learned their lessons yet?

"It's originally 5, the other one hasn't returned yet. But it won't matter, once you're done, I'm going to—", I suddenly interrupted 4-eyes from speaking.

"Yeah, yeah, you're going to do some grand scheme which involves bringing the revived monster back at LightWays Media.", I said, waving my hands nonchalantly, as if brushing of his words.

"Y-Yo—", He was again interrupted, as I focused my [Bloodlust] on him. He took a step back, making me scoff visibly.

"However, do you really know what your doing?", I asked ominously, my voice taking on a demonic tinge. He widened his eyes and was about to say something before the other 4 finally arrived, and I changed my focus towards them.

"It seems that a LightSeeker got lost.", The astronaut-like man, Astrosuit, chimed to me.

"… He said to be careful in handling the 'lightfreak'.", Ace reminded AstroSuit.

A tick mark appeared on my face. Lightfreak huh… I guess they really want to die.

"… I'm not lost you astronaut wannabe. And you mr. cowboy, do you want to die?", I glared at them, though the two just looked at each other and shrugged. Brushed off eh?

"Enough. Do not underestimate him. He's not a normal LightSeeker, he had other abilities aside from his Light Attribute.", The old man from earlier, growled out and glared at me heatedly.

"I see.", The woman looked at my wings for some moments.

"You should listen to him, right jeezer?", I mockingly said to the old man, making him grit his teeth at me.

"After all, he and your little trio of speedy midgets almost died.", I finished in a frigid and demonic voice. They all tensed, watching me carefully. One by one, they began to surround me.

However, my focus was taken by someone. It was the chuunibyou Tatsumi, who just arrived.

"Yo! Sorry I'm late.", He nonchalantly said. Seems like he's the same type of guy as Hiro, who can't read the atmosphere.

Eventually, after hearing no replies, he just quietly joined them and observed me.

"5 Supreme Ranks and 1 Dominator? I'm at a disadvantage.", I calmly said, while smiling. No I'm not, although I initially thought before that I would be, [Plotter's Discernment] had allowed me to gauge their power, and it seems like loss would be not on my side today.

Plus, I have Miyanase and other instant vanishing skills, as well as the goddamned brick.

But still, I need to watch out for their stuff. After all, arrogance causes the downfall of even the most powerful.

"Your search of light ends here, LightSeeker.", Ace, glared at Kaide angrily. It seems that he's had a bad encounter with LightSeekers before.

Truth to be told, Ace's first encounter with a LightSeeker ended in very bad terms. Not only they're foreign to the planet, but most of them possessed [Saint's Light], a High – Tier Healing Spell, only surpassed by other Spells such as [Asclepius].

Several years ago, Ace also respected LightSeekers for their Supportive, Healing, and Light Abilities. However, when he was just a newly crowned Emperor Rank, he never imagined that a LightSeeker would be the cause of his team's deaths. It was a horrific sight to see, and one that caused his distaste and disgust at LightSeekers.

He watched as his comrades succumbed to their injuries, but what was the most heart breaking, is that the LightSeeker refused to heal them. He just continued to chase the light, disregarding everyone's existence and saying that death is just a purification to an otherworldly journey.

"I didn't think that I'd encounter a LightSeeker once more.", Ace said, as he pointed his larger gun at Kaide.

We stared at each other. The atmosphere was tense and no sound could be heard. Unlike earlier, they were underestimating me. But now, they didn't, they know that doing so would just send their asses flying.

I gazed impassively at them, and without warning, their auras exploded. I smirked, anyone who's rank is below them would have already fainted or even died from an heart attack.

Tatsumi though, seems to be unaffected and was even able to release his own aura. Perhaps he was already used to it?

The woman, who was Tatsumi's partner, had an eerie red and emerald green aura. The man in the astronaut suit released a deep purple aura. Ace released an orange aura. The old man, or the Bound Serpent, had a disgusting black and green aura. The man with glasses, released a blue aura and finally, Tatsumi had a flaming gold aura.

My smirk turned to a frown, as the wind generated by their combined amounts of power and intent blasted in my face.



{Does the book still affect you?}

{It is, but it's been greatly weakened thanks to your intervention.}

{Hmm… Is it possible for you to imbue some of your power to my aura?}

{Yes. In this state, I could still easily do that. Why is it?}

{It's nothing, I just wanted to intimidate them for a bit}

{I see… Very well…}

With that, the mental link had been cut off. Only a moment had passed later, and I felt Miyanase's power enter my body. I had the urge to destroy everything, as her [Rule Over Decay] made itself known. However, I was able to shake it off and again orient myself.

I smirked, and released my own aura. A mixture of red and gold energy, together with a deep purple miasma, coated my body and released a shockwave that even affected the Black Zodiac's aura and dimmed the world around us.

The Black Zodiacs auras receded greatly, as they all shook and stepped back in fear. They were sweating and had a great feeling urge of dread that somehow made them feel weak, as if they were at the ends of their time. Of course, this only applied to the Supreme Ranks.

Tatsumi, as soon as the aura hit him, was knocked unconscious and fell down to the ground uselessly.

"Th… T.. T-This is…?!", The old man stuttered out, now realizing that his aura is imbued with the Deity's power and on how outclassed they were.

"T-The Deity's p-power…", The man in glasses stared at Kaide in fear.

"Bu.. But h-how did yo— ?!", The man continued, before his eyes widened in shock and realization.

"You… Y-Y-You revived and made contract with the Deity?!", He screamed out, as he pointed at Kaide.

Even the others couldn't contain their shock and surprise, as they stared at Kaide with wide eyes. Revival items were extremely rare, even more so that's able to revive Divinities. Most items would be at the said Divinities hands only.

Kaide's smirk grew, as he laughed at them mockingly.

"You're no LightSeeker are you?!", The woman yelled at him, her eyes held panic and here breaths were heavy as Kaide's aura continued to fill the area.

"Who said I was, anyways?", I spoke to them in a bored tone.

The old man gritted his teeth, before he created a magic circle.

"Head on!!!", He screamed, casting his magic at me.

[Warped Gates]

Hundreds of portals surrounded him, as if attempting to seal Kaide off. Ace then fired of his guns at maximum power, to the portal that appeared in front of him.

The result was a flurry of red and yellow bullets coming off from the portals that surrounded Kaide, swarming him.

"Locking me in? How fitting.", Kaide said with amusement, as he activated one of his abilities.

[Shade Walker]

The rock's shadow nearby him immediately enlarged and swallowed Kaide, in time as the bullets hit.

Kaide then appeared somewhere behind the woman, who was frantically searching around, along with her comrades, of him.

"That was close.", He calmly stated, as he walked towards them.

They all turned at where his voice came from and AstroSuit wasted no time.

[Gravity Swing]

Purple ropes of gravity came from AstroSuits outstretched palms and coiled around each of his allies' bodies. And like it's name suggest, he swung them afar from Kaide.

"Karisa, Sun, take Tatsumi and wake him up. We'll hold him off, so finish the task.", The old man ordered. The hooded woman and the man with glasses nodded, before proceeding to carry out the task. Kaide just watched their exchange with amusement, not intervening.

The old man looked at Kaide again, frowning and thought.

'He didn't use the Deity's power yet… Except when he released his aura… But he's still very powerful… Is he possibly at Enlightened Rank…?' He quietly analyzed the still standing Kaide.

'… Or maybe an Ascended…?', He gritted out his teeth. How can someone, who appears to be much younger than him be this powerful?!

"That really is no LightSeeker, that thing is a monster.", AstroSuit's voice brought the old man out of his thinking.


Kaide, who was tired of waiting, casted his own spell. The Black Zodiac widened their eyes in shock, as his aura tripled in strength for a moment, almost sending them down to their knees. However, it was soon restrained by Kaide.

'This is a very mana consuming spell… I need to end this soon.', Kaide thought, as he walked towards the 3 Supreme Ranks.

However, it seems that he didn't need to wait, as the 3 soon engaged him once more.

"Hey snake, mind if I borrow one of your magic?", The 3 stopped their charge and stood, dumbfounded at what he said. However, this just gave Kaide time.


A portal appeared in front of Kaide, swallowing him. It was a variant of the Bound Serpent's Spacial Magic, [Warped Gates], created by Kaide after he analyzed the [Warped Gates]. It was a much faster spell that allowed Kaide to create a portal and travel anywhere. It's drawback, is that Kaide must have a picture of where he wants to teleport to.

As the blue portal swallowed Kaide, an orange portal appeared behind the man with glasses, Sun. They couldn't even react as Kaide's arm held Sun's neck locked. Using his free arm, Kaide then casted.

[Eden Block]

A variant of the [Barrier] spell. Unlike the [Barrier], who only weakened attacks that hit it and blocked all types of attacks from the inside or outside, with the exception of it's user. [Eden Block] also blocked all sorts of attacks. However, it weakens both Attribute and Physical based attacks, and negated Magical based ones, regardless when a Catalyst is used or it originated from it's user. As this applied both on inside and outside, it's also very effective when used as some sort of prison.

Right now, Sun was locked within Kaide's barrier, within their own barrier. It spelled trouble for them.

"Wha–?! A barrier from an Ancient God?!", Ace exclaimed in shock. He gritted his teeth, as he shot a flurry of bullets. Only then, he watched in horror as the bullets lost their respective glow and dropped to the ground uselessly upon hitting the barrier.

[Conflagration] [Crimson Wave]

Tatsumi and Karisa had backed away after he appeared, and released their own attacks after seeing that Ace's attacks were useless against it. Great waves of fire and acid collided with [Eden Block], eliciting dust and smoke as it isn't the only affected area of the attack.

"Astro!", Karisa cried out. Immediately, AstroSuit's right arm was encompassed in a deep purple glow.

[Phantasm Strike]

A slash of pure gravity sailed towards where Kaide and Sun was. Upon impact, it elicited an explosion far larger than Tatsumi and Karisa's combined attacks.

The Black Zodiac stared at the smoke, their guards still up. They do not know what sort of barrier it was and could only assume that they at least had weakened it.

As the smoke eventually cleared and to their horror…

The barrier still stood, without any signs of harm. Within it, Kaide held the book and a now unconscious Sun.


Revised by BaNaeNae.