• Chapter #49: [THERE’S MORE TO HIM]

• Chapter #49: [THERE'S MORE TO HIM]


The deep trenches of the universe, stretched out and incomprehensible even by the smartest of minds. No sound can travel here, for its vacuum tears sound into nothingness. The only one that makes this dark, cold, and soundless eternity beautiful, is the light of the stars. Pulsing in power, shining everyone with their light, embracing everything with their light…

"Move. Librarian.", A deep, yet strangely feminine voice bellowed throughout the void.

Despite the space being unable to conduct sound, the woman's voice echoed far, deep, wide, and vibrating the universe itself. Her form, made the stars flicker, feeling threatened. Her form, her light, was far greater than theirs. Threatening to devour them, yet the stars could do nothing but flicker helplessly like candlelight shined by the glow of the noon sun.

"I can't, Raging Light. You will not get past me.", A male, but also powerful voice countered her warnings. Although his voice also echoed through space, it was one that others would know is full of wisdom, from thousands, perhaps even millions of generations. It was a voice that contained all the wisdom of the gods.

"You know what the Schemer said, we must wait until the right moment.", The deep, old voice chided her. Suddenly, the entire space violently rocked, the stars flickered more violently, with some exploding into a supernova… And then, as quick as it came, it suddenly halted.

However, the violent space quake was followed by another. It was extremely subtle for a moment… Then it grew. More… More… And more… The sound resembles the flapping of a million birds, flying together. However, it actually wasn't. Countless tomes of unknown time and power were suddenly being used. Their texts were literally peeling off the pages, coalescing into runes… Into a magical formula… Into a magic spell.

The space before the heavenly light was filled by texts, which formed countless of formulas, which formed into countless runes, which formed into magic circles, which lined up into complex combinations, then finally forming into a barrier of ethereal white. The Librarian was determined on preventing the Light Goddess from entering.

"I hope you understand this Raging Light, or should I say… HolyMaiden.", Despite the situation, it seems that Talent still attempted to humor the enraged woman.

"You do not humor me, CulturedOjii-san…", The Raging Light bellowed gutteringly.

"Please… Please just let me see him… Even once…", Her voice became a low hum, as if one of desperation.

"I can't, Saint of Light…", Was the Librarian's simple, yet also low response.

"Then so be it.", The Raging Light growled out once more, her resuming anger and frustration shaking the entire space around them. The stars flickered violently, before collapsing, turning into a cloud of heat. The clouds of heat formed from the stars slowly moved, as if wind churning, they coalesced in a singular point, in response to the Goddess's intensifying divine light.

"I do not wish to do this, @#$&%...", Despite the situation, the Librarian's voice was rather calm, though it still contained displeasure.

The sound of countless pages of countless magical tomes echoed once more, in resonance to the coalescing stars. The barrier that the Librarian had created parted, its entire structure rearranging. The space it created in the middle, became filled with texts once more.

However, the texts were purple in color, emitting an ominous and dark aura. And just like before, the texts arranged up, forming into runes, formulas, magic circles, formations, and the eventual magic spell itself. However, what was created wasn't a barrier. This time, they formed into a magical cannon. A magical cannon of immense destructive power. Slowly, the cannon hummed in power, its magical circles spinning in accordance. The purple, ominous aura that had surrounded it coalesced into its barrel, forming into a mass of unpredictable darkness, which devoured and dissolved everything it touched.

"DO NOT call me by that name…!" In a single moment, the space that the two Ancient Gods had intended to use as a battlefield, became suffused in energy that turned the dark space, as well as everything in it, into white nothingness.



Hmmm… What was that…? I panned my gaze all around me. I just felt unbelievably cold for a moment. Did something bad happen…?

"Mr. Jack, this is Gypsy, my colleague who you already met. This is Mely, a childhood friend of mine. And this is Randeir, Gypsy's friend.", Allen's introduction of the people in the room cut off my thoughts. Deciding to shelve that odd feeling for later, I regarded the people with a nod.

Randeir wore the same uniform as Allen and Gypsy. He had a pretty ordinary face and build, greenish-brown hair, and gray eyes. Mely, is a beautiful and slender girl, having blue shoulder-length hair and green eyes. She seemed to be pretty good if judging by the kind smile on her face. Her dress was also the same as the three, being the uniform of the Yustas Academy. However, hers was for women along with her blue skirt, and white ankle-high socks. Notably, a hairpin also rested on her hair. Hmm… So this is the woman that the pink-haired girl was jealous of…

"So, what will we be talking about?", I asked them, floating lazily on the air while sitting cross-legged.

"Currently, our winning shot on this competition has significantly increased, thanks to Sir Jack's appearance. However, despite him being on our side, we still cannot win this without planning. If we fight other classes and rely on Sir Jack alone, his abilities would be revealed and they would do their best to create a counter for it, especially the Class S, who also has a permanent Tales contract on their ranks.", Gypsy had begun the discussion, relying on what they had to do.

I observed the other three, it seems that Allen's diligently listening and even writing notes here and there. The other two though…


Mely was listening… Slightly that is. Although she would pay attention, her gaze was sometimes averting on Allen's face. Randeir meanwhile, the guy just stared straight ahead, as if in a trance.

"Our class will test out and combine each tactic together, so we need to come up of our own too.", Gypsy finished, earning a nod of agreement from Allen.

"Well, our main focus should be protecting Allen since he has the Tales summon right?", Mely suggested.

"Hmm… That's true, but we need to see how strong is Allen's summon first.", Gypsy looked at me with a smile, but I could tell his excitement of testing my powers. I scowled slightly.

"You kids couldn't even bear my presence, and you want to see my attacks?", I said to them, a little emotionlessly.

It's true, even on my first appearance, they couldn't stand next to the ominous aura that I emitted. That, and I preferred to have my abilities hidden and kept as a surprise for later. Still, although Gypsy's smile had faltered, he was still adamant. And now, he was joined by the other two, who's also looking at me eagerly. How great…


"Alright, but if you pass out on me I'll never let you see any of my techniques again.", I lightly glared at them. However, my warning seemed to have little effect, as they cheered on excitedly.


"Alright. But first, let's go to a fitting training area first…" I spoke, even for me, not all powers should be hidden right? no need to hide the ability you have given, what do you think this is? An isekai novel...It was better to tell how strong you are to let them have full capacity to prevent any mishaps rather than being the main character who only shows power-ups when teammates were lying there beaten like a rug.


In another place, an area glowed blue, the space around it distorting. Eventually, the distorted area formed into a blue portal, crackling with electricity. Suddenly, someone's head popped out.

"Phew, I finally came through. Those Ancient Gods are ridiculous.", The man on the portal said, a little lazy and tired.

"Hmm, but this is much easier this time. The Raging Light's presence has given us some luck.", The familiar-looking man, spoke to the newly arrived individual.

"The Raging Light was the perfect distraction for the Librarian." He added.

It was the Chief of the Black Zodiac, Chen Zen. Only the Gods know what they're planning up…


"Urghh…", Gypsy groaned. He was trying to not pass out, as he lay in the ground together with their group.

"Please enough…", Allen pleaded, his face scrunched up as he covered his eyes.

"What's wrong? Didn't you want to see my abilities?", I sneered at them.

"C'mon brats, stand up. This isn't even a quarter of my power yet, and I've still got some abilities to show you.", I said to them, with a hint of sadistic pleasure for the hell's ride that I'm about to put them in. But I was met by a chorus of groans… . . .

Hmph, the "little" meeting that we had finally ended, although I had to bring them to the clinic to be checked for damages and for them to rest. Luckily, they weren't injured in any way and were just knocked unconscious. But still, I'm just glad that it's over for now.


Now, it's finally time to interrogate my prisoner. I really hope that I'll get something out of this. On the other hand, it's awfully hot though…


Revised by BaNaeNae.