• Chapter #52: [HOW A MOB BEATS A MOB(1)]

• Chapter #52: [HOW A MOB BEATS A MOB(1)]

The contestants were greeted with loud cheers and applause from the audience, signifying the tournament beginning. The opening ceremony was certainly festive, with all of the colors and lights flick around Yustas. However, festive couldn't be said for the participating students in the tournament. They were more focused on winning the competition, rather than having fun around. To the anxious contenders, the opening ceremony only flew by and the tournament had eventually begun.

It was hosted within a large coliseum, where the audience watched at the large mechanism in the middle, which was fitted with 8 enormous screens. Right now, the draft is being unfolded.

"GOOD MORNING FOLKS!! Today, I will be your announcer Jake!"

"Yep! What a great morning it is indeed! Oh, and I, James, will be joining in the fun too!" The enthusiastic cries of the two announcers rang out through the stadium and the masses, which was returned by the audiences as well with their own.

"Looks like they're getting impatient now, just like I do! So without further ado, let us see which team is favored by the masses! " Announcer Jake declared. Immediately, the audience proceeded to raise their bracelets, which shone brightly, all having different colors.

"Well, well, well. It seems we have many contenders for this tournament. However, it appears that Purple is the most favored among them all!." James commented as he scanned the spectators.

"Well, it's to be expected. Class S had always been the top contender for winners.", Jake added with a smirk, as he gazed at the excited people.

"However, it seems that this tournament gonna be more unpredictable this time. As we have a team, in which luck was truly at their side!" The announcers, spectators, and contestants knew who they speak of.

. The Class D.

. "Oh? You mean Allen and Gypsy's group?"

"Yeah man, they got Tales as a summon. Surely they have a chance for that. "

"But isn't Class S the more experienced one? "

"True, but still they're having a percentage of winning really shot up."

"Well, it could be either way, but I'm still excited when they finally battle!"

"Lezzz Go!!!! Buckle Up, I'll gonna bet my cash on Class D."

"I'll winning in Class S, no risk attach."

Several students gave their opinions on the upcoming tournaments, with a few even betting some money. It's quite typical for Yustas students to do this, adding simple flairs to the fun.

Meanwhile, the players for the first round have begun their preparations, the tension is high, and everyone's hard focused. The rules of the tournament aren't really that complicated. Each team will be placed in between stations composed of 5 classes. Each station on the battlefield will face each other, and if they win, would proceed to compete to the next station till they're the only ones remaining. To make the game more balanced, the Nobles decided that the stronger teams will face numerous drafted opponents, while teams with lesser power have high chances of drawing fewer positions.

Before the match, each group is given 30 minutes of planning. Afterward, they're then transported into a magical battlefield dimension. To win, you'd either have some great tactical skills, or enough power to stomp the opposition hard.

"Are you guys ready?" Gypsy asked his group. Their class is almost done preparing, and most of them were tense, with some students talking to Allen for morale. They knew that Allen is the biggest assurance of the group because of his Tales summon, but it also meant that they'll be targeted by the stronger groups.

"Yeah, we just need most of the Support and Defense types to assist Allen. For the Aggressor types, you will keep watch and have a keen eye for opportunities. You'll also be assisted by some of the supports. To guarantee our chances, we need to play it safe." Randeir once again reminded them.

"Good luck Cap. We're one of the stronger teams, so it's expected that we'll also fight strong teams." Mely said, sending Gypsy some good luck.

"Haha, I'll try my best to not draw a bad one." Gypsy smiled wryly, before proceeding to enter the stage for the matchups.


Thunderous cheers and applause greeted Gypsy, as he walked along with other class leaders inside the colosseum. He didn't require anything to know the hard stares of the other competitors, especially the stronger teams, so he decided to take his attention elsewhere…

The colosseum is large, and unlike others, housed a tall tower surrounded by spiral stairs going up, in the middle of its arena. One by one, each team leader proceeded to ascend.

"So you're Gypsy… The Noble that chose the Class D instead of A?" A male voice mocked Gypsy, making the young noble sigh in recognition.

"Marly… Even though you're now the leader of Class B, you're still as annoying as ever." Gypsy barked back, making Marly frown.

"Don't play with me", He scoffed, before smirking.

"See you later on", As he proceeded to climb the stairs faster and leave Gypsy behind. The announcers had proceeded to announce the leaders for each Class, along with their general profiles. Yustas is a large academy for summoners, which reasons that they can almost consume the entire alphabet, starting from Class S to Class P.

"And finally, we have the Class D. The dark horse of the competition, who luckily had the luck of their life. It's said that they have a powerful Tales summon onboard!"

"Right partner, but we can't forget the Class S and A. The two are currently having a hard rivalry against each other."

"Gypsy Veda, from Class D. He's one of the Nobles who were provided with the privilege of being in Class A, but chose Class D instead."

"A Noble indeed."

Then Gypsy proceeds to take his stand on the competition, observing his potential enemies on the battlefield later, while few of the Classes can see Gypsy as a threat to be observed, after few of the classes leader introductions the contender make their entrance.

"And now we have our main contender! The Class S, led by the 3rd Prince himself, Abbey Tempest Aylward. The young majesty that holds one of the legendary Tale summons. However, no one knows what his summon is truly capable of. So far, he has only shown his alternative Serpent summon. Could this be the day where he finally shows its power?!"

Gypsy looked at the Class S leader and closed his eyes.


"We are facing the Royalty themselves in this tournament, and the third prince to be precise, how is this fair?"

He grumbled to himself, as the announcers proceeded to the next leader that made Gypsy become more troubled.

"Now, let's welcome one of the greatest student of the Yustas. The woman who summoned one of the 7 Colored Dragons in existence, Nerezza The Shadow. Let's all applaud, Silk Walter!!"

Gypsy looked at Silk, and a grimace was seen on his face. " I know you...and Allen." he mumbled.

"Gypsy... Wish you luck buddy, looks like you're gonna have quite a hard time."

The Class C leader looked at Gypsy with pity. In response, he just sagged his shoulders and release a tired sigh.


"Yeah, you too man…", He continued to observe them, and the Class C leader seems to notice that Gypsy was now not that pressured about the upcoming matches, he smiled at the confidence of the Class D leader, whom he will surely know that will face numerous strong enemies on this tournament.

"Tough Luck." Class C leader mumbled.

After the introduction of classes, the contestants proceed to take their position while remaining to observe each other, Gypsy was silently observing and calculating his enemies while the other contestants were stiff and clenching because of the pure pressure that Class S and A was giving them.

The Class S leader, Abbey Tempest Aylward, was smiling at his rivals in this competition, even though his eyes were voided with light, it gives off an eerie aura for everyone. While the Class A leader Silk Walter, the pretty girl that makes anyone admire, but will never dare to get near, her eyes were also voided, but she seems more troubled about something.

"What happened last night?" Silk mumbled like she encounters a terrible thing last night that she has forgotten to remember.

"Now! Leaders, please step forward and take one capsule from this box.", The man who managed the draw-lots announced, as he stared at the competitors. One by one, they all went and drew a capsule from the draw box. Soon enough, all leaders had picked a capsule.

"Now, please open your respective capsules.", With that, each team leader opened their capsule to reveal their contents. Although they all maintained a composed appearance, one could notice the happiness, disgust, annoyance, or surprise that ran through their faces if someone took a closer look.

"Station 2…", Gypsy stared at his capsule, before looking at the Station 2 members. His eyes widened, a little surprised. However, a smirk soon replaced it.

"At least, it's a good draw…"


Revised by BaNaeNae.