The fight that took place on Station 2, where the Class D dominated, actually didn't just raised the people's eyebrows, but also their bets and hype. Unanimously, it was hailed as the most unique and surprising play of the day. On the other hand, Station 1 and 3 were still going strong. It was to be expected, the respective stations contained the best summoner students, Class S and Class A.

Station 4 and 5 will be playing tomorrow, one against another. Meanwhile, the final 3 remaining stations, will be fighting for the quarterfinals. The last 5 classes will fight in 2 stations, being the final match of the tournament.

I was observing the 2 stations from the top of the colosseum, still in my spectral form of course. I also took notice of the few nobles watching the matches, wearing their respective bright smiles. Oh, how they were more similar to those politicians back on Earth. However, their smiles are seemingly sincere than the latter, as they discussed each of the top competitors.

[Bloodlust: Active]

Adjusting my senses for a bit, I zoomed and listened to what the nobles were discussing.

"Class S is doing excellent, especially since our Highness, the Third, had joined."

"Truly, Class A as well. They have so much potential, especially the terrifying lady of the Walter Household.", Another voiced out his thoughts.

"What great potential this generation possesses…", Another commentated.

"What about the Class D?", Someone opened up, seemingly interested on what the others held about the dark horse of the competition.

"Aside from the Tales Summon, most of them seems to be normal… Well, aside from those three.", The noble who said this smiled, before moving his gaze to the 3 students who were seriously invested on observing Station 1 and 3.

"Gypsy Veda of the Veda Household, Mely from the Water-Songster Tribe, and finally, Allen, the one who controls their Trump Card.", The man beside the noble suddenly introduced the 3. The man wore a professor's suit, bearing the same blue gray and white coloration theme that the Yustas Academy had. However, in addition to this, he also wore a purple cloak and a monocular.

"Sir.", The noble greeted the man with a smile.

The man is the Adviser of Class D, and were also respected by the nobles. Despite being offered to teach the Class S, he chose the Class D instead, believing that the Class S already had enough knowledge. And so, he sought to bring the potential of the Summoners from the other classes.

Aside from this, the professor is also known for teaching a famous student, being known as a prodigy amongst the Ainzeb Academy. Later on, his student would become one of the Arch Mages of Magika, and were granted the chance to become a Sorcery King.

'Augustus the Pryomancer'

Despite being a commoner, he became one of the strongest sorcerers in the world, along with Kristoff of the Zero, Mayuka the Subjugator, and other remarkable names.

"Please no more of that.", The professor brushed off, before continuing. "Just call me Prof. Veda."

"What do you think of them prof. Veda?", Asked one of the nobles. He was a chubby one, having a brilliant orange tuxedo.

"Aside from Mely coming from a rare tribe, Allen and Gypsy seems to be doing something interesting. As far as I know, my nephew is quite the trickster when it comes to fighting…", He smirked, looking at Gypsy. A few listeners raised an eyebrow, confused at what he said.

"And Allen, that child's always been fortunate… Not just on Summoning but also…", He stated, before suddenly interrupting himself. "Oh my, what a strategy…"

My gaze also went to the giant monitor. Class S had successfully wiped out their enemies. They had been going at it for quite a while, only utilizing environmental advantages and traps to destroy their opponents. There were only a few confrontations and even then, weren't even that long enough to provide substantial information.

Meanwhile, Class A, specialized in just having 1 of their members fight each time. So far, only Silk was moving, immediately letting her Summon hunt down their enemies, turning the game into one of prey and predator.

"Well, this is a problem…", Gyspy frowned, staring at the screen in thought.

"What do you mean?", Allen asked him in confusion.

"Our strategy was to immediately annihilate our opponents in a single blow to strike into other's morale and hide our abilities. Class A made a clean sweep, and only revealed the abilities of Silk. Meanwhile, Class S utilized team work and guerilla warfare to minimize fighting. While all seems different, it appears that the our teams also have similar goals. That is, to hide as much of our abilities as we could.", Gypsy summarized everything he has seen.

"I see… So what do you plan to do tomorrow", Allen regarded his observations.

"Nothing yet, we still haven't even shown anything, especially our Trump Cards.", He stated. Allen noticed that instead of one, he said 'Cards', making him raise an eyebrow.

"Alright.", He didn't doubt Gypsy's strategies once, having been friends with him, and he was the one who usually pulled them out of trouble too.


"To reach or die, I can feel the fluffy skies~!", Tatsumi's broken tune rang on the otherwise silent place.

"Can you just shut up, even for a minute", Shido twitched in irritation, as he rubbed his temples. "And I know you're not singing for the skies, but for thighs, you damn pervert!", He adds.

"Ha? What evidence do you have to think I'm singing for that?!", Tatsumi said in anger. However, his eyes noticeably traced the ample legs of an unknown Yumie Household member.

Shido merely palmed his face in exhaustion. He still needs to attend the Union Event in Shanghai as an Extraordinary, especially since he wielded the Morning Star as well. Currently, they were inside the Yumie Household, to discuss about the 'LiveStream Hero' and to hide Tatsumi for a while, from both the Union and Black Zodiac.

"Ohh~ Untainted, pearly beauty. Dear, how can you possibly glow without the brilliant light of my sun~?", Tatsumi attempted to flirt at the woman.

"Listen. I know you're still mentally and physically scarred, so can you hold off flirting for now?", Shido asked, more like ordered, in annoyance.

"Ha! You cannot stop the shine of the sun! And atleast…", Tatsumi was about to say something about Shido's past, but immediately stopped himself. "I have many chances with girls! Just look, I'll make a harem in no time!"

"Tell that to Hiro, Chuuni.", Shido said, before smirking. "Do you really think that this is a typical harem novel?"

As the two bickered and walked towards the station to await their rides, the woman who escorted them advised as they arrived.

"Please show your ticket to the collector when the train arrives.", She instructed, before looking at Tatsumi.

"About your untainted, pearly beauty. I have a husband.", She said to him, before walking away.

Shido held off his laughter, mockingly looking at the frowning Tatsumi.

"Who's making a harem now?"

Tatsumi only grumbled in annoyance.

"Just watch… I will become the best protagonist and the next harem king! Unfortunately, it seems that a train will be the one sending me off…", He said, throwing his arms into the air in a dramatic pose.


"Let's just go, our transport's here.", Shido didn't argue anymore, he was tired.

"I wish I even held her thighs… Even just once…", Tatsumi mumbled resentfully to himself.

"Huh?", Shido looked at him in confusion, unsure of what he said.

"It's nothing…"

The two of them, then stepped inside the train.


Revised by BaNaeNae.