• Chapter #58: [STARE DOWN]

Another day passes in Libra, and another day for the Summoner Tournament before reaching its peak. Both audience and contestants were anxious, yet also eager for more.

"Welcome back folks! And it's a new day for the tournament! Today, I am ecstatic to introduce to you our two pairs of contenders. The first one, are Stations 4 and 5!" Whistles and applause resounded throughout the arena.

"And for the next one… Station 3 vs… Station 2!" The crowd roared, eager to see the action to finally begin.

"Now, now, patience folks. The highlights are still yet to come.", James smirked at the unsettled audience, upping up the hype.

"Now, who will become the winner of today's first match? Will they be worthy of going against Class A? Or perhaps even the Class S?", He added. "And now, let us begin the tournament!", Both teams were levitated by a platform up into the spiral tower, as their respective teams were projected.

. [Station 4] VS [Station 5] .

The two remaining stations will now proceed to the match for the quarterfinals slot. The results would surface later, where the defeated team will join the second match, the two stations tagging up against Station 2. If they defeat Station 2, then they'll have another shot for quarterfinals. As for the Station 2, their quarterfinal slot will be secured if they defeat their enemy team, or teams.


It appears that the draft came out like I expected. The thrill of the audiences for the later matches were still palpable though. Seems like they're really hoping for us to fight against the higher classes.

My previous night venture once again ended in nothing but a few information. I still don't know on why the blasted devil created those stones, like what was even their purpose? And the fact that they were here on CulturedOjiisans dimension. Asking them wouldn't do good either, as they'll either outright dodge it, or have some work to do.


The matches progressed on. They felt rather quick, probably because my mind was on other things.

The fights were full of surprises, apparently due to the fact that in this year's tournament, many teams held their own super weapons, or trump cards of some sort. Station 5's Class P and Class L displayed a good performance in strategic war. It was like watching an RTS fantasy game, in which the Class L had won in using a stealthy counterattack.

Meanwhile, the fights between the Station 4 was free for all, the last man standing kind. They just kept throwing and throwing against each other, up until total chaos had ensued, in which Class B came out victorious. My gaze moves to Gypsy and Allen. The two were quite into reviewing the matches.


[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

So far, nothing really abnormal. My spectral form floated a little higher, as I attempt to better look at the entire arena. Ahh… There it is.

[Nobles Obliged]

I focused my sight on the men wearing white sorcerer's robes. As the soul had said to me, Nobles Obliged were an organization faithful in their belief of overthrowing the kingdom for the sins that their ancestors had done.

A noble cause, they say. I'd say a distorted and idiotic one. And of course, they also have possession of the stones. Still don't know the reason though. Well, there are two factions within their organization. Probably my best bet is following where those stones were delivered to find the root cause of this thing.

"This guys are troublesome..." I commented.

Once again, I focused myself on the tournament. Gathering myself for a bit, I looked at the winners, obviously being Class S and A. Looks like we'll be facing them later huh. Well, it's inevitable.

My thoughts again went into the mission. Ainzeb…

I also need to go there. As far as know, that Silk had brought the sleeping pills from there into here, which was imbued with the essence from the stone that was extracted, enhancing it. Of course, it was with darker side effects.

For now, I need to know where that place resided. Immediately, I went down and into the secret room that I had created to interrogate one more of them. I didn't really wanna kill them all, who knows what they have in their lives. They could have families too.

"Kaide…", Miyanase's soft voice made me blink, and I was brought out of my thoughts.

As I looked at her, I also noticed the nonliving body on the floor. I internally sighed. Dammit, I am starting to be a good guy, really?, forget what I said. "What happened here?", I asked her in a tired tone.

"He killed himself… Using… Poison on his teeth…", She hesitantly said, a little bit guilty on not paying attention to the one she was supposed to guard.

I knelt down, and pried his jaw open. Dammit, a fake teeth that contained poison, The tooth had a loose magic inside, if I explain it, Who ever placed a magic on his tooth may have a thing about 'Nerves' , in which directly shut down his whole nervous system. This Magical place is really scientific isn't it?

"This man really wanted to do suicide, that was not new..." I sighed, come to think of it, should I scan the remaining people's tooth? nah.

Well there's nothing really I can do anymore.

Standing up, I looked around the room, immediately noticing the amount of food packets on the floor. Looks like the great goddess can be distracted by food and sweets.

Oh yeah, now that I think of it, I haven't asked Miyanase if she knew about these things.

"Miyanase, do you know something about these black stones?", I looked at her. She guided Yustas a long time ago, maybe she knew something about it. Though, I know she also won't tell me if I didn't ask. That's just how she is.

"No… Sorry…", She quietly murmurs and lowers her head. Even she doesn't know anything huh…


"That's alright, I'm sure we'll know something later.", I assure her. Other than the Nobles Obliged, there were no other individuals or groups that's actively seeking these magical stones here.


I felt Miyanase's power shift, as if something agitated her, her cute eventually faded, as the eyes in front of me turn into crisp-cold.

The joy was replaced by sorrow.

"What's wrong?", I asked, furrowing my brows and her staring at her now glowering eyes.

"They're here…", She looked up to me unblinkingly, before clinging onto my shoulder.

"Black Zodiac… A Hopper…", She muttered, and my eyebrows twitched.

The hell? Black Zodiac?

Even on this place?

But still, I wouldn't doubt her abilities. She hates those guys for even attempting to corrupt her, and she wouldn't mistake their presence.

"Let's get out of here then…", I said, before activating my abilities, I mean they can be dealt with, but not all enemies should be underestimated, the fact that they can travel here means that someone who is a bigger boss is here.

[Spectre: Active]

[Shade Walker: Active]

We traveled through my shadow dimension and arrived back at the colosseum, just in time for the match to end too, as the Class A delivered the final blow against the Class B.

"That was an exhilarating match! Such power, as expected from Class A and B! But in the end, they were of no match against Silk Walter's Dragon!"

"That was a great match of power expected from both Class A and Class B, but Class A defeated them with that Coloured Dragon! Yes that Silk Walter is crucial for this today's match"

I ignored the announcer and the crowds cheers, as I weaved through and explored Yustas Academy. Of course I also had to be wary of the Black Zodiac.

Goddammit, they're like cockroaches. It's gonna be a whole other lot of bad news, if the Hopper that Miyanase said was also here. He's probably a high ranking member if he has that ability.

After all, Hoppers can freely travel and bring people into any worlds they wish. However, what made them very dangerous is their ability to interact with the world they travel as if they were a part of it.

Normally, when a person that doesn't possess the abilities of a Hopper gets transported into another world, they will be heavily restrained, unable to interact with things or performs events that would affect the fate and destiny of another world.

Hoppers on the other hand, completely bypasses this barrier and could freely travel into another world, as well as interact with it's entirety without limits.


I stopped, very aware of the piercing gaze that was focused on me, it was a chilling observation.

Turning to my side, I immediately saw the person doing so.

A tall man sporting onyx black eyes and hair greeted me, his smirk bringing a frown into my face.

The hell, I could sense his power. It's restrained, but I could tell it's at least on the same level as mine, perhaps a little higher.

[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

—! Ugh—!

I gritted my teeth and stepped back, as massive waves of information had entered my mind. They weren't that complex, but their amount was something that even my nervous system had begun to heavily overheat due to the strain.

Immediately, I deactivated my [Plotter's Discernment], and took time to recover.

I glared at the man in front of me. Just what the hell was that? At first I saw memories, but then it got faster and faster, flashing from one into another. It eventually became so fast that I could literally feel that my brain, eyes, and nerves were burning.

This guy's bad news…

This is the first time that I had encountered an opponent of higher power than me.

"Heh, had enough?", He smirked, and my eyes widened in shock as his black eyes suddenly had a clock in them, if I were to describe it, it had the same style of Kuromi from Date A Life, yet the eyes were gazing at me, like I felt it was my own shadow who is living with me all my life and betraying me.


[Prier Of The Past: Active]

Zen also used his own skill, seeing as the boy's [Plotter Discernment] had caused a backlash to him instead.

He smirked, [Pryer Of The Past] was a skill that he had obtained through countless times of reincarnation. It allows him to view the memories, and experiences that a person or object had went through.

It's the complete opposite of [Plotter's Discernment], who revealed current and future information.

It was one of his prized abilities, knowing that he's the only one who possesses it. He had also used it countless of times to reveal an opponents weaknesses, or even their deepest secrets, one that he exploit to use when fighting an opponent. Atleast, that was what Chen Zen had anticipated, before his vision swirled and he was brought into a void.

'What?' He thought in shock, as he stared at the surreal and multi-colored space before him.

It was vast, probably even endless.

Then without warning, he suddenly fell.

His speed at first were manageable, until it got faster and faster, ultimately warping his surroundings…

A silent scream echoed from him...

With a sudden jolt, Zen was brought back into reality, He just had a nightmare? This is weird...He thought to himself.

He took a step back, making sure that everything was real.

Then he stared at the boy before him, before taking a deep breath and glaring at him.

"Who are you?", Zen cautiously regarded.

It was the first time that his ability did not work and he was taken into a strange place.

Kaide's face remained blank behind the mask as he also thought of the same.

Just who the hell is he?

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

The hell?

Those Gods were calling him at a time like this? With a cautious glance, he took the phone in his inner pocket and opened the chat group.

[Plotter: That's Chen Zen, Head of the Black Zodiac.]

As the Damn Plotter delivered the message that contain storm like a breeze, I was quite dumbfounded and at the same time shocked, He's the leader? The heck the development happens to suddenly increase my chance to meet the leader.

Another message came.

[Plotter: He's also the one who almost managed to wake up the Primordial, and also the 1ST Hopper. Be careful of him.] Great, this is just fun. That was a background of someone I should be wary of, obviously...

Taking a deep breath, Kaide turned his gaze back into the man. Meanwhile, as they stared and sized each other, Zen was trying to alleviate his headache as the Evil Gods screeched and wailed in his head.

[Existence has left him!]

[Existence has left him!]

[Existence has left him!]


...[Don't sleep…]


Revised by BaNaeNae.