• Chapter #61: [GAME OF SHADOWS]

• Chapter #61: [GAME OF SHADOWS]

The darkness of the starless night and gloomy presence of the ruined kingdom took hold of most of the contestants, who's bodies shrilled as they shivered and sweat. The fact that their own and their summons' powers were restricted made them more nervous, as they mostly relied on offensive power.

The old curses plaguing the grounds also messed with their heads. As magic cannot be casted without logic and formula creation, their destabilized minds further reduced their overall ability. Magic and Science has always been interconnected in Libra.

Since elementary school, it's this fact that's been imprinted on the books, before beginning to study the Arts of Magical Science. For example, if you are proficient in Chemistry, then you are likely to have a good strike in Elemental Magic or Alchemy. There are many mages that study here who's knowledge exceed those of Earth. After all, this world was created by the Librarian, who was the aspect of wisdom and one who holds truth. As likely pertaining to this truth, an individual must show the product of their minds, on how their theories condemned logic and their conclusions of every theory becoming abstract and manifested, representing balance of belief and truth.

Summoners. Although their expertise may rely on science in some ways, they are mostly inclined to philosophy and theoretical representation. The summons that they cast are ideas, a representation of something. The summons being deemed real and lurking in their world are easy for them to tame. Summoners need a proper cognitive wavelength together with their summon, as such the strong belief of the existence of their summon also makes them stronger.

However, here comes a thought, Summoners can easily cast and tame animals or beasts from their magic, since those things have been existing throughout their lives. But what about those who've come from other planes of existence? Perhaps a myth? Or a folktale, or one revered as a divine being?

Their philosophy and psyche holds them to create some sort of truth, that in some lies, some of those may actually be truth. This is where the summoner's power come into play. And now, that their minds are muddled with panic and uncertainty, as well as further being weakened by the arena, their beliefs were being shaken.

The connections to their summons became hazy or rigid, with some of them trying to maintain their calm and hold onto their principles.




'This is turning ridiculous…', I thought as I gazed at Class D. I had read some files about the connection of the summoner's power with the double PP, but I had realized that, in most cases, the stronger your psychological sense, philosophy and belief is, the stronger your summon becomes.

But here is the thing… Most powerful summoners are real crazy; the Prince, the pink haired girl, Mely… Does that mean… That you are also stronger the more extreme and determined you are to your beliefs?

Chills went up my spine… Maybe these are the reasons on why yanderes are powerful because they act in their own manners and beliefs without care…


I decided to shelve this discovery of mine regarding this world. Anyway, it could work out when I need to 'act: by not using magic. After all, the live stream is also going livelier. .

[London bridge is falling down~!]

[Ahhh, now this is gonna be some intense shit...]

[I shall hold on to my doritos as I watch.]

[Damn these doritos ads…]

[Is it just me or people down below acting… A bit crazy?]

[Above, you see the message a while ago that this place messes their psych.]

[That is right, as a psychology enthusiast, most people display a manner of boundary towards each other when they are in a state of panic, what's more is that…]

[Oh, somebody is getting their glasses on!!!]

[Shhh… Shut up.]

[No one can stop me from explaining. So, they are located at the most suspicious place with a dark history, and on top of that, they are aware of the other things that exceed them. Based on these senses, the most human thing they would do is rather isolate themselves and only trust themselves, even when they are suppose to be teammates.]

[Oh God, somebody stop this geek@@@]

[His name is PGrimmy, I remember the headache he brought!] [Bullshit, this is not a science class (;-;), can we watch the horror without the science pls…]

[Well, science and horror doesn't really match each other//]

[You sure bout that mate?]

[But the horror of the scientific virus that locks down the world surely does match...]

[Uhh, is that even possible??]

[Who knows, maybe. But I doubt it will happen.]


[Blood we demand blood from the reaper…]

[Well… This has turned into something…]

The chat was still going crazy. Interestingly, it appears that some lunatics on the server really wants to see some blood and action…

Well, it's a virtual arena so… Hehe… Goddammit, I'm being too bloodthirsty as well.


[Saint's Light: Active]

Interestingly, thermal light became convenient and infrared light became an essential for the mission. Now, it's time to step up my game and also follow the chain of command, which was that Gypsy guy.

"We'll be moving in groups. Supporting summoners should be placed in the middle, while the long ranged offensive ones are at the back alongside half of the short ranged ones. The defensive ones, alongside half of the short range offensive summoners are to be placed in the frontlines. Essential summoners should always be on guard, even when you are in the middle. Your foresight and support during any frontal or flanking attacks, will be of great fortification to the back and front. The major supports will serve as commanders in the front.", Gypsy ordered to everyone, who followed his orders with an affirmative.

This was so far the safest way that they can fight the enemy, as to take advantage of everything, since they know that Class S summons have a hell of a power boost. They can also try using sneak attacks on the darkest parts of the ruins, but must also be quick about it or they'll also suffer losses.

"Prepare some measures and secure the parameter of the area. A few key points on angled places must have a few hidden summoners, as to provide us support and cover in case of attacks.", Randeir explained, in which he then instructed everyone their roles for the plan. Pretty much the entirety of Class D disciplined themselves and followed the orders from their commander, as they know that they're being presented of a rare chance to win the tournament.

The only downside here is that they were being mentally attacked by the place itself. As for me, it doesn't affect me that much, but my magical abilities are on a haywire right now. This could spell trouble if I try to forcibly do something in this battleground.

"There are several structures with what appears to have a light source, but it is still pretty much abandoned. We can use this as one way of detecting the presence of Class S.", Allen suggested, as he pointed at the faint lights in the distant surroundings.

"Hmm… That's a good idea.", Gypsy nodded and motioned him to continue.

"I will try to take advantage of the natural environment as much as I can. I can place several traps and some quick casting spells outside the vicinity. I could input the positioning of the detectors as the farthest, the traps in the middle, and the alarm barriers being the nearest.", Allen finished, in which many nodded in agreement.

Mely though continued to look at him with the same old smile.

"You are our ace here Allen, what if the Class S gets to you?", Gypsy frowned, as he thought of the consequences should Allen be detected by the enemy.

"Don't worry, Sir Jack can scout ahead undetected. Trust me, he's the summon that's most compatible in this arena and scenario. Also, I've got some hands-on experience on sneaking and skulking in the shadows.", Allen grinned, as he got off and began to ask some of their teammates their skills and items that could assist him.

I look at my summoner and then the Gypsy guy. Allen was acting a little more cautious and calculative than he usually is… But it's probably just because of the pressure that's on him for the role that he's playing.

Still, I commend them for planning out every detail carefully and using each and everyone's abilities to the fullest, instead of just relying on me and Allen alone. I'll give them an A+ in my books.


In another location, a few shadows scurried about the streets of the cursed kingdom. Several hushed conversations could also be heard.

[Western area parameters have negative signs of target.]

[Northern area parameters also negative…]

[Both areas scanned are 2000×2000 square meters…]

[Northern and Western angular positions are also clear of enemies. Possible conclusion?]

[Theoretically, Class D based on our observation might be planning on creating a defensive position and then sending assassination attacks to take us out one by one, until the few left can be crushed in an all out invasion…]

[I see… Eastern and Southern areas are still vague, do we need to split up?]

[No, the probability of being ambushed or trapped will increase by then. However, we need to observe and prepare. The chances of them being in the east is high, since the southern region is rather vulnerable due to being located near the edge of the kingdom with most of it's walls having been broken and exposed. That is, just based on an old map of this arena.]

[East it is then. We better prepare a shot… What do you think Captain?]

This time, the comms. Became silent, as the 3rd Prince gazed into the east intently.

His mouth formed into an creepy grin, as his blank eyes glittered dangerously with most possibly sadistic joy.

"We shall play a chess match…"

"Although with this being a cursed world, the better fit one would be the game of shadows…" He stood up from his seat and calmly walked into the dark, his mannerism of a person that's taking a leisure stroll in their home.

"The only difference is that I have no pawns… Even so, I have officials that could move much further…" The other Class S members remained silent as they listened to the prince.

They quietly sighed as they all looked at the 'origin point'. The Majesty had moved his deck too early…

'He's sacrificing the Queen… It's a big loss… This is one dangerous play…'


Revised by BaNaeNae.