• Chapter #65: [AUTHORITY]

• Chapter #65: [AUTHORITY]

Beyond the skies, further than any mortal could even bear witness, is the place where the Deities which managed and governed the world, the planet Earth, resided. It is a completely other place, full of such strangeness, but also of unassailable beauty.

Contained within, are all creatures and things that could only be found within myths and legends. It is a place befitting of being called a paradise, Eden, nirvana, or in actuality, any words that mortals use to describe such a place with their limited comprehension. Innumerable islands, from the smallest to ones larger than Earth's countries, floated lazily on the dimension. Each island varied from another, forming a diversity of different things on each island. The skies, or rather, the dimension itself, is composed of various vibrant colors.

Despite their vibrancy, they do not glow blindingly. However, strange crystals of various sizes also littered across the dimension, reflecting the light of the skies that hit them, causing an pulsing glow akin to that of a starry night on a phantasmal world.

Many Gods and beings from Myths, also refer this dimension with many names. Whether it'd be Olympus (Greece), Asgard (Norse), the Other World (Celtic), Heaven (Christian), and many more. In the most common terms, the place is agreeably referred to as the Skyland of the Gods.

However, one man within an event in history, caused this land to be called with another name. A name which the man himself also bore, a name that told many untold stories. That name, is 'Odyssey'.

The land of endless journey, endless adventures, endless mysteries, endless myths and legends.

Within this particular moment, in this place, all the Gods could be seen gathered. They were discussing one specific agenda, relating to the happenings down the world.

"There's just... Something wrong... Something's definitely, terribly wrong...", The 3 Sisters of Fate & Destiny, muttered lowly. Their voices were traced with desperation and seemingly tired.

Saturn also sighed in depression. "I am beyond exhausted. This man is something that we cannot reach, or even touch. It's as if something is blocking us."

Once again, Saturn and the others just looked helplessly at the countenance of videos circulating throughout Earth. It was the LiveStream Hero, the person who freely displayed his powers and exposed other worlds to ordinary people.

Another God speaks, It was Vishnu, the Preserver. "This is getting out of hand more and more...And we cannot do anything. Something must be done.", He explains.

A voice then speaks besides him. "I suggest that we report this to Hermes...", One God from another Pantheon spoke, in which the other Deities that ruled over karma, fate, and destiny, looked at incredulously.

"Those Olympians? But... Those fools...", As if struck by an unpleasant taste, their faces soured as they remembered a certain event back in the Ancient Times.

Seeing this, Vishnu simply sighs in defeat. "I know, but even then, we have no choice." He then looked towards all the Pantheons and tilted his head and added, "We have to consider this, It is beyond our realm.", He states.

As if hearing Vishnu's plea, Hermes suddenly comes onto them, gazing towards all the Pantheons, and wink towards Freya, then proceed to nod at Vishnu.

However, Vishnu's expression was not of relief upon seeing the Messenger God, It was doubt.

Hermes, The Messenger grinned towards them, as if mocking the Gods that just given the Olympus a sour look while ago, "The Obscured Gods have already contacted the Ancient Gods.", He spoke, in a relatively frivolous manner, despite the expressions the other Gods directed at him.

The exhaustion quickly vanished from the other Deities, Flabbergasted and in terror, they began clamoring in a panic.

"Enough!", A single, magically enhanced command from Vishnu and everyone stopped the commotion.

However, they still murmured amongst themselves or the others, and the air of nervousness was palpable.

Wordlessly, The Pantheon named Heimdall projected a divine vision with his All-Seeing Eye, towards what was happening to the Obscured Gods. However, Athena held his shoulder before he could fully cast the magic. "Do not dare peek Heimdall, the existence of the Obscured Gods and Ancient Gods are something that we cannot perceive without heavy consequences.", Athena spoke with a wary tone, reminding Heimdall that they cannot simply deal with their existences due to their inconceivability.

"Apologies... I almost forgot... The Obscured Ones had already been stripped away by the Primordial.", Heimdall sighs, before stopping his spell and returning to the sidelines.

Unknown Location




"Why did we even come into this place...", Muttered one man in annoyance.

Currently, he was within a city.

The city itself held nothing notable, It was just a city similar to what you would see on Earth, A sky-rise buildings, surrounded by the downtown areas.

Currently, the man walked the street with a relatively two person beside him, Each one of them wore unique outfit, that although could be mistaken as cosplayers, were impossible due to its radiance and the wearer's own divine presence.

This is what brought the city's difference to the Earth. Despite the men not restricting their aura and presences, the people that walked with them on the street did not even notice them. It was as if they didn't exist...

Which was impossible. They were, after all, the Obscured Gods, one that was cursed.

However, they weren't also within a normal world.

"We are here for him, The Incarnation of the Devil's Wisdom, the One Who Seers The End, the Puppet Master, or whatever blasted name he comes to be.", The Obscured God with a lone onyx eye, roughly spoke.

His presence was dark and domineering, yet also held grace on his body, and wisdom on stern face. Truly of a great and wise ruler. He was wearing an all-black, noble clothes, with white inner garments. A robe, darker than his clothes, who's seams were draped with reflective golden lining was draped all over him. He also wore a simple golden crown, with a blood red gem on the middle. Strangely, there were two ravens that also sat on each of his shoulders, with one having blue eyes and feathers as dark as the moonless night, and the other with red eyes and feathers of snow.

"You mean...", One of the Obscured Gods besides him, frowned lightly.

Unlike the dark man, he only wore an underwear and a long, fine threaded cloth wrapped onto his body, resembling those of ancient Greeks. He also wore intricate golden greaves and gauntlets, along with a large golden belt on his waist, that's also grandly designed. On his head, was a laurel wreath.

Despite his worried frown and the bearded face of an old man, his blue eyes and flowing golden hair crackled with sparks of intense power. "The Ancient God that bore the title of...", He continued, but was interrupted by another Obscured God.

"The First Liar, or the as the older ones called it, the Creator of Desire and Freedom.", The man's voice was distorted. He wore an unique outfit riddled with gold and gemstones, a dress not unlike to those of Egyptian pharaohs.

His face couldn't be seen, as his entire head was covered by an large, hawk mask that had a snarling serpent on it's head. The mask's eyes were flaming gold, similar to the bright and blazing halo behind him.

"Ah... What nostalgia... It's been such a long time since I have heard of someone call me that.", An empty voice rang out besides them, interrupting their walk. As they looked into the speaker, the Obscured Ones could see that it was one of the inhabitants of the city. However, 'he' was grinning widely and creepily had dark holes for eyes matching that of a void. Tilting his head, the man's grin impossibly widened.

"The Obscured Gods huh... Kukukuku... Very well, follow me...", Not ensuring if they were following him, the man walked robotically towards one direction.

Wordlessly, the Obscured Gods followed the man without hesitation. As they continued walking, the air around them rippled slightly. The people and living beings around them, stood much motionless than that of a statue.

Soon enough, cries were heard and everyone around them phased in and out of reality, like they were errors on a television screen. The color of the world distorted into a swirl of rumbled radiance, and with one final crackle, everything burned bright before quickly snapping into a void of darkness.

In just a few moments, the world that they were in, became non existent. The world that they were just in, became a marble within a snow globe, floating lonesome on a black podium.

Blinking, the Obscured Gods took a look around them. They were in a room of pure darkness, from it's walls, ceiling and floors, everything was black. However, aside from the snow globe world, there were various inexplicable things stuck around randomly.

The Gods realized, that it was the depiction of the desires of sentient beings, which any living being would insanely crave for upon one gaze. Upon this realization, the Obscured Gods shut their eyes tight. With their power, they could probably resist it for a bit, but even they could not stop it's corruption.

"There is no need to worry, I've taken away their function for now. On other matters now, dear Obscure Ones, what are you doing in my world?", The Plotter inquired teasingly, as if 'he' already knew why they were here.

His face image was a collection of innumerable masks, each possessing a different expression. It was the face and the voice of the world.

"I have already deduced, Ancient One. The events and anomalies happening on Earth... You are the one responsible, aren't you?", The God with one-eyed god spoke, his voice one of steeliness. Plotter's innumerable voices let out a distorted chuckle, with each faces seemingly grinning mirthlessly.

"Ding-ding! I guess I should've expected that much of you, Norse God King Odin.", The Plotter stated with a simple smile.

"You are treading dangerously, You already know what happen, would be similar to our fate!", The golden haired god's eyes sparkled with lightning.

"The Falling? Those were your responsibilities, angering the Primordial and all.", The Plotter stated simply as if he never to be blamed, before adding. "After all, you Olympians always have the penchant of wanting to claim all of mankind, right Zeus?" With that statement, Zeus immediately gritted his teeth. Lightning danced throughout his body, as he waved his arm in anger.

"No! It was your lies! You were the one who manipulated us into causing the Falling!", Zeus indignantly stomped.

Plotter simply looked at him, boredom apparent on his eldritch being. "Heh, there's always another lie within a simple one, isn't that right, Ra?", The Plotter smirked, before continuing. "You should know, you existed way before them after all."

In response, Ra simply looked at him motionlessly. Then, Ra's blazing eyes narrowed and glared at the Ancient God. "What is it that you want to achieve this time, Creator of Desires?", Ra asked the being, glaring at its many 'faces'.

"Just disturbing an old friend, that's all.", It grinned at them, the Plotter just answered simply before looking at one of the walls in the room.

"Anyway, someone wants to also speak with you all." He gestured the three 'guest' to look towards the dark direction.

As Plotter said so, a tome suddenly emerged from the wall, like the darkness was made of water. The book floated lightly onto them, and once they were near, opened up. Runes from the book glowed and danced together, before melding into a humanoid hologram. And what the hologram projected, was that of an old man with long hair and beard, like those of a wizard.

However, what completely threw the Gods off, was his clothes. He wore a tee-shirt, with the chibi of various anime girls on it.

"The Librarian Of Knowledge That Records The End...", Odin muttered, staring strangely at the Ancient One.

Meanwhile, Zeus was trying to suppress his own grin, while looking at the shirt, almost switching his angry self towards the Plotter, though his body still trembled lightly.

"Come on, you're totally ruining this.", The Plotter groaned, his faces twitching in annoyance. "At least be well presented.", The Ancient God rumbled.

"Shut Up Scammer..." The Hologram grumbled, before grinning. "It is a collection."

It was non other than CulturedOjii-san.

Unaffected by his ridiculous clothing, Ra spoke grimly as he gazed at the Ancient God, remembering what is the Ancient Title that harbors the Book That Started and Ended The Records of All Truth, He looked towards the Librarian and muttered with low voice.

"Akashic Records..."

CulturedOjii-san smiled towards Ra, and proceed to brush his title, like it was just there.

"That name....It was overused....Call me the Cultured Records instead..." CulturedOjii-san muttered and suggested, then he immediately proceed to come on his topic.

"Now friends, let's keep this quick, I'm a bit busy. See, there's a hot lady who just can't just wait to put her body against me. So speak what you need, 'Censored' Ones.", CulturedOjii-san spoke jovially. His statement was of puns and innuendos. He wasn't this perverted, if they remember correctly.

"I didn't intend to be here, but this scheming bastard called me over and over again. When I just had enough, he made me realize that I was already here...", The Ancient One muttered in annoyance, to which the Plotter simply laughed mirthlessly.

The Librarian sighs, before continuing. "Anyway, Censored Ones..."

"Obscured.", Zeus interjected.

"I'll give y'all some notifications. You do know what I can do, right? With this, I hope that you will be able to realize what the lot of us are doing and what will it be. And even if you fight us, you won't really be able to do anything. Even your precious Karma won't be able to do anything to our particular being."

"So Censored Ones, read the notifications please and everything will be clarified. We are telling you this, as we don't have any problems regarding Gods that would try to hinder shit. You will all know why we took this risk. After all, it is for everything, and for this reality.", Upon stating all of that, CulturedOjii-san left with a wide grin and vanished briefly.

The book that the Ancient One gave suddenly crystallized.

"Damn! That lady can't wait to rip through my insides!", The Librarian threw one more of his jokes, before finally vanishing.

"Damned blabbermouth...", The Plotter whispered distortedly, and shook his innumerable faces annoyingly.

When the Obscured Gods saw that the Librarian had left, their eyes focused on the rectangular thing that was in front of them. Wordlessly, they would press the button and see what the recording was about.

In just several minutes, the Obscured God's faces warped different emotions, shock being the most noticeable.

"You... Are you insane...?", They whispered to it.

[At Planet Libra]

"Ladies and Gents! Looks like Class D will be advancing forward! On the other hand, Class S is having trouble in keeping their numbers from lowering!" ,One of the announcers yelled.

"But what now though? It looks like the barrier is already giving.", Asked the other.

[In the Arena]

Kaide bisected another Class S student with ease.

Stopping, his eyes narrowed, huffing in irritation. He was pretty sure that someone was talking about him, although he couldn't detect anything with his [Plotter's Discernment].