Guild Houses, Town Halls

"So where are you headed to next?"

It was a normal day in the city of Revalia and Miki was once again spending her idle time with Yuuta in-game. Since she already reached a threshold in her level, she decided to just play casually while waiting for an opportunity— that is, a set of equipment or a workable weapon that would enable her to venture into territories with high-level monsters. And since this chance is randomized when it comes to VRMMORPG's, Miki thought that it wouldn't hurt if she were to wait it out.

And she was somewhat right in her approach. After all, she has already finished most side quests and title quests based on her character. Approaching it in a casual manner would increase her chances of receiving more special quests just like how Yuuta unconventionally receives quests by playing the game in a multilinear manner.

"I need to map out the entire Spirit Jungle. And then after that, would it be all right if you come with me somewhere?" Yuuta bit on a sandwich with a patty made from a beast that resided deep in the forest. It was a Bearwolf, and its meat tastes like chicken but more savory.

"Sure, I have a bit of time on my hands right now. But why do you need to map such a dangerous place? A quest from the Town Hall? Or are you affiliated with any of the nearby guilds? That's such a preposterous quest. What would anyone gain from doing that?" Miki was dumbfounded. Here she was, unable to take a single step into the Spirit Jungle while Yuuta could actually map it even though he was half her level. Indeed, the difference in quests makes up the character specializations and uniqueness when it comes to VRMMORPG's.

"It's an Exclusive Quest I received from a System. Here." Yuuta casually swung his hands and the panel which was in front of him appeared in front of Miki.

[Exclusive Quest: Map the entire Spirit Jungle


— ?????

— ?????

— ?????

— ?????

— ?????

Description: Since you are the only Dreamer capable of mapping the entire area alone, the System has granted you the opportunity to map the entire area. And since the difficulty level of mapping the area is s++, the rewards have been upgraded to the maximum level as well.

Notice: Failure to complete this quest would result in— well, nothing. There is no time limit so take your time mapping it down. Once the mapping progress reaches 100% the rewards will be sent to your mailbox.

"An Exclusive Quest? Why do you have an Exclusive Quest when you haven't even started your class-change quest? And also, your class is still unknown, right?" Miki pressed her thumb against her chin as she tried to think of a reasonable explanation... but nothing concrete appeared in her head.

"I have no idea either, but one of the rewards is the Holy Sword of Light and Truth." Yuuta relayed since Miki couldn't really see the specifications of the quest. "I'm assuming it's like an Excalibur or something of the sort so if I were to get it, you might be able to use it. One of your titles is the 'Bearer and Wielder of the Holy Sword' so I assume it's like an exclusive weapon for you."

"Mmm, I see. So you were planning to complete this quest first so you can sweet-talk me into joining you on your next expedition?" Miki presumed. "If that's the case then I have no right to complain."

"No, that's why I asked you first if you want to join me or not. I'll just decide whether to give it to you or not based on your answer, that is if you ever change your mind." Yuuta smiled, standing up after devouring the sandwich in two bites. "I'll be heading out now. I'll see you in a few days after I'm done with the quest."

"Sure, be careful out there. To you, this Exclusive Quest might be easy, but even level 200 players can't do this. Also, there may be Evil Spirits that are immune to your immunity... so keep your guard up." She continued.

"I will, thanks." Yuuta waved his hands as he stepped out of the local tavern.

On his way to the Spirit Jungle, Yuuta made sure to stop by at the Town Hall to grab some quests for himself. At level 16, he thought that maybe he could get beginner quests and finish them on the way. For a moment, he thought that affiliating himself with a guild would be more advantageous but he dismissed the thought. His way of playing a game is to be free-spirited and tying himself to a group would go opposite his ideals.

Compared to different VRMMORPG games, the guild systems here work differently. There is the Town Hall where you can get your adventurer license and quests. And adding to that, even NPC's apply for adventurer licenses. This is where NPC's would take their initial examinations before being granted an adventurer license. As for Dreamers, they just need to register since completing the initial Lucid Dream Server tests would automatically record that they passed the beginner test. This is the function of the Town Hall.

The Town Hall is managed by the City Lord himself and he issues out quests based on requests. That's where the Guilds come in. The guilds are a separate entity from the Town Hall and they have 'guild houses' all over the city. These guilds take on the quests that the City Lord issues. Additionally, anyone can request to put up a quest and the City Lord can issue it. Those capable enough to complete the quests could take on the quest and obtain the rewards in the Town Hall. The guilds are like a group of adventurers that formed a party together and they complete quests together. The definition of a guild is somewhat different since it's the people that make up the guild, not the building.

"Ad astra abysso— wait, Yuuta-san?" Ruri almost squealed in surprise as she saw Yuuta casually walking towards her. Her face turned red as a beet as she put her head down. "G-greetings, Yuuta-san, welcome to the Town Hall." She bashfully uttered.

A moment ago, she was thinking of a certain catchphrase that became famous amongst Town Hall managers and her tongue slipped when someone entered the Town Hall. She couldn't help it since the catchphrase, or rather, the greeting rolls of the tongue quite nicely. But then, her slip-up couldn't be any worse since she made the slip-up in front of Yuuta— the only Dreamer that she opened her heart to.

"Ruri-san, how are you doing?" Yuuta greeted back, ignoring the weird greeting she just did. "I'm here to take on some quests. Is there anything available?"

"Are you looking for B-Rank Quests?"

"Yes, preferably subjugation quests in the Revalia Forest."

Upon saying that, Yuuta approached the Quest Board propped on the far left side of the Town Hall. There, numerous quests were put up. Yuuta quickly grabbed the quests that required hunting beasts or monsters lurking in the forest. He was mindful not to get the quests with higher-leveled beasts or monsters since he knew he couldn't finish them.

The highest he got was an A-Rank quest that required defeating a Bearwolf that appeared in the outskirts of the forest.

"P-please come again," Ruri started. By the time Yuuta left the Town Hall, her face and ears were already beet red from embarrassment. She cursed herself inwardly, telling herself that that's enough imitating others for the day.