Guild Preparations

The question came as a surprise that Kazunari took a step backward in response to it. Sure there were many guilds all over the world of lucid and a few high-ranking ones belong to the city of Revalia. And to top it all off, the Dreamers who recently got to the world of lucid began establishing a few guilds for themselves as well. But what Kazunari couldn't understand was why Yuuta was trying to recruit him. 'Did he have a guild in the first place? I don't recall ever hearing him talk about it.' He said in his mind as he glanced at Yuuta while trying to pretend that he was deep in thought, considering the proposition.

"Kravia-san, also you. If it'd be okay. Would you like to join my guild? I'll be creating  a guild as soon as we get to the Kingdom of Aznith." Yuuta continued.

"You don't have to ask. I belong to you, master!" Lav Kravia said with delight. She didn't even think twice about agreeing to Yuuta.