Intergalactic Vehicle

On the duration of their walk, Yuuta and the Minth Fghje didn't speak another word. The awkward silence continued to grow as time passed, making the two of them uncomfortable. Even Fghje, who's used to being silent all the time, felt a bit uneasy.

As one of the King's Personal Guard, it is Fghje's duty to always attend to the King's needs, and that includes standing by the corner as immobile and as quietly as he could. And yet, even after all that training, he felt the need to speak to Yuuta as the silence over them worsened.


"Um,"  They both said simultaneously. "Please speak, I am more than happy to lend you my ears. It would be a sin to inconvenience you as an expected guest of the King."

Yuuta gulped.

"I was just wondering why you could fluently speak human language." Yuuta continued. He hesitated to ask the question at first but he thought that he should at least ask something now that silence befell them.