Into the Real World

"Are you sure that, it? You don't want to get anything else?" King Faier worriedly asked. Just like Fghje, he was a bit perplexed as to why Yuuta chose the commonest of items in the treasury when he actually had an opportunity to get anything therein. Yuuta, on the other hand, wanted an amicable relationship with the king of the Minths and that's why he did what he had to. In any case, all the things that he procured from the treasury were actually pretty useful. Starting from the Nightmare Octopus, the Crismorb Prison, then to the weapons and armor that the Minths have, Yuuta was pretty much an unstoppable force if he were to engage in combat with any adventurer out there. Of course, if he were to fight against Minths, he wouldn't stand a chance against them but right now, no human can stop him. Even Lav Kravia, who is leaps and bounds stronger than him, is not even a match anymore.