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Yuuta had a hard time adjusting to his new mundane lifestyle when he got his eyes back. In the history of mankind, Yuuta was the third person to ever develop the skills of enhanced senses and echolocation and he got quite used to it this past year. That's why when he regained his eyesight, he had a hard time getting used to it. It was a different case when he was in the World of Lucid since he already fully accepted the fact that he could see in-game. But seeing in real life became more of a bother to him than an advantage since he couldn't get used to the surroundings that were both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

He also couldn't bear to look at his younger sister eye's nor his dad's since he didn't know what to tell them every time he did so. Every time their eyes met, he badly wanted to apologize to them for being a burden... or something along those lines. And that thought of guilt made him speechless.