Daisuke's Monologue

"Aethereal Detection." Daisuke simply answered.

There were a lot of question marks flying around Yuuta's head when Daisuke simply named one of the five exclusive skills of a Minth. As far as he knows, the Aethereal Detection could only detect the locations of the Minths on a certain location. The range is usually 5-10 kilometers long which is enough to cover almost the entire City of Zenith. This certain skill is pretty useful at detecting nearby Minths but that's about it, or so that's what Yuuta thought. Surprisingly, he didn't really think about the usage of the skill that much, or maybe he was too focused on one usage of the skill that he forgot the usage of the other. In any case,  Yuuta couldn't believe that he missed such a cool function of the skill.