Sakurai Yui— A Day in the World of Lucid III

Before they could descend down the third floor, Yui already had mixed feelings about their quest due to the strange atmosphere that she felt. The others felt it too, but they disregarded it just like her. The only thing in their minds right now is their quest and that they had to complete it in order to be accepted as an adventurer. They didn't even realize that they're walking straight into the lion's den, brushing off the warning signs that they instinctively received.

With a nod, Hiro led everyone to the third floor and a huge gust of wind immediately swept them off their feet. After flying a few meters away due to the wind pressure, they regained their senses and realized that there was something wrong with the third floor of the Zenith Dungeon.

"We have to go back!" Hiro screamed at the top of his lungs. Due to the wind pressure, however, the others could barely hear him.