History of the Great War

"It's Myrkidhr... it was all because of him!" Kazunari continued.

"Myrkidhr? That Myrkidhr? But... I thought he was dead!" Kazehara asked, his face filled with confusion. "Didn't he die during the Great War?"

"No he didn't, apparently he escaped to another dimension... so the stories about the legendary hero who defeated him was not true at all. But then again, since when was history accurately recorded here. Even we don't know a lot about the Great War— no surprise there since everything about the Great War had been kept secret throughout the centuries."

If the King's Intelligent Service had limited knowledge when it comes to the Great War, then Yuuta knew even less information about it. Even now that they're talking about Myrkidhr, he didn't know how he fit into the picture since he didn't know who or what Myrkidhr was. All he knew was that he apparently played a big part during the Great War, enough to earn him a spot to be remembered.