Not Much of a Choice

"And— too close!" Aldunn smiled a mischievous smile. "That was too close for comfort! A Crismorb Prison? Really?! Are you being serious right now?"

Yuuta's jaws almost fell out of his mouth as he watched Aldunn throw the Crismorb Prison back at him. Since Yuuta was the exclusive owner of the Crismorb Prison, he wasn't sucked inside it when Aldunn threw it back at him. But what he was most surprised by was the fact that Aldunn easily caught the Crismorb Prison and threw it at him. Usually, a normal lucidian or dreamer would already be sucked inside the Crismorb Prison with no hope of escape. However, Aldunn wasn't consumed by the Crismorb Prison. Somehow, he managed to escape being caught.

"H-how did you do that?" Yuuta asked, but he didn't worry too much since Kazunari was able to bring his dad and younger sister over to their side. Even if Aldunn were to attack them now, Yuuta would've plenty of options to counterattack or escape since the rescue was done.