Yuuta's History II

"Of course! It wasn't even a close fight, he won by a landslide! It was the first time I saw him fight like a real professional. At first, I even thought that I was dreaming since he moved better than most fighters in the underground. He's agile, but don't let his speed deceive you. Every punch or kick he unleashes packs a serious oomph, and his every move has pinpoint accuracy. It's as if he's been training behind my back all this time, or maybe he was just mocking me  but I don't think that's the case." Daichi-san continued as if he was talking about his own son rather than talking about someone else's son to his father. "And I couldn't believe what I saw that day. Did you know that while he was fighting in that match, he had his eyes closed the whole time? I didn't notice it at first but when someone pointed it out to me, I immediately checked the records of his previous fights and as it turned out, he really does close his eyes whenever he fights."