An Action Movie

"Nooo!" King Faier screamed

But just when Myrkidhr was about to stab the System Creator, something sparked and illuminated the entire area in a split second, making everyone blink for a single moment before they realized that something must've happened. For Kazunari, it was just a flash of light that temporarily blinded him, but as for King Faier, Prince Reifa, and Aarkra, the flash of light seemed to bruise their skin as it touched them. All of them flinched simultaneously, letting out a slight scream as the burns on their body became more evident.

"What was that?" Surprised, King Faier let out an exclamation. He thought that maybe the System Creator unleashed a part of her energy but seeing the System Creator still on the ground after the blink made it obvious that she wasn't the one who caused the flash— it was someone else.