Side Stories IV— A Potential Suitor

The Demon Army's confidence grew stronger the nearer they marched towards the Aisha Continent. They knew for a fact that a single member of their military could take on hundreds of human beings. Furthermore, their numbers are much superior compared to humans. They could easily win this invasion.

Just when they were about to step foot on the boundary of the Aisha Continent, however, a bright light erupted from an orb that one human threw at them. There were at least a dozen orbs thrown and all of them emitted a shining flash of light.

For a few seconds, the Demon Race halted their march and stared at the orbs being thrown on the wide-open space where the battle was going to transpire. Just then, a creature came out of the orbs— small octopi that seemed harmless. Every Demon on sight was confused as to why octopi were released where the battle will be held.

Then they started getting bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.