[Yang Menghuo POV]

"Sir, the girl that hired you from that application, is waiting in the café."

"Is she alone?" Menghuo asked.


"The café has been cleared from other customers as well?" Menghuo asked again to confirm.

"Yes, sir. She is currently sitting alone, just with our men watching over. In case Madam's subordinates are eyeing your first date," the guy on the call said.

"Okay, I will come," Menghuo turned off the call and directed his helicopter to the helipad of Lunaris Hotel. A hotel owned by him as another investment. After his helicopter landed on the helipad, Yang Menghuo came out of his helicopter, and few hotel servants were already waiting.

"Sir, your private Penthouse suite has been prepared. Do you want to rest first?" One servant asked.

"No, I have a meeting with someone. I will return back after I take her with me," Yang Menghuo said. He walked past the hotel servants who lined up the path for him. Menghuo used his private lift down to the first floor.

He looked at himself in the lift mirror, "Ah, actor-worth face, tall, great fashion sense, great body, and mesmerizing eyes. This woman is fortunate to have me as her date. I bet she will be crying in shock because of how handsome her date is."

"Of course, dating me is like dating a handsome male lead in a romantic comedy novel," Yang Menghuo kept on praising himself and made few cool expressions in the mirror, ready to woo this Shi Ying, his first client.


The lift stopped on the ground floor alongside his phone, getting a notification, a text message from a woman he absolutely despised.

*Witch Daiyu: MengMeng baby, I will return to China today. Will you come and pick me up at the airport? Love you so much, MengMeng baby :kiss:*

Menghuo shuddered when reading the text. This girl was relentless about having him as her husband. But he knew that it was just a farce because Li Daiyu's father was his father's subordinate, and marrying him means climbing to a higher branch.

He had a promise to that person fifteen years ago that he would make that person his bride… or groom… or bride? Maybe groom? Menghuo was still confused because his first love wore a batman cape and mask, and that person made Menghuo the robin.

And that batman asked him to call him/her Batman-Jie.

Menghuo felt the Batman-Jie of his childhood was actually a girl because of the voice. But Batman-Jie was tall, and Batman-Jie could beat up the bullies. Batman-Jie also refused to tell Menghuo the real name or identity because he/she was a superhero.

And superhero never revealed their identity.

Anyway, Menghuo didn't care about Batman-Jie's gender and identity. What he knew was that he fell in love with Batman-Jie for so long, and he would marry Batman-Jie nevertheless.

"Batman-Jie, I will find you…" Menghuo pondered for a moment before he walked to the café. He saw his private soldier was standing and guarding the door. He gave the soldier a glance, and the soldier bowed his head respectfully.

"Sir, your guest, is inside," the soldier said.

Yang Menghuo nodded once before entering the café. His head immediately darted on a woman in her late twenty, with medium cut hair. She wore a white shirt and slim skirt that accentuated her waist… kind of.

'Hm… not that pretty. But not bad looking either. Enough as fake girlfriend for a while.'

She was staring outside, eyeing his private soldier.

'Why is she staring at that man when there is me, obviously the most handsome man here,' Menghuo thought.

He stood in front of the woman and waited for the woman to be shocked, cry out of excitement, or maybe drool.

The girl finally shifted her attention to Menghuo. Her eyes checked Menghuo from head to toes. She nodded approvingly, seemingly enjoying the view.

'Ah, she is definitely awed by my handsomeness now. It's okay. I will let you gaze upon this beauty that will be your fake boyfriend in the future. This is the beauty of male actor in romcom drama!'

However, contrary to his expectation, the woman shifted her attention outside again, staring at the private soldier.

Menghuo felt humiliated when his supposed spotlight was stolen by a random soldier he hired for this occasion. He sat on the opposite chair to block the woman's line of sight. But the woman had the audacity to tilt her head to check the soldier out again.

"Ah, what a handsome soldier," she said.

Yang Menghuo felt disgraced to be beaten by a random soldier. He finally called the woman out, "Hey, don't you see that I'm here?"

The woman finally spared a glance at Menghuo. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Handsome Meng God! How could you—How could you even see another man when the most handsome man is sitting in front of you!?:

"Ah…" the woman observed Menghuo from head to toe again. Her eyes were unimpressed. She checked on her watch and said, "Handsome Meng God, you are late for thirty minutes. Don't you think you owe me an apology?"

"B—But… you just paid 100 Yuan for—"

"Aish, it is not about the money. It's about integrity! Handsome Meng God, are you an office worker? If you are, this kind of tardiness is not good for your track record!"


"Also, you seem to be younger than me. How old are you?"

"… Twenty-five…"

"I am going to be twenty-seven in a month. You should address the older one with an honorific. Don't just 'hey' me, at least you should address me with Jie, understand?"

"… Yes, jiejie…"

"Good," the woman nodded. "That's a good boy."

"Yes, thank you, Jie…" Menghuo said obediently.

He paused for a moment. It took him a while to process what just happened.

"Wait, I'm not your dog!"