Robin Yang was flustered with my overreaction, but not really, though. What man suggested his date to go to KFC for their first lunch date! Where is the elegance or cutesy feeling? What did he want me to do? Lick my greasy fingers and on greasy lips and say:

'Mmm… yes, finger-licking good! Baby, this is a perfect first date!'

Okay, that didn't sound too bad, and I should've given myself an innuendo warning.

Robin Yang blinked few times and frowned. "Don't you all common people often go to this fast-food restaurant to eat? I know it is very unhealthy, but you guys seem to like it so much."

"Well, yes, but not on the first date!" I chided. "Why are you speaking like that anyway? You act high and mighty, like a rich second generation who never eat KFC!"

Robin Yang's eyes widened when I accused him. "H—How could you—"

"What? Now you want to act like one? Come on, drop the pretence! We know this is not a rom-com novel with a billionaire or CEO!" I chided again. Robin Yang seemed to think for a while and nodded.

"Okay, yeah, I'm just a regular man struggling to get my ends meet," Robin Yang said. He stood from the chair and fixed his turtleneck, "Shall we leave now?"

"To where?"

"To KFC," he said nonchalantly.

"Why KFC ah!? Let's find another place to eat—"


"KFC?" Robin Yang asked again.


I cursed myself for not eating before coming here. Because I need to fit this tight skirt from Shi Qiang, So I didn't eat dinner last night and only eat a piece of bread before coming and drank that iced coffee. 'I swear this will be the last time I take Shi Qiang's advice. Her style is definitely not mine!'

Robin Yang and I walked to KFC, but I saw plenty of men dressed in black bypassed us and walked inside the KFC. Almost everyone got kicked out of the restaurant after a moment, leaving the previously crowded KFC empty, like it was solely reserved for them.

"Huh? Should we change restaurant? I feel like there will be a powerful person coming to KFC soon," I commented. "But why would an important person come to KFC?"

"Let's just go in. You are starving, right?" Robin Yang said.

They walked in and went to the counter. "Three chicken breasts and a burger, oh a cola also!" I ordered. I glanced at Robin Yang, who looked at the menu in confusion. I nudged him with my elbow, "What do you want to eat? I know you are a broke man, so Jie will treat you here."

Robin Yang scratched his head. He was unsure what to order because everything looked abnormally cheap for him. But finally said, "Uh… a burger."

The worker looked nervous, maybe because she was being stared at by many big men in black suits. I wondered and asked her, "Will an important man be coming here? Those people in black suits look suspicious."

The worker gulped and glanced at Robin Yang, who crossed his arm but looked nonchalant. She glanced back at me and shook her head, "No, everything is normal. But…" the worker glanced at Robin Yang nervously.

I understood what this woman felt. I patted Robin Yang's shoulder and said, "This handsome guy is my boyfriend. This guy is indeed very handsome, but he is still an aspiring model and artist. I am his senior, so it's on me. I will wait until he is rich, so he can spoil me. Hahaha!" I joked.

I paid the total amount. But the worker only stared at my money. She glanced at Robin Yang again and then took the money nervously. "Why are you so nervous? Do you want my money or not?" I asked.

"T—Thank you…" she said while accepting my money.

I shrugged and pulled Robin Yang to sit near the window. We waited until our food is ready, but strangely, the worker arranged everything and delivered it as if we were in a fancy restaurant.

"What is this? Why would they give us cutlery? We are literally eating fried chicken!" I went to the sink and washed my hand. I looked at Robin Yang, who stared at me incredulously. "What? Do you eat your burger with a knife?"


"Then wash your hand ah!"

'Aish, this kid, why does he keep acting like a young master who doesn't know about commoner life? I know everyone wants to be that kind of rich kid, but here is real life!'

I ate the fried chicken first. I was so hungry since I hadn't eaten anything since last night, so I ordered two rice bowls to fill me. Robin Yang returned after washing his hand, then he stared at me with confusion.

"You… really eat like that?" Robin Yang asked.

I gave him a side glance at answered, "Of course! I'm so hungry today, sit and eat with me!"

Robin Yang sat in front of me, but he didn't touch his burger at all. He just kept staring at me as if I'm a lioness at the zoo. Truthfully, I've already discarded that second rule from Shi Qiang about eating like a princess.

I have fasted for the whole night, and half a day already, I deserved to eat like Shrek!

Besides, this guy was the one who brought me here, so he must have expected me to eat like an average human.

So far, I've cleaned everything, two bowls of rice, three chicken breasts and a big mac. I drank my cola and ate the free pudding. I saw that Robin Yang still stared at me with his burger untouched.

"Hey, you don't want your burger? Aish, this kid. I bought it for you with my hard-earned money," I chided again. Robin Yang looked at his burger and then slid it to me.

"Ying Jie, you can eat it."

"Huh? Why? Are you not hungry?"

"I like seeing you eat. I like a girl with appetite."