[Yang Menghuo POV]

"What did you just say?" Shi Ying asked.

"N—Nothing!" Yang Menghuo zipped his mouth immediately. He accidentally slipped out his subconscious thought. Because when Ying Jie said that she could be the breadwinner when she got married, Yang Menghuo's first subconscious thought was…

'I don't want Ying Jie to suffer. She has been working too hard to provide for her family. I want to shower her with everything I have…'

'So I want to be the provider for her.'

Shi Ying squinted at Meng Bao, who suddenly zipped his mouth. She thought she heard that Meng Bao wanted to be the provider instead, as if they would be married in the future. Which… for Shi Ying, that didn't sound too bad at all!

True, Shi Ying was yet to have that throbbing feeling in her heart when she faced Meng Bao. But she also felt that Meng Bao was a good man. He was considerate, cheesy, and handsome. Those feelings can be developed later when they might become an old married couple.

And for money? Aish, Shi Ying could provide for Meng Bao! She was a true supporter of equality!

"You sure you said nothing?" Shi Ying asked with a bit of hope in her heart.

Yang Menghuo was afraid that Ying Jie might get a strange thought. Although Ying Jie was a very interesting woman that could make him comfortable, he didn't want to give Ying Jie hope. Because he was still searching for his Batman-Jie.

And he would not give up to find Batman-Jie. He believed that Batman-Jie also kept her promise to not get married until Menghuo returned.

Thus, Yang Menghuo shook his head and tried to shift the conversation, "It's nothing, Ying Jie. You must've misheard. Anyway, how about your parents, we will go to your hometown next week, right? Can you tell me the do's and don'ts when I meet your parents?"

Shi Ying was disappointed when Meng Bao said that she had misheard. Shi Ying was 100% sure that she didn't mishear. She looked at Meng Bao and sighed. She looked down to avoid Meng Bao's eyes and replied, "Well, my parents are very conservative, you know. They are village people, so they think that I'm about to be 27 and still unmarried is a curse. They thought nobody would want to marry me in the future. So they start matching me with some random dudes."

"Well, since they are conservative, try to wear some simple shirt in front of my parents. Try to be polite and bow your head when you see them. As in for the scenario, just say that you and I met in a café and you got interested in me—"

"—Then I approached you, saying that you are my type, then asked for your number," Yang Menghuo snipped Shi Ying and added more ideas in their scenario.

"That's good. And then we had our first date in KFC, you said that you like a girl who has an appetite—"

"—And I accidentally wiped your make up, so I saw your bare face and realized that you are also pretty without make up—"

"—And you brought me to the nearest park. We were sitting on a bench under the magnolia tree. I asked you when we will meet your parents—"

"—Later, we went to the cinema and won a lottery. I fell asleep on your shoulder while you watched a horror movie—"

"—Then we decided to separate because I thought that you are not my type. But through some weird error in my phone, we met again here, found out that we might be a good match, and now we are asking for my parents' blessing for our marriage—"

"—Sometimes later, I will take you to meet my parents. Then we will hold our wedding somewhere nice, it will be a grand wedding—"

"—Can we even afford it, though?" Shi Ying chuckled happily. "How many children do you want?"

"I… I still haven't think about it. But I'm an only child, so I want my child to have lots of siblings. I will help to take care of our babies," Yang Menghuo answered.

"Do you think you can be a good dad? Taking care of a baby is not easy, you know," Shi Ying teased.

"I will try my best, Ying Jie."

"Do you think that will happen in the future for sure?" Shi Ying asked.

"I really wish it is that simple, Ying Jie..." Menghuo replied.

They stared at each other for a moment. Yang Menghuo could sense such warmth from Ying Jie's eyes. It gave him comfort that he longed for. It was the same gaze that he longed from Batman-Jie. He felt guilty because he was thinking of someone else while staring at the woman in front of him.

But Yang Menghuo couldn't help it.

'If only Ying Jie is Batman-Jie. I'd be the happiest man on earth…'

In this short moment, they felt the world was only for them….

Until Yang Menghuo's phone rang…

Yang Menghuo clicked his tongue in annoyance. Someone just ruined his moment with Ying Jie. He checked the caller, and his mood was completely ruined.

*Witch Daiyu is Calling.*