"Alexander Priest?" I frowned and then glanced at the handsome man again. He still had that smug grin on his face, which… actually didn't look too bad. Maybe because he was really good looking, it made a smug grin turned into a deadly charm. 

From his obviously European Caucasian facial feature, his platinum blonde hair and deep blue eyes, I bet my money that he couldn't speak Chinese. I turned my head at Xiao Xue again and asked, "Did he use Google Translate or something to talk to you?"

"N—No, actually, he is really good at Chinese. When I complimented him about his speaking, he said that he has travelled around the globe since he was a kid, so he picked up many languages," Xiao Xue said.

"I didn't know that a foreigner can be so fluent at speaking Chinese," Xiao Xue added. "Ying Jie, you are Mr. Yang's secretary. You should ask him and ask his number, hehe."

"Aish, Xiao Xue, don't you remember that foreigners usually only play around with the locals! Most of them will never get serious!" I said and dismissed Xiao Xue's request. 

I strutted towards the man called Alexander Priest and then bowed my head gently. Since Xiao Xue said this man could speak Chinese fluently, so I didn't try to speak English with him.

"Good Morning, Sir. My name is Shi Ying. I'm Mr. Yang Zhuhuo's secretary. Pardon me to ask this, but you didn't seem to have any scheduled meeting with Mr. Yang. May I see if you've made a personal schedule with him by text or email? Thank you."

Alexander Priest stared at me, and then he chuckled, "I didn't know that Uncle Yang has a beautiful secretary."

I was stunned on the spot. Well, besides Alexander Priest's magnetic voice, I didn't expect someone to compliment me. I stared at Alexander Priest, not knowing how to answer that question. Because I knew that he was not really serious when he said that I was beautiful. That was just a simple lie, probably to insult me.

'I should've drawn my eyebrows better today, aish…' I complained to myself. 

"Excuse me, sir. You haven't answered my question," I said. "Can you show me the proof that you've made a schedule with Mr. Yang?"

"Sure," Alexander Priest smiled. He called someone with his phone, and after a while, he talked with the man on the call, "Good Morning, Uncle Yang. I'm in your office already. Your beautiful secretary asked me whether I have a schedule with you… okay."

Alexander Priest handed the phone to me and said, "Uncle Yang wants to talk to you."

I took the phone and put it on my ear, "Hello?"

"Secretary Shi, that's Alexander Priest, my second son! He's going to be your boss soon! Go treat him well and take him to my room. I'm on my way to the office," Mr. Yang said. 

I almost jumped when I heard this man in front of me would be my boss in the future. First, he never showed up in the office, and suddenly, he was now my boss? And second, he looked more like an actor or model rather than an office worker! And the fact that Mr. Yang said this guy was his second son… 

'If I remember correctly, Mr Yang only has Yang Menghuo as his son. Did he cheat on Madam Yang? No, no, there's no way. I'm pretty sure Madam Yang would castrate Mr. Yang three times if he dared to do that.'

Hiding the surprise in my head, I obeyed my boss' order, "Yes, Boss, understood."


I returned the phone to Alexander Priest and then said, "Mr. Priest, please follow me to the top floor. Mr. Yang will arrive soon." 

Alexander Priest followed me silently, and we entered the executive lift reserved for Mr. Yang and other important guests. Once the lift door closed and went up, Alexander Priest suddenly approached me on the lift and asked, "So, what's your name? I can't call you Miss Beautiful Secretary forever, right? Or would you rather let me call you that?" he asked jokingly.

"My name is Shi Ying, Sir. You can call me Secretary Shi," I answered professionally. 

"Shi Ying, huh, nice name," Alexander Priest said. As the lift continued to go up, he closed his distance with me. In fact, he was so close that I could sense his shoulder covered the light. I looked up and saw that he was looking down at me with a charming smile. 

It just came upon me to realize that Alexander Priest was really tall. He was probably around Meng Bao's height, just a bit taller, probably around 190 centimetres, since Meng Bao was 186 in his data in Rent A Boyfriend app.

Alexander Priest leaned in to make his head around the same level as mine, so I could inspect all his perfect facial feature. Truthfully, I've never seen someone so handsome that it made me stunned silly. Especially his platinum blonde hair, which made him stood out so much in a good way.

His masculine sandalwood perfume also made me intoxicated for a few second.

"You can call me Alex from now on, don't be too awkward with me since we will be entangled for a long time, right? My Secretary Shi," Alex said.


The sound of the lift finally reaching the top floor coincide with Alex, who suddenly kissed my cheek softly and intimately. His lips almost touched the edge of my lips. 

"That's how we greet in my country, Faire La Bise. Don't get the wrong impression, Secretary Shi… or maybe you can get the wrong impression, I wouldn't mind as well," Alex chuckled as he walked to Mr. Yang's office, leaving me stunned silly alone in the lift. 

'Is that how they greet in France?' I wondered.


This is extra chapter for reaching 100 Powerstones milestone this week, thank you everyone~*