"You hear that, Li Daiyu? My son is currently in Switzerland, making butter for a woman that he loved. I have nothing to answer. It's clear already. You can leave now."

I darted my eyes at Li Daiyu, wanting to know her reaction. She was stupefied at first, but not for long. She recovered soon and then rolled her eyes. 

She crossed her legs and raised her chin arrogantly. "Have you seen that woman's face, Uncle Yang? I warn you, you should bring a bucket for yourself."

"A bucket?"

"Yeah, because you will puke when you see that woman, I guarantee!" Li Daiyu said. I kept thinking if this woman was someone else Meng Bao dated, or it was…. Me.

'Wait, me? Am I that ugly?' I started to get self-conscious about myself. I looked in the mirror, and I didn't think I was that bad-looking. Sure, I was average at best, but it definitely wasn't unpleasant to look at.