"Shi Ying, I want you."

I paused for a good while after Alex confessed like this. I stared at his glimmering eyes. I couldn't read minds, but at least, his earnest eyes really told me that Alex was serious about this.

Alexander Priest actually wanted me, a mediocre, leftover woman. 

I couldn't help but have the urge to ask him, "Why do you want me anyway? Is it only because you think I'm just a simple woman?"

"Partly because you aren't problematic," Alex replied. "But that's just one reason, the main reason is… because your aura really shines as a woman that I want to marry. The moment I saw you, I got attracted immediately, like a magnet."

"Do you know that I've stopped seeing other women after I got to know you? I want to show you that I am serious about this, Ying Jie. And I would be the luckiest man on earth to be able to marry you…."