"Yes! Even without make-up, your face is glowing with such a beautiful mature aura. You're like a mature queen!" The staff praised again. She ordered the order staff, "Call Young Master! He needs to see this!"

Everyone was so excited, except me, who was actually a tad nervous. 

I got used to hearing Meng Bao praising me to the moon and back, but I got used to it because I never thought it was true. 

Maybe it was true for Baobao, but for me, it sounded more like a kid trying to praise something that he really loved as if he was looking at a superhero. 

I stood there silently, waiting for Meng Bao to come. When Meng Bao finally came, I saw his eyes were covered with a red ribbon, as if this was meant to be a surprise. 

"What did you guys do to my Jie? If you did something crazy to her, then I'll make sure that I'll throw you all to the crocodile pit—"