"Thank you for everything, Ying Jie. Thank you for saving me."

We returned to the hotel for dinner. Meng Bao and I decided to have the first dinner date, the official one. So after taking a bath, Meng Bao waited outside of my room and knocked politely, "Jiejie, are you ready?"


I zipped the back of this evening gown and walked to the door. 

I saw Meng Bao wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a butterfly tie when I opened the door. 

He looked so handsome, not that he wasn't handsome before. But tonight, he looked so amazing, especially when he slicked his hair back, showing his usually hidden forehead. 

I just realized that Meng Bao looked a lot like young Mr. Yang, his father. But a lot more handsome because of Madam Evelynn Yang's blue eyes and sharp gaze.