[Yang Menghuo POV]

"She was the one who told me that my parents loved me, despite me having no hope towards my parents."

"So please understand that she is very important in my heart. She is the reason why I can be with you two right now. Even without your blessing, I will still marry Ying Jie."

Everyone was stunned, including Ying Jie. Yang Menghuo understood that Ying Jie must've not expected him to be so upfront about his feeling and announced in front of their parents that none of the matters because he would still marry Ying Jie nonetheless.

But for Yang Menghuo, he had planned this way before this family meeting. He knew that Ying Jie would never allow him to say such a thing because family mattered the most for her.

While for Menghuo, the family didn't matter a lot as long as they didn't provide him with enough love. What he did right now was the same thing they did to him when he was a kid.