Chapter-35<A long way up-5>

Xander was intoxicated by the alcohol. But even in the influence of alcohol, he didn't give away any information related to the sacred temple or the pieces of the key. And Arvin didn't push him either. If Arvin would have forced him to talk about the keys then it could have blown Arvin's cover. Considering that Xander had seen Arvin in his transformed form he would never let his guard down in front of the stranger.

But it turns out that the talk with Xander was more resourceful than Arvin thought. Xander told him about the Aurora clan and his current enemy Grahmin clan. They were supposed to be allies. But recently due to some events, they have become enemies. On the third floor, these two clans hold a significant amount of power and it could be said that they have equal footing. But they were not alone. There was a third organization that also had the same power as these clans.