Chapter-49<The stone city-5>

Arvin followed and the groups of the soldiers from a distance. Their group unlike the normal guards that were helping citizens, they were going straight for their destination. In between they came across a man that was stuck under the debris. But they straight away ignored him and kept on walking.

From this  Arvin inferred that maybe these people were on a very important quest or something. Or from what Arvin knew the fennec fox unlike the humans were very passionate for the people of their own race. And if they are ignoring a person of their race in distress that shit is about to get real…

As Arvin was following them he noticed that these guys were going towards two mana signatures. Curious about will happen next Arvin quietly followed them. Soon Arvin came across a building. It was a small 2 story building. But the outside door of the building there two male fennec foxes were standing. They were the strong mana signature that Arvin felt from afar.