3. Proud Little Daughters.

Titan only wished for a happy family, but they never let him have it. And he was going to fulfill his last wishes by seeing his little girl Athena taking revenge for him, and for her mother.

And he was going to help her at his best, and make her understand about the things as much as he could with his spirit, and he knew some things would hurt her, but someday she would become stronger and stronger with time, and he would be so proud of his daughters one day…

But he just prayed to the moon goddess not to make them suffer much, as he couldn't bear seeing his daughter suffering because of him!

Athena is crying on her sister's shoulder when she felt Lupus spirit coming close to her mother who was sleeping peacefully in her lap.

Her wolf Raksha tried to contact with him with her power's but as she is not at her proper age, she couldn't do much with her power's as it just a spirit and could only feel him, couldn't even see him.

Athena made her mother Zelda go to sleep with her power's. If she didn't do that now her mother would practically beg both the sisters to kill her because the heart ache is to much.

Athena wished that her mother would be back to normal in the next half and hour because Athena was scared that the people who her dad fought with will find them.

Lupus felt his mate's feelings because he didn't leave to realm and he hopes that his mate will feel him to because if she felt him she will not feel that much pain as she felt before he came here.

The next 30min's passed in intense silence. Lupus was sitting near his mate while watching his two girl's who were wrapped around each other. Athena now felt her power wearing of her mother and Zelda started to wakeup slowly she left like a piece of her was missing but also, she felt like her mate was close to her.

Zelda looked around and saw nothing but she saw a Shadow like shape sitting near her. It had a shape of a wolf. She felt drawn to it and she only felt it to one person her mate. She wated to cry but held it in and saw her two little girls wrapped around each other crying.

"Ath... Athena.. R..rachel..." Zelda called her daughters with her heavy breath.

Rachel and Athena looked up and was by there mom's side in a second.

Rachel hugged her mom tightly and cried on in her chest.

"What happened to you, Mom? You were crying one second and fell on to the ground the next?" Rachel asked and Zelda gave her a small smile as she cupped her face in her hands and lokked into her eyes.

"Nothing happened to me, Rachel... I am good." Zelda answered and Rachel hugged her again tightly.

Athena looked at her mother and sadly smiled at her and signed with her hands asking, "Are you alright?"

Zelda smiled at Athena and said.

"I am fine. Thank you, Athena."

Athena shook her head with a smile and signed again asking, "Will you be able to run?"

Zelda suddenly remembered the situation they are in and got up with Rachel still in her arms.

Zelda said, "I can run. We just have to run for 30 more mins to get to human territory. Those people who is after us can't do anything to us there. Come on let's go!"

All the girls go up hurridly, Zelda was heartbroken but her energy was as good as before because Lupus spirit was helping her through the broken heart but still there mate bond is powerful.

Zelda picked up Rachel in her arms again and started running again. She and Athena both felt Lupus spirit following them closely protecting them but he couldn't help them much as he is just a spirit and his powers are not at all working to connect with Athena's even though how hard he try... He just couldn't!

The route they were running through is a very risky one and there is very high risk that rogue's might attack them.

Zelda was so scared as she run towards the way... Lupus have his eyes all the way around as he knows that Rogue's can be dangerous for his family and can do anything in just a seconds without thinking about anything... He is trying his best to know to Athena about the way and how dangerous it is and Athena is doing her best too keep her eyes all the way around and protect her mother, sister no matter what!

Zelda and two girls have to be very careful as they run towards the way and were trying there best to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Athena was looking out for all four side's because she has never stepped into human territory.

Titan has always warned Athena about this way but she was going to get both her mother and sister out of this place safe. Her wolf Raksha, was really protective of her mother and sister because they both were human's. Athena knows that her mother, Zelda and Her sister Rachel is really are very vulnerable right now which make's them easy targets to the rogues.

Even though her mother, Zelda can fight a werewolf or any space shifter for the matter of fact she just lost her mate which has affected her on an another level. She just wished her mother, Zelda would find peace in the place they are going but she is sure that it's going to be so hard for them...

Athena felt that Lupus is looking at her and she took a deep breath. With her power, she tried to make him understand that everything will be fine.

Athena promised again to Lupus thag she is going to take care of her mother, Zelda and her sister, Rachel very well.