

It was too cold outside with a clear sky at night when Athena, who was just 13 years old, laid on the bed. She felt too tired lately and had no idea why…!

She was dressed in her white nightgown. Her brown hair was so long and swayed gently. She closed her eyes to sleep but opened them as she didn't feel good. She could see the full moon from the window.

A ray of light shined through the curtains. Her face glowed when the light fell on her face. She slowly stood up and walked towards the window. She looked outside with a smile. She could see the trees and flowers. A big tree was near the window. She saw the shining moon rays reaching the room, passing through the branches of the tree. She felt the power of nature. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The night was calm. She opened her eyes and a strange power glowed on her face. 

Her eyes shone bright gold and her hands were glowing. She looked at the window and she saw herself on the moon. Her body felt very hot and her hands were burning. She could feel the power of nature inside her. She closed her eyes as she could feel the power in her hands. 

She felt like the fire was burning inside her. Her body began to change. She felt the power of the moon on her body. Her body started to change. Her body was burning. She felt a strange change on her chest. Her hands and feet were burning. 

Suddenly, she felt an unbearable pain in her body. She could feel the fur growing on her whole body. She frowned seeing it and suddenly, her back started paining. She looked at her back and saw the tail growing. 

She screamed in shock seeing that and suddenly, she saw the claws growing from her fingers. She started breathing heavily.She panicked seeing that and the pain on her body felt unbearable.

That pain was like she was inside a fire. She felt the power of the moon on her body and slowly , the pain was becoming more and more. Her body burned. She could feel the pain on her face. Fur was growing all over the face. Her canines were growing to Fangs.

She felt the pain on her legs. Her hands and feet were growing hard. She felt the pain on her hands. She felt the pain on her fingers. She felt the pain on her legs. She felt the pain on her tail…!

She saw the fur growing on her hands. She felt the pain on her fingers...

She shrieked her heart out again seeing this. Her voice grew more like a howl and she felt like she was being torn apart. 

She was horrified with the voice. She was howling and then she realised that that was the time for her to transform into a werewolf. 

She could feel the fur growing on her face. Her fangs grew longer and sharper in her mouth. Her nails grew longer and sharper on her fingers.

Her eyes glowed and she could see the colour of the fur on her face. She was transforming into a werewolf. 

Listening to the howling voice, Rachel and Dean ran inside her bedroom and saw her crying out loud.

"ATHENA." Rachel yelled as she stepped back in fear seeing the fur all over her body.

"DEAN. JUST DO SOMETHING. SAVE MY SISTER. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HER?" Rachel yelled but Dean just stared at Athena with his wide eyes.

"This is the time that she is turning into a werewolf. We can't stop it." Dean said, making Rachel's eyes wide.

Athena slowly crawled towards the mirror and saw her eyes turning into red colour and fur growing on her body. 

She was shocked and turned around to see her sister and Dean. She growled at them showing her sharp teeth. 

Rachel screamed when she saw Athena's face suddenly change to a wolf. 

Athena walked towards them showing her sharp teeth and Dean pushed Rachel aside and walked towards Athena.

"Athena, it's me. Dean." He said with a calm voice.

Athena growled at him and slowly walked towards him. 

Dean was about to reach her but suddenly, Athena fell down with pain. 

Dean saw that the more fur started growing on her body and her back twitched, making Athena yell in pain.