A powerful wolf.

"I am going to heal you with my supernatural healing power. I will make you all better with my supernatural healing power. I will make you all a family. My healing power will make you all better." Raksha said with a smile making the Rouges' eyes wide open.

'You don't have to be scared of anything. I have enherited supernatural powers.' Raksha said making the Rouges nod their heads.

They never imagined that the pack leader would be so kind to them. They never imagined that Athena would be so kind to them.

'I am a mute woman but I am a powerful wolf. I am a wolf with supernatural powers. I will try my best to make you all better. I just want you to forget about your past and be faithful to me." Raksha said with a smile making the Rouges' eyes wide open.

They all nodded their heads in yes. They all believed in Athena and her supernatural healing power. They were all very greatful for her kindness. They all believed that she will heal them and make them a family. They all believed that she will make them forget about their past.

"You can call me Athena." Raksha said with a smile making the Rouges' eyes wide open as she is telling them to call her by her name.

They all nodded their heads in yes with a smile.

Athena closed her eyes and stretched her hand and started healing them. They all closed their eyes and bowed down infront of her.

"We are now members of the Lupus pack, Your majesty." A Rouge said with a smile making Athena smile at her.

"The previous pack of mine tortured me a lot just because I tranformed lately..." A Rouge said making Athena take a deep breath.

"My previous pack has kicked me out as I have no parents anymore!" Another Rouge said making Athena sigh.

'I can understand and I am sorry you have gone through all that.' Raksha said making them take a deep breath.

'Here, you don't at all have to worry about anything... Just, be yourself and take care of my Companies works. Just do Whatever you want. I will never force anyone here.' Raksha said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." All the Rouges said with a smile making Athena smile.

She was a kind woman who was always thinking to help Rouges. She was a woman who was always thinking to change the Rouges and make them a family. The Rouges who they taught has of no use they are the one that is looking after Athena's companies and other few are hunted and investigating who killed Athena's parents.

'I am afraid that I will have to leave you all here. I have to go on a hunt. I will be back soon.' Raksha said with a smile making the Rouges nodded their heads in yes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." They all said and bowed down their heads at her.

Athena walked out of their smiling and nodded her head at Hunter. He followed her back to her office.

'I have healed all the Rouges and made them a family. They are all very greatful for me. And it's good to see them smiling.' Raksha said with a smile making Hunter nod his head in yes.

"It is good to see you smile, Your Majesty." Hunter replied making Athena smile.

She turned around towards him and looked at him.

'Any news about the investigation going on about my parents death?' Raksha asked and hunter shook his head in no.

'Are you serious right now? It's already been 13 years since there death and till now, no a clue.' Raksha barked.

"I am sorry, Your Majesty." Hunter replied making her sigh.

'It's okay, Hunter. I am sorry for being so rude to you. I am just a little bit stressed with this investigation. I have been thinking a lot about it." Raksha said with a sigh.

"It's okay, Your Majesty. I am sorry. I will be more careful and I will not let you down." Hunter replied as he smiled at her.

She smiled back at him and nodded her head in yes.

'Thank you, Hunter.' She said with a smile making Hunter nod his head in yes.