I was saved by your father!

She is not a normal girl who can marry him and have a future. She is a wolf. A wolf... An animal! 

She walked to the end of the woods and looked at the house that is a little far away from her. She sat down on her four paws and kept looking at the house. The building of the house was so big and beautiful that looked like something you would see in a movie or in a dream.

She saw the balcony and the chairs on it and a tall dark haired man sitting on one of the chairs with a bottle in his hand thinking.

She kept looking at the man who is sitting there like a god. He looks like a prince from the stories her mother used to tell her when she was small.

She used to ask her mother "How did you meet father and how did you fell in love a wolf?" And her answer was always the same "We met in the woods and he saved me".